First Timer - Soil - 600W LED - White Widow & Candy Cane Autos - 2x4x7 Tent

I was a little scared to top dress with that much also on my last run, they was only 9 days old when I done it i done it as told by a member on here and im glad I did, my pH stayed in check and I never had any cal or mag problems the whole grow, I still added calmag every watering...️

Thanks, just to clarify though, you top dressed with basically the whole amount (2tsp per gallon) early on right?

NM.. I see the rest of your post now, I must have missed the bottom part first time around.
Day 43 - Morning (week 7 begins) - Rhythm of the night

Week 7 begins (regardless of days monday's are new weeks by my tracking). So this in theory and in progress as best I can tell is beginning of week 3 of full flower for CC and week two for WW it seems, or two and one of 'full\full for sure' going by just progress. lol IDK.

Temps - They were 72-79f (and 74-81 at top tent). RH was 39-53% last 24hr. Clearly mr.dehumidifier is having a negative effect temp wise, I'm really not happy about that, I'd have removed her already but two things have stopped me. The first is the plants have sort of been doing ok last 48hr and I don't want to fk with that even though it's probably got nothing to do with temp\RH atm. The second is I knew it was going to rain last night as well as be shitty and humid today so having a little extra help for a day or two more probably isn't net bad thing. Nearly every morning I open the windows in my house for an hour to get some fresh air in for the plants for the day, but it also lets in humidity like mofo, I usually do this during check-in-picture time and close them after I finish the update post. Last 24hr though Mr.DH pulled about 90ml out total, pfft, my a\c -dry function does that in about 5-10 minutes.

Progress - Well idk what to call it really, Mrs.Widow is now ~14" inches before me trying to still bend her tops a little outward (though frankly I'm out of room in the tent to do any more really) so that's like +1/2" height, unlike CC she still has some flex. CC didn't really move, ~11iches still but, one center top did pop up like 1/2 inch..above the others in center. Hopefully a couple more on her do that like on WW. I tried to tuck a few things on CC center area to maybe have marginally less 'touching' going on so that maybe another top or two gets the idea to grow upward in center. I'm borderline considering removing most (maybe not all) of her edge lashings cause those stalks are hard and the straight upward parts are 85% flowers, figure why even bother keeping them down at this point and get the feeling removing the lashings isn't really going to do much at this point anyway... other than making watering easier.

**I did up my oscillating fan from low to high, the wind difference is fucking massive.
I'm not happy about it and I wouldn't be surprised if I get some mild wind burn on CC as it's only inches away (I can't really change that fact though). Wanted to try it due to higher overall temps, and because I was thinking the difference between when WW's center started 'coming up' was either total coincidence or it was because I flipped on that other fan to high and another from off to low that moved more air across the lower center of the plant on mainly WW side. Theory being the oscillating (on CC's side) one's lower part hits the under part of the plant atm and maybe on high it gets some more air pushed around the center. IDK... gonna try it for 24hr, even though probably pointless trying to micro manage things like this. One thing is FOR Sure now, there is no lack of air movement in that tent, everything has a near constant twitter (it did before this too), along with a strong breeze every few seconds now.

Rotated pots 90-120d (had not done that in day on purpose), this was mainly for the WW, trying to get mr.broken branch under same light conditions mr. challenger had for couple days, also just trade out who's
getting the side light focus. Rotating is hard now as have to be careful to leave a little room between the plants
and that doesn't always work out at the rotations I really want. and to think I was considering 3 5g pots.. That shit never would have flown, 2 5's or 2 7's is clearly the limit for this 2x4 (with gear), maybe 3x3g but even that I think might push it.

I left the lights alone this morning despite WW growth, so it's about 1" or 1/2" closer than yesterday, i kind of want to see if it makes any difference in next 12hr... ie do I get the return of the droop or does she not really mind 24-25" so long as side lights are similar and not all up her skirt.

Top shot:

In the jungle, welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na knees knees

Miss Cane:

Dat yellow everywhere though huh... sigh.
Thinking of freeing her from most of her chains to maybe help her stretch up a bit.
Yeah that last pic is really the money shot I guess.

