Fun In The Sun 2016 - Tiger - Ape - Pitbull - Gorilla & More - Run Wild

Recently on plants that are grown with a ton of sugars I just cut the tips... like a haircut. Chuck the big fans even tho those do get some sugars... but trim all the tips and hang em to dry... I prefer trimming them wet... a lot harder after they have curled up.. I run BHO with the trim and some of the buds. So i could trim more.. it does have a use... but i feel like I trim good buds these days... Not a brag just over time I have learned to be more efficient at it...


Recently on plants that are grown with a ton of sugars I just cut the tips... like a haircut. Chuck the big fans even tho those do get some sugars... but trim all the tips and hang em to dry... I prefer trimming them wet... a lot harder after they have curled up.. I run BHO with the trim and some of the buds. So i could trim more.. it does have a use... but i feel like I trim good buds these days... Not a brag just over time I have learned to be more efficient at it...



For sure. I hate trimming. The only thing that makes me do it right away is knowing how much more of a hassle it is once the leaves are dry and curled over the buds. I take all the fans off and some of the sugar leaves. So much of this will be reduced to kief or rosin, I only concentrate on the nicest flowers for whole storage.
Major, with my yard grow i do both solo cup into ground and then also up pot and plant the females in the yard where the males were and I dont see much difference. The longer tap root makes sense however. I see the big difference with the styles of training. I do know if I dident run strings across in July Id have a much bigger dilemma with toppled buds/plants.
This site says to check Trics DRY. Makes sense. That tells me if its showing any amber while growing its done??? Or VERY close to it.
Next pick for me is this FRI, and another Sunday Im thinking. So glad I dident freak out and pull all because of the last storm. Im sure many did!
Thanks Major!
Major, with my yard grow i do both solo cup into ground and then also up pot and plant the females in the yard where the males were and I dont see much difference. The longer tap root makes sense however. I see the big difference with the styles of training. I do know if I dident run strings across in July Id have a much bigger dilemma with toppled buds/plants.

With proper support, the difference in transplanting wouldn't make any difference. Supporting my plants has been a weak part of my outdoor grows. I was surprised at how easily the plants got knocked around by wind. I expected it to do a number on the branches, but I didn't think the entire plant to pull loose from the surrounding soil. Either the tap root need more development, or I must rely completely on a support structure. I think both are good changes to next year's grow.
With proper support, the difference in transplanting wouldn't make any difference. Supporting my plants has been a weak part of my outdoor grows. I was surprised at how easily the plants got knocked around by wind. I expected it to do a number on the branches, but I didn't think the entire plant to pull loose from the surrounding soil. Either the tap root need more development, or I must rely completely on a support structure. I think both are good changes to next year's grow.

major, with lots of rain and wind, the root balls on even huge oak trees, maples, cedar trees, etc..get uprooted/ up balled during things called 'NorEaster here. some are 30-50 yrs old.. :)

the surrounding soil of the root ball gets saturated and a top heavy tree- wet leaves/branches with strong gusts topples it over quite easy.
Just catching up on events. Glad you made it through storm mostly okay.

Great ideas all around on tap roots and support. If I can weigh in, something I've done to get roots to grow down deep is to drill holes into ground to get water and nutrients to seep down deep for roots to follow. It also helps water pass from layer of added soil to ground soil which can be problem between different soil textures. I use a masonry bit with 18" extension, but any metal rod with sharp angled tip should drill through soil easily.

That doesn't replace need for supports, but it might help.
Major, im glad the ladies pulled through the rough weather, well i finally made it here and those colors and that frost on that GG is amazing bro, great work, keep em green:bravo: fantastic i had to go way back
Update (Week 36 / Bloom Week 9-ish)

It's been a busy week. I'm having so much fun with the rosin press, it has been difficult to force myself to trim. Luckily, the wife is helping. We spend a couple of hours at it each morning. I chop a little then we trim a little, so not bad. Hopefully I'll cut down the last of AS today. Tomorrow we start in on GG4. :love:

A lazy grower's rough trim.

