Flowering - Purple KUSH x Black DOMINA

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

i will deffinetley concentrate on that a lot more on my next grow toker, thanks. I think i have to figure out a system where the doors can be closed, but its hard with the space that i have.

thanks a lot stratlogic i appreciate it man.

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

Air flow is VERY important. Not just air flow, but proper humidity, temperature, cleanliness and Co2. I don't think we stress it enough. I would love to show you a thermal scan of a grow room. You could see the plants perspire, the heat flow and the overall effect on the room.

The room needs to have good circulation if you want the plant to have good circulation, as easy as that. And if the air you are bringing in is not prefiltered, you risk clogging the pores on your plant and getting inefficient photosynthesis. Yep, that's not good.
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

i need a quick 411 on how to take clones....from what i know get a cloning agent or cloning nutes. get some rock wool, place them in small pots, and cover them with some sort of clear cup....any more info would be good i need to take ASAP any help will be fuckin awsome

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

well i dont know i guess i didnt have it in me to break the branch......hahaha....takes a certain type of man and i guess its not me....lol

i got some string and just tied everything i saw, looks a little sloppy but what can i do. the whole grow is a little sloppy.....

one of my colas did end up burning at the top, it looks like shit, it seems as though it has stopped growth, and that is going to be bad for my yield, is there anything i can do. the top leaves and the top hairs have pretty much diminished, i am kind of pissed but i guess its the inexpierence, anything i can do?

as for the clones, is it ok that i take ones with hairs already growing on them, or should i try to get ones with no hairs at all?

thanks again for the help

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

WOW WOW, Very nice garden. Sorry to hear about the burnt bud
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

thanks dude, yeah it sucks but what can i do, it littlerally has stopped all growth at the top of the cola....F*CK!!!!

that looks awsome, deffinetley going to try that, but my next grow with clones is deffinetly going to be done correctly with your SCROG thread help, i hope it comes through close to that

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA


I Woke Up To See One Of My Good Looking Tops To Have Some Sort Of Webs All Over The Top And A Lot Of Mite Looking Things, I Have A Recolection Of What They Are But I Have Never Encoutnered It Myself

It Only Seems To Be On One, If I Dont Get Soem Help Soon, I Think Im Just Going To Chop That Top Off Before It Spreads?

Please Help
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

I am so fucked i cut that main one off because it seemed insainly infected but i am realizing now that they seem to be in more places than one. I have no idea what to do
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

I went and got some END-ALL insecticide especiaslly for use up into flowering. I sprayed the shit out of the room, there are some area i cant get to like under som leaves. There are webs over certain areas depe into the room. I am just spraying like hell. Should i just wait and see results before spraying, it says like wait a week, but i want to spray it evryday like 5 times a day. I am freaking out will it get rid of webbing?

and i read up and webbing usually means some damage, like maybe there ar emites inside, does this mean i should just chop those areas off, or should i just keep spraying?

some one please help

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

if you have sprayed already id hold off and give it a day or so, see how things go
most importaint thing to remember when growing is to stay calm and dont freak out it can just make it worse, (when u panic you dont think as clearly and can have the tendency to overreact)
read this it might help