Mrs Widow:

Not nearly as far along, some of that is expected since 8 week vs 7 week, though
I wouldn't have expected such a big difference.
Anyway though I can see a little difference at bud site from two days ago till now.
Little disappointed these center shoots that came out of nowhere are so umm..
idk what you'd call it, barren?
All told though last 24hr is first time in a long time I've seen Mrs. Widow ever
pray toward the lights in what seems a good way. Maybe she doesn't mind the nutes,
maybe she was actually starved for some. IDK. The white tip burn at the top...
it didn't get any worse really in last 12hr, idk that might be cause of more heat\light and
less about nutes, rest of the plant seems ok all things previously mentioned considered.

Also I did some spot checking on Mrs.Widow for balls, it was not extensive check, maybe dozen joins etc, just paranoid since she's less flowery so far than CC, don't get me wrong she's female though, nothing found. I think WW instead of taking 1 week longer, is clearly going to take two weeks longer unless some magic happens and she suddenly beefs up.

Miss Cane in the last 48hr has really started to become Miss Sticky ikky. I can' touch her anymore without getting my fingers kind of sticky and smelly and her shine has started to show today beyond just on buds, yesterday it was more sporadic though, today you can see it everywhere though I don't know if it's clear enough for pics to really pic it up yet. I've been licking my fingers a lot this morning. ha ha.

Bottomline... The babies really seemed to like their drink and the night of rest yesterday afternoon, I guess they enjoy the Rhythm of The Night. :Namaste:

Day 44 (mid morning) - Some Purple Rain needed

Overview: Temps 72-79f; RH 38-54%. raised lights 1/2" last evening around 7pm, 10pm check showed ladies looking good, CC always looks good though last couple days, pretty sure I'm jipping her on some light with the constant increases related to WW.
Girls need water today, will feed them gallon each of water+5ml calmag per tonight around 7:15pm, I may mix up 3 gallons total to ensure a really good soaking and go about 40%cc/60%ww, will add some more top coating (1tbsp each again) of dolomite during the process directly to soil before watering. They are 12lbs and 11.8lbs as of 11:30am today, so they dried out pretty fast over last ~60 hours.

Removed dehumidifier from tent this morning, will keep it running in outside room for what little it's worth but I feel the temp increase inside the tent is not worth the 2% at best it's helping during lights out, might as well just crank up the exhaust - which I've done now to the maximum of medium on the 400, and medium on the intake 171, louder in the room now about as loud as I can take it without going mad.

Progress -
Miss Cane didn't do jack for height, that's 3 days with basically nothing along the main tops (still 11"), so I guess she's more or less done growing upward? There was some marginal lift in the center mess, 1/4inch maybe. I did a *balls check* on Miss Cane today while removing two of her lashings, there was one spot that looks suspect\odd\not like everything else to me. Pics below, really need to know if that's a hermie sac or just my eyes playing tricks on me.

Miss Widow: Now 15" in spots, 14" in the center mess area, so came up about another inch over last 24hr. I debating if to raise lights tonight, I'm thinking no for now unless droop returns.

Top Shot (only a few pics today):

Miss Cane:

***Is that what I think it is??*** I'm 60/40 thinking it is, say it isn't so!

In the second pic that sucker in the center right, she popped up a little above the others overnight.
Maybe airflow... or maybe just timing, leaving everything alone today other than 90d rotation.

Mrs. Widow:

I move that fan in pic one up about an inch after the photo, come to think of it I may just
move it back down an inch to where it was.

Avg temps in the tent came down 2f with in 5 minutes of removing the dehumidifier, avg RH of course went up about 2% as well.
Gonna have to play the AC-dry function games I think, problem there is all it takes is for me to forget one day, if I do hopefully all the wind in there helps out. Don't think I ever going to be able to keep these girls under 50% during lights out though, not till September anyway when it gets little drier here over all.
The calyx in the pic just looks a little swollen to me, it looks to have pistils sticking out of it to me, as long as it's got that pistils coming out of it you should be fine...️

I agree with Tom they look like calyx from here.

