Four Fine Fall Phillies

Same here, I have to have friends tell me what they smell and taste. Lol
I have a very sensitive sniffer, still not very good at matching up smells with the usual descriptions people use. Instead the smells usually remind me of weird things, could have sworn the plants smelled light slightly burnt pizza crust earlier.
I rubbed on the white rhino and she smells like kerosene or something like that. The cbd cream and cheese is so sweet like strong honey flowers.
Could you lick it and describe the mouth feel for me? Does it have a smooth finish or does it hang on the palate?
Its almost dry now! Was supposed to have a buddy coming up for the weekend to smoke some....but that fell through. Gonna give it another couple weeks before I try pressing some.
Same here, I have to have friends tell me what they smell and taste. Lol
I am so so on the taste but def from
Professional now Lowded on the other hand lol
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