Spider mites:
Spider mites are by far the worst pest to have, because they are the hardest to kill and can literally kill any plant. They are by far more active in warmer climates than cold ones, they also suck sup from the leaves leaving tiny white spots on the leaves from where they suck on. The damage they do is just like thrips, but with spider mites they pierce the surface of the leaves and can show tiny holesor white speckling damage, unlike with thirps they eat the surface of the chlorophyll. You can tell when you have infestation of spider mites , because you will have distorted growth, shortened internodes and petioles.
When you have bad infestation you will see webbing with larva in them. You get spider mites from either store bought soil mostly when your soil is not sterilized. Most brands do not state weather or not they are, chances are if you buy cheap soil, you have a less likely chance of the soil being sterile.Also, bringing outdoor plants indoors, or getting plants from someone else who was infected with spidermites.
Spider mites live on the plant itself and are under the leaves most of the time and are usually are so tiny you can’t see them with the naked eye. In order to get rid of spider mites one of the best ways to start to get rid of them is to use NO-Pest strips.NO-Pest strips work well and should always be used with other methods. Neem oil helps get rid of them as well. Also by raising the humidity in your grow room a lot will kill the spider mites off, by them absorbing to much humidity and will burst. You can use soap solution like Safer Insecticidal Soap to get rid of most aphid problems. Use some tobacco juice and chili pepper powder added to this for mites. (see below how to make tabacco juice)
Pyrethrum should only be used in extreme circumstances directly on plants, It starts to breaks down around a week and is easily washed away with clear water or. If your plants are in flowering and you have spider mites, using safer chemicals is your best bet. The tobacco and pepper soap solution works well and should be used daily, spraying on the underside and top leaves and later the whole plant. Since spider mites are very residual to common products, you have to find or try any number of ones untill you get rid of them. make absolutly sure you retreat as stated, other wise you will get resistant spidermites and then you have a bigger battle on your hands.Also do not allow pets that go outside alot to be around indoor plants,mites have been known to be carried in from pets to plants. PLEASE NOTE, below are ways to get rid of spider mites, but no 2 mite infestations are identical, you almost always have to use different products to get rid of them, also make a habit to check for at least a whole month after thinking you got rid of them, that way your chances of the spider mites that became resistant breeding and then having a bigger problem. Make sure you spray your plant down very good and enough and on time.
Here are some more products that may help get rid of spider mites:

Hot Pepper Wax,Safer Yard & Garden Insecticide (which can be used right to the day of harvest),GNATROL( used in hydro in the water as well as soil),Doc's Neem Pest Soap,Safer Sticky Stakes,TR-11000 Pyrethrum. Anything that says dicofol on the back. ( should be used in vegging or early flowering)

Tabacco Juice recipe

Take 3 strong ciggeretes soak them over night in water
Boil it for 2 to 3 miniutes, let it cool off and spray the plants 3 to 4 times a week. You can add safer soap if you like to the mixture.
(make absolutly sure you use gloves/face protection while handling and spraying)
Neem oil works very well too!!
ZBQ has an excellent thread on how to use neem oil without geting your plants to oily!! Your Last resort is to use Avid.

Pictures 5 shows spider mites and there larva. Picture 6 shows spider mite damage. Picture 7 shows SPidermites larvae and spidermites closeup( Picture contibuted by sukalo)
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

thanks dude, im trying to calm down, but i am trying to figure out a way to get rid of webbing, they tell me vacum it, but i donw have a small vacuum, i think im going to go in manually and just wrap them around a stick or something. I am far into flowering and nervous as hell. They say good air circulation is good for it so i am going to try to reposition my fans and keep all windows open,

Do you think that if i dont see damage on plants that they are doing ok?
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

whats your RH% at? mites hate humidity and cold..... depending on your location and out side temp opening the window might feed the problem.
i have a friend that used tobacco juice mix to rid his mites at 45 days flowering.
at this stage in flowering i agree with joe that its difficult. main thing is try to stay away with the hardcore chem products.
good luck and if all fails at least you get the experience!

last but not least....
stop..... take a deep breath...
close your eyes and picture your plants healthy and free of and bugs,
put that vibe/energy out to the universe that all of those little buggers die and go to hell!
most importaint things in growing as well as life in general is positivity and simplicity.

Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

well its been awhile....

a little back ground, the light got real close i lost a lot on yeild because of that, there was just no room, i guess just another mistake to learn from. some parts got a little crispy, i was pretty disapointed but what can i do about it now.

for the most par the bud came out amzaing, kush smelling like hell.

they dried for like 3 days in the dark, and now they are in jars, i want to keep them in there for a week or so, should i open the jars evryonce in the while?





a week or so later



3 days after that







ill get some pics of completely finished product in a little bit.

thanks for the help guys, next grow will be flawless....haha...hopefully
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

Well you had your problems, but the results look great. +rep
Re: Flowering...Purple KUSHxBlack DOMINA

Thanks for sharing your grow with us brother!...;)

I’m moving this to completed journals now…

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?...;)

If so, please start one here Journals in Progress - 420 Magazine

Hope all is well in your world…;)

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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