Thanks guys for putting me at ease, yes they do have pistils, though they were like brown\reddish and not white which had I'd not really noticed in the past so had my concerned as earlier one I always noticed were white or tan.
Day 45 (Morning)

Overview: Temps stable 72-79f; RH 38-52%. Watered last night after lights on, details later. No noticeable progress in last 24hr in height or anything else still 11" and 15". slight droop this morning, raised lights yet again another 3/4ths an inch, WW-sides and main 600w now ~51" from bottom grate; 26-27" from highest WW tops; CC side got an inch bump too for next 24hr just to see, though I think they are now too far now at ~30\31" away from cc tops. Could just be my eyes by Mrs.Widow looks more yellow shaded to me today than yesterday. A few dead or 90% dead leaves were removed before watering process on both, all in underbrush, all but one were small little guys that had been on their way out for awhile now.

Top Shot:

Miss Cane:

Nothing to say today


Got nothing much for her either.. seems a little more light green today, also tippy tops
edges seem more bleached than yesterday, and a little droop hence yet another small light height increase.

I may put a book or two or couple inch plastic container or something under CC to get her some height since
I keep having to raise the lights for Mrs Widow, that annoys me cause it'll mean less airflow under her bottom
holes, but whatever.

Watering report from last night:
1 tbsp dolomite lime power spread around top soil of each pot, first 1" of soil raked\scratched up with chopstick, etc help get it into soil.
1 gallon distilled + 3ml calmag ph'd to 6.6
ppm 125'ish
This gallon was split about 60% WW /40% CC between the plants, went in first, idea was a little pre-soak before higher ppm mix. After application, waited about 10 minutes before normal gallon.
Watered normal gallons in waves of about 1000ml.

CC (non feed watering):
1 gallon bubbled evaporated tap (40ppm) + 5ml calmag + 1ml sugardaddy (both for calcium and mag content)
ph'd to 6.7-6.8
ppm 260

Exit water samples:
Midway [cup] ppm ~400; ph 6.6
Midway[tray] ppm ~400; ph 6.38
Later[cup] ppm ~400; ph 6.02
Later[cup] ppm ~400; ph 6.53
Final[cup] ppm ~325; ph 6.30
Final[cup] ppm ~325; ph 6.04
Final[tray] ppm ~350; ph 6.39

Exit water total: ~2100ml 40% (in was approx: 5250)

WW (non feed watering):
1 gallon bubbled evaporated tap (40ppm) + 5ml calmag + 1ml sugardaddy (both for calcium and mag content)
ph'd to 6.6-6.7
ppm 260

Exit water samples:
Midway [cup] ppm ~415 ph 6.22
Midway [cup] ppm ~415 ph 6.30
Midway[tray] ppm ~500 ph 6.20
Final[cup] ppm ~450 ph 6.31
Final[cup] ppm ~550 ph 6.19
Final[tray] ppm ~600 ph 6.28

Exit water total: ~2300ml ~38% (in was approx: 6000ml)
--End water log---

Scratching my head as usual, especially on that random cup sample throwing 6.0'ish figure, can only guess uneven distribution of water flow or uneven distribution of nutes\dolomite in some path the water took, which is why I actually tried to give them both bit more water than usual to ensure full saturation. Anyway found out 3 gallons between the too is indeed clearly way more than needed; back to gallon only each next time, though run off will likely be only 10% at gallon each. Think I will try going 60% nutes on CC this next time around on bloom nutes (10-15% more), and ~50% again on WW (borderline 5% more) or put another way ~1000 ppm and ~900ppm. First watering session that from start to finish including ph'ing took me just under 2hr, barely but finally got there - less bothering with early\midway exit ph testing.
Im thinking its not a calmag issue, looks more like its starved for nitrogen.
hmm i wondered that but figured in flower probably wasn't the case. The bloom nutes and other stuff have some it, but maybe not enough.
Thanks for alerting me to this possibility as actually possible.