Before we get to the grow, in case you aren't following Shiggity's Rosin Press Thread, here's a quick show and tell with thumbnails you can select if you want more detail. a BIG shout out and thanks to Shiggity for introducing me to this technique. It is the best tasting stuff I've ever consumed.
The DIY aluminum plates, heaters and PID controller added to my shop press.
I make pucks by putting herb into a piece of pipe and quickly compressing it with a blow from a hammer.
Place puck in parchment and press. My first attempt yielded about 22% from a 2 gram bud.

Meanwhile, down in the garden...
First up is LH#2. A little beat up from the weather, but hanging in there now that it is tied up well. Most of the weather damage can be seen on the left side of the second photo. Not bad.

LH#1 looks much better than it did a few days ago. I've tied branches like crazy so most of the ones that were on the ground are at least up in the air. The last photo shows where the damage was.

Unless Liberty Haze blows me away, I'm done with this strain. It looks very nice, but it has no smell - zero, and no crystals. Yield wouldn't be huge even if it did finish on time, which it didn't (not even close). I can stick my nose down into a bud and pinch the bud. No stank at all. :( WTF?

ZD(+) and GT(+) are just plain monsters. I feel bad the top buds are out of room and getting wet from hitting the cover's condensation. The first two photos are ZD and the other two are GT.

This is what's left of AS after most of it has been chopped. Still plenty of work to do on her. This plant will be a personal best for yield. I'm thinking it will double what I was able to pull from her mother last year.

GG4 is pretty much ready. I'd like to give her another week, but with our weather forecast, I'm going to start chopping tomorrow. I've been extremely lucky with mold/rot, but don't want to push my luck any further. More rain coming and it is going to get cold. We are already in the low 40's at night and low 60's in the afternoon. We'll likely get a freeze by Halloween.

GASS is gone. The skeleton is now an anchor for one of the guy wires holding up LH#2.

This is a quick-dry bud from Waldo, our volunteer (GASS).

That's it for this week. Have a great weekend gang! Thanks for following and all your support. See ya' next week.

major, can you back build the top buds? :)
harvest the tops...

I thought about that a while back, but it would be just about impossible. Maybe once AS and GG4 are gone, I'll have room to set up a ladder. Currently all plants overlap. I've been crawling in on my hands and knees to keep from breaking branches. I have four little spots I can stand for watering the plants.
Awesome buddage there major. Did you have that cover over the plants all season?

No. The cover is a fairly recent addition (big mistake). They were out in the open until I realized just how far behind schedule they were. If I'd planned ahead better, the cover frame would be stronger and better able to withstand the winds.
I see Cola Monster has a clear film covering as well. I think all season. I'm not scientificly knowledgeable about the components of the sun's rays and how they penetrate through fibers in a mesh or film cover . Have you any knowledge on this? Or anyone. And what's your thoughts on a full season covering?

I have not looked into the effects of mesh or film on the sun. I do know of plenty of greenhouses, hoop houses, high tunnels, etc. used all season. In fact my next door neighbor uses a high tunnel with heavy poly film. He tends to get more PM and mold than I do, but it seems to work well as long as you get enough ventilation when needed. The promary downside I see is more bugs. The same attributes that protect our plants also make for a nicer home for pests.
Re: Fun In The Sun 2016 - Tiger - Ape - Pitbull - Gorilla & More - Run Wild

I have not looked into the effects of mesh or film on the sun. I do know of plenty of greenhouses, hoop houses, high tunnels, etc. used all season. In fact my next door neighbor uses a high tunnel with heavy poly film. He tends to get more PM and mold than I do, but it seems to work well as long as you get enough ventilation when needed. The promary downside I see is more bugs. The same attributes that protect our plants also make for a nicer home for pests.
Yeah, I see a bunch of em too. Must be adequate light as most are producing. I'll be covered as well. I believe with mesh it's a bit more vented. And if you seal it up as best ya can, then it should prevent a majority of the bug population from just free balling the crop. But, it might help contain em as well. I'm hoping for repelling em. No way to get it completely bug free I suppose but every measure counts. Smoke some GG4 for me my friend, and blow that smoke my way.........
I learned lots about support/staking this year and will adjust for next year. The strings helped big time and might use netting next year. Definitely less plants, shorter, and well supported for next year.
The suns almost up and i see all is well with my yard grow!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all your help Major!!!!
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