Four Fine Fall Phillies

Hey guys ,

You guys have a Good Friday evening ?

Any plans this weekend ?

Any issues in garden otter that your worried about ?
Hey guys ,

You guys have a Good Friday evening ?

Any plans this weekend ?

Any issues in garden otter that your worried about ?
Well I'm getting over the worst cold I've had in 25 years so I'll be happy to breath anytime now. As far as the garden goes things are going ok. They're still isn't enough calcium on the planet for the strawberry cough. I backed off to 10 ml/gal for 2 waterings and she's ugly again. Back up to 25 ml/gal. The rest are clicking along pretty well. The veg tent is starting to fill up with the lemon og candys in supersoil and two cuts from the flowering strawberry cough and if it lives (and it will) a gorilla bomb. The gorilla bomb was almost impossible to root.
How bout you bro? Big plans?
Day 49 is here and these plants have 63 to 70 by the book. I looked at some trichomes today of the G-bomb and W Rhino and found them all clear. Whew that's a relief, plenty of time to grow! I see pistol eruption after a slowdown in all but the cbd c+c so I think they're bulking up for the final time. Here's how they look.
Whole tent
Gorilla Bomb

White Rhino

Strawberry Cough
And the jungle of CBD Cream and Cheese

Most awesome, SO. And with a couple weeks to go, they'll be monsters when they're finished! Cheers
Big things going on here today! I mixed my first batch of supersoil ala The Rev's recipe v 2.2 Living Organic Soil. Most of the smells of the amendments brought me back through a life of adventure. What an adventure I had measuring and mixing my way through marshlands, woods and silos, huge chimneys that needed climbing to meet the birds nesting along the inner edge. Nice view from up there of Boston and the north shore.

Here's what I did.
First I busted into the brick of coco and added 3 1/2 gallons of rain water to wake it up. Enough to loosen it up but not dripping.
I put all the big components on the floor spread out to about 4 x 4 feet layered on each other.
Then I put all the lesser amounts of things in a small pan(thanks for the idea Stank) and mixed them up well and spread them on the mound. I had to do that twice.
Then it was shoveling the mound back and forth with a shovel and a hoe many times as methodically as i could to be sure I mixed the crap out of it. Then in the barrell it went.
The mix feels good maybe a little dry so I gave it about 3/4 gallon rain water over the top of the barrell and put the cover on it. I hope the water disperses throughout.

Do folks turn this mix over several times a week? The book says too but I don't see more than once a week or two meaningful. That's the lazy me asking.

The recipe:

12 gal (2 cu ft) organic soil mix.

4 gal coco coir

8 gal pearlite

8 gal worm castings

1 cup grow or bloom pure by organicare dry (or 2 cups 5-5-5 all purpose fert)

1 cup greensand

1 cup ground oyster shell. or 3 cups crushed if no ground

1 1/2 cups crushed oyster shell. or 1/2 cup ground if no crushed.

2 cups powdered dolomite lime. or 4 cups prilled. if no powdered.

2 cups prilled (pelletized) dolomite lime. or 2/3 cup if no prilled.

1 cup bloodmeal.

1 cup high N bird/bat guano like 9-3-1-npk

4 cups feather meal.

4 cups bone meal.

1/2 cup powdered soft rock phosphate. or 1 1/2 cup granular if no powdered.

1 cup gypsum powdered. or 2 cups granular

6 cups kelp meal

4 cups alfalfa meal

1 cup azomite granular. 6 heaping tablespoons if powdered

1/2 cup humic acid ore

2 cups rice

4 cups manure

That didn't copy well sorry about that but there it is, a double batch of the rev's version 2.2 LOS. Day one cooking. Here's how it went.

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