Think maybe I should add small amount more of 'BC boost' (3-0-2) next watering, like maybe 10-15% more then the 'equal parts' amounts called for with ' bc bloom' (1-4-7). There is some nitro in other stuff that goes in the mix but it's minimal by comparison and minimal by amount added by comparison. Yeah I think that's what I'll do and let that be where the small increase in nutes actually goes toward.

EDIT: miss typed 'boost' as 3-0-6 when it's 3-0-2
Day 46 - Morning - The daily grind continues.

Temps stable 72-79f; 36-54% RH. Been running the ac\dry when in the outer room here and there in addition to lights-out period, been rainy last few days here. Progress..not much, None on CC that I noticed, 1/4" on WW to just over 15" on 3 of the tops, though that could just be slightly lower spot in soil where placed tape measure, about the same sort of distance increase in one or two of the center shoots.

Slight droop on ww went away last night after lights-on for a few hours and 1/2" raise in lights, they "praying" this morning actually. Pots weigh 14.8 and 15lbs, so definitely no need water till tomorrow night, at earliest - and I doubt even that but we'll see. Propped CC up about 1-2" from grill on some styrofoam, keeping tops just under 30" from main lights, might add another inch of stryo if no droop by tonight. We'll see usually this the day they tend to grow most (about a day before wanting some water)

Top\Side Shots:

Miss Cane:

Sticky she is yoda says.
btw some how she has quite a bit of mass 'below' the main canopy as well, bit surprised given all the shade.

Mrs Widow:

Yeah she definitely going to be feed some more nitro rich "bc boost" in her next watering. CC too, but you can really see the lower toward upper progression on WW it seems. Flower development is much slower on her
compared to CC thus far even accounting for the 7 vs 8 week guidance, maybe I'm starving her more than I even think.

Some goodies have arrived over the last couple days, probably throw a shot up tomorrow, just stuff for later and some resupply on nutes (some items in the starter kit would not have lasted to end of grow, not with two plants anyway).

That is all....see I knew a fairly quick update would happen some day. LOL
I agree with the nitrogen diagnosis and advice. You can always lose big fan leaves in flower but it seems a little early in your case. I follow the usual npk ratios 2-1-1 balance in veg, then 1-1-1 early flower, 1-2-2 flowering, and 0-1-1 late flower.

In the case of my WW autos, one lost significant foliage and the other did not. Same feed, water. Big difference in size and yield and rootball. The smaller one lost the leaves. I don't think more N2 would have helped, it was just smaller and would not have been able to take up more. The difference in size was apparent early on. By the time it was losing them I didn't want to stimulate green growth.

Your boost will probably show in a day or two.
Thanks Boatshoe.

WW had been getting something close to 1-2-2 but since it's trailing CC by at least a week if not more like 2... then I think that's why it's showing more problems like that than CC since she is farther along, gonna feed them both a little more nitro heavy mix in next feeding (via more BC boost) CC minimal more ~10% or 1ml, but ww more like 20% or 1.5\2ml, and stick with that for 2 feeding rounds that will ww into the 100% flower range. We'll see what happens after that, probably simply that I went full on with flower nutes full 7-10 days earlier with WW than I should have than actual recipe itself being all that off.
Day 47 - Morning - Steady she goes.

Overview: temps 72-79f; rh 36-54; been keeping a\c on ac-dry function like 1/2 the time last 24 and for next 24, lots of rain here and next couple days. avg in the tent been trying to keep in low 40's during lights on. Way this is working out thus far though is seems to either add a degree or two to tent (77) when blower is off (grr), or when blower is on keep it around (73). I get the feeling my plants prefer 77 over 73 thus far.

There was some progress Miss cane actually added 1/2 inch on two tippy tops.. and a couple that were rounding up to 11" are more solid 11" today, maybe this had to do with raising her up - or not? Mrs.Widow added 1/2" on tippy tops, they are now about 11.5" and 15.75" respective. WW still "praying" this morning so I'm leaving her lights alone, only got another 11-12" left can raise mains, and can't even raise some of her sides lights (front right) more than another inch without moving my surge protector bar - which of course might have to do. Anyway will re-eval that situation tonight.

They both weight 12.6lbs this morning giver or take .1, so seems we're on track for watering tonight as scheduled, not sure if I will do it right at lights-on or, wait couple hours to ensure they're super thirsty, depends how dry they are at lights on; I clearly both dried out quite a bit in last 24hr though, less humidity on average must be playing into that, at least I was hoping it would. Can't wait to give them full feeding tonight with the added nitro.

Oh and I'm packing up the POS dehumidifier in about 5minutes to return today, amz accepted the return, and my crappy review of it, ups will be here shortly to pick it up; just wasn't doing anything really.

Just a few pics today...

Tops Shot:

Miss Cane:

That last pick is about lighter thickness for reference.


Don't worry baby, some more nitro is on the way tonight.
Day 47 (Evening) - The Watering Log

Watered plants tonight from around 10pm to 12am, figured might as well document the log now rather then in morning\tomorrow.
The pots weighed about 11.5lbs each (11.5 cc and 11.4 ww); WW grew a little ~0.25" over sleepytime tip-tops now ~16".
CC was usual self minor droop, WW was droopy as hell, and while she takes longer to 'wake up' than CC, rarely is she that droopy at 10pm.

--- Water log---
Distilled gallon; Bloom feeding at about 60% (+ 1ml extra boost) + extra calmag
technaflora specifics: 8.5ml bc boost;7.5ml bc bloom, 1.50ml awesome blossoms, 1.25ml trive-alive red, 5ml magi-cal, 7.0ml sugardaddy.
PPM: ~925 ; PH up'd from 5.8x to 6.60-6.7

exit samples:
wave3 [cup] ppm 785; ph 6.44
wave3 [cup] ppm 802; ph 6.31
wave3 [cup] ppm 779; ph 6.26
wave3 [tray] ppm 795; ph 6.35
Final [cup] ppm 750; ph 6.41
Final [tray] ppm 801; ph 6.36

Total in: ~3700ml / Total out: ~700ml (19%)

Distilled gallon; Bloom feeding at about 50% (+ 2.5ml extra boost) + extra calmag
technaflora specifics: 10.0ml bc boost;7.5ml bc bloom, 1.25ml awesome blossoms, 1.25ml trive-alive red, 5ml magi-cal, 6.5ml sugardaddy.
PPM: ~1100 ; PH'd up from 5.9 to 6.55-6.65

exit samples:
wave3 [cup] ppm 1102; ph 6.06
wave3 [tray] ppm 1100; ph 6.02
Final [cup] ppm 880; ph 6.00
Final [cup] ppm 925; ph 6.05
Final [tray] ppm 950; ph 6.22

Total in: ~3700ml / Total out: ~700ml (19%)

Process was same for each; ~1000ml wait 10min; ~1000ml wait 3-5; ~1000ml wait 10-15min; 700 final.
---end watering log ---

Post watering changes:
~Raised main light 1/2-3/4" inch. (WW related); raised ww back side up 1", raised ww front side up 1/2".. about as far as I raise it atm.
~Raised CC up another ~2" via propping another piece of styrofoam under her about 30min after water finished dripping. This puts Miss Cane's tip-tops almost, though not quite, even with Mrs Widows. Will monitor for reaction.
~Raised CC side lights up inch\inch 1/2 or so - accounting for styrofoam change.
~Tweaked fans on right side (WW side), changed back one to blow more toward center straight across; raise front one a few inches and changed direction from straight across'ish to more downward\across.

Shall see how things look in morning (about 8 hours).

edit: meant to include npk's on the nute solutions;
bc boost 3-0-6; bloom 1-4-7 (+trace elm); trive red 1-1-1; awesome blossom 2-11-11 (+trace elm); magi-cal; 2-0-0(cal mag iron little nitro); sugardaddy 000 (mag+sulfer);
Day 48 ( Morning ) - Collecting the dead.

Overview: Temps stable 70-79f and RH 36-51% last 24hr, little spike lower when I purposely lowered ac down to 70 for a clip to trigger dry function (remember my ac works it's dry cycle as a function of temp not humidity). Anyway.. Watered last night as previously detailed, both plants still look slightly mopey this morning but better than before watering, not that unusual for them 8hr after water, we'll see what tonight brings, if Candy is still mopey I'll remove an inch of styro from under her. CC didn't add anything overnight in height, WW added a spec. They are now 11" and ~16.20" respectively, btw been more consistent in where I measure from (straight down the center near the stalk), CC center\lower set are about 10" now, Mrs.Widows center set are either about even or 14.5-15".

Removed some dead fall last night, as well as chopped some dead\extreme yellows this morning off both, more off WW than Candy, but still to many for this stage. Hopefully some of that stops with the slight increase in nitro in their feed last night, if ain't that then ph just fucked on WW or both them.

Anyway lots o pics today, for now real reason, thought about grabbing some close tri shots on CC, but eh I'll wait for day 50.

Top\side Shots:

The fan change and the dead\chop fall. There are more that will likely come shortly I just
removed the really bad ones that had zero or next to zero green left, the rate better slow down
else I'll have no plant left soon.

Miss Cane:

What's a pic on 420 without a BIC somewhere in it... just for scale, not because I think it's impressive or anything, quite the opposite.

Mrs Widow

I think the last shot is the highest one.. though there are 4-5 that are basically tied.
In the first set one or two of those leaves were actually removed and part of the deadfall pic,
just happen to photo them before removing.

That is all for today I think. Considering skipping next 'just water' and feeding again after a full flush of ww and maybe cc too again depending on what I see in next 3 days, already prepping water for it just in case, really not looking forward to doing that, but 6.0 exit has me wondering if the foods is there and she's just not eating.

One note to self
*Left out of last nights water report - Each plant got another dose of 1tbsp of Dolomite lime powder spread into the top soil prior to watering. Bringing total to about ~4tbsp thus far mixed in\or feed total since day 0, planning at least 1 more dose of same; it's less about the cal or mag at this point (as that seems to be under control) and more about low ph buffering help. So odd though, one watering it's cc that seems low, and ww seem ok, then the next it's reversed, drives me nuts.
Day 49 - Morning

Overview: Temps stable 70-77f; RH 36-53%. Mrs. Widow put on a full inch in height over last 24hr, clearly enjoying her last meal, Candy effectively nothing. maybe some factional growth in the lower-center, though that's not a surprise at this point, Cane ~11" and Widow ~17.25" at highest points. Popped the main light up about 1/2" this morning in response to WW growth. Otherwise have left everything alone. Didn't notice anything good nor bad happening with regard to yellowing, I know what's done is done on the lower ones already yellowed. Plants both looking wide awake and happy this morning.

Top Shots:

Miss Cane:


Some things that arrived in the last couple days:
More nutes (also more bloom but it's not arrived yet), jars, bovada 62's, drying rack, 7gallon fabric pots (next time), clips & caps for bng,grinder,grunge-off, not pictured, replacement stem for one of my bongs that had broken end, screens, 500ml uv\etc smell proof travel container. Two peaces of glassware have also finally shipped though probably be two weeks before they arrive.


That's all for today, hopefully I end up being able to use most of that stuff - lol.

DAY 50 - (morning) I'm ready for my close ups... and trich check day

Temps stable 72-77f; 37%-52% RH. Plants looking happy this morning still - least the upper halves lol.
On the progress front, nothing on miss Cane as usual, about another 1/2" on Mrs.Widow since yesterday, and by my eyes, a little more beef (pistols etc) wise starting to go on with mrs.Widow in her flower areas.

You'll see in the pics a couple more dead or nearly dead leaves on both. I removed 3 off each, 6 total, actually 3 of those had already completely 'offed' themselves (2 on ww 1 one small one on cc from bottom center that was probably buried in there for couple days), I just removed them. As for this deadfall, I think all of it was previously affected leaves, same for most of lower yellow leaves in pics, though I figured after today's feeding I really shouldn't see any new ones after this if nitro was part of the problem. It's hard to say if it's really getting better after 3 days, it doesn't seem to be getting worse though, but can't say it's getting any better that I can tell.

Weighed pots: 12.4\12.2 respective (CC always first unless otherwise mentioned) so they are due for a water-only cycle tonight. HOWEVER... I don't plan on just giving them water tonight, I'm going to give them another dose of 50-60% nutes same as last time, though I may add another 1\1.5ml more of 'bc boost' for ww, and .5ml -1ml for CC over and above what I did last time; Also I'm going to ph solution a pt higher more toward 6.7x-6.85; also will add another 1tbsp of dolo to top soil that will bring me to 50% of what would have been added day 0 - I may then pause with adding more from here on out.
Why feed after feeding last time? I get the sense that I might be underfeeding them at this point, particularly Mrs Widow.

I go back and forth about fully flushing WW with 10-15 gallons before the feeding ... I'm leaning toward no even though I've prepped enough water to do 12-14gal to both followed by 2gal of nutes. Reason leaning toward no is I might burn them a bit with this feeding, and I may want to flush them next cycle, so I may wait for next cycle and just flush them both then. If so that'll sort of put me more on a feed\feed\flush-or-wateronly\ cycle. Which seems to be more in line with what I see some recommend for autos regardless of mfg instructions which as we know following hasn't been exactly working out great in my case. Also my extra "bc bloom" bottle hasn't shown up yet (it might by end of today), I have enough for 2 gallons for regular feed, and maybe 4... but probably not more than that, so sort of want that extra bottle to be on-hand when\if I flushypoo in case I feel the need to use 3 each on the tail end (ww perhaps) instead of just two like last time.

Top\Side Shots:

Kind of funny the one top on WW who most reaching for light is off too side, makes sense in some ways, not so much in some others, anyway he's the guy who added the 1/2 inch, I've since bent him a little to be
more even, not that it'll stay that way for more than a few hours.

Miss Cane:

Same yellow as usual, on her I wouldn't say for sure, but I'm more likely to say on her that things have not spread to 'new' leaves than I am on Mrs. Widow, on her most of everything I see that has fallen or will
soon was all expected based on prior observations.

CC Natural Light:

I actually had about 3-4 more pics of her in natural light but for some
odd reason they all came out fuzzy, even though I wasn't rushed etc.
Idk what happened.

CC Trichome closeups:

Bottom line on the trichs I'm gonna say 75% clear 20% cloudy and 5% amber-or-camera-screw up such that they look amber when not. Have I mentioned how much I hate these microscopes, these are just a few of
60 pics I took over about an hour... yeah maybe 10 that were clear enough to actually upload, just
can't keep steady enough even when bracing my arm on stuff. I feel like there is some trick I'm missing.

I'm actually surprised, this bad bitch might actually be ready on day ~70 from seed or sooner - as advertised.
It's a good news, bad news sort of thing in my view though, idk if I had to guess atm, I'd be pretty surprised to get 30g dried off her, but we'll see.


Mrs Widow:

WW Natural Light:

Yellow city continues. No trichs check for her, not even worth looking yet.
In fact till a little beefing up last 24hr, I was getting a little worried she wasn't fully
switching to flower mode.
Get the feeling most of those center shoots are going to actually be pointless, if these were
photo period I would have stripped a lot of that stuff and some underneath but I read that's
really not a great idea with most autos...and it's my first grow and all. Who knows though maybe
she will surprise me.

Other - 420mag pic insert popup thingy doing weird things today, not showing me pics that exist in my gallery even though they are there and I can manually insert them. weird...

Sorry about all the pics, I know some of them are kind of pointless, but it was day 50 mark so got a little pic happy. Bla bla bla...That's all till tonights watering report.

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