GDB's Bubblegum Machine

Hello growers.

It's Day 27 for the Bubblegum Machine.

They're just cruising along right now. They were fed yesterday with 3g of MC and 1ml of Calmag (0-0-0).

I had planned to move them to the basement tent sometime this week. But at the size they are now, there's no real pressure to get it done quickly. Plus, I've been having some lazy attacks over the last few days and typically, I don't resist a lazy attack I just take it for what it is! :)
Bubblegum Tent 4-6-22 Day 27.jpg

The RQ Bgum twin continues to favor one side. The short side has at least pulled her first leaf set up off the golf tees they were resting on.
RG Bgum twin 4-6-22 Day 27.JPG

That's where they are.

Thanks for looking in.

I have selected participation attacks myself.
You letting these girls run wild? 4 ladies with a full bush like it was a co-ed college movie from '76? They look beautiful, tv commercial quality.
You letting these girls run wild? 4 ladies with a full bush like it was a co-ed college movie from '76? They look beautiful, tv commercial quality.
Thanks Rhino! You certainly can turn a phrase! :)
Looking awesome mate! Healthy and quite pretty plants, I must say.

I've just caught up on the last 9 pages and watched them grow quicker than you did, if that makes sense :hmmmm:
I must also apologise for being 9 pages late, I didn't realise until earlier that you had set up a new journal..

And yes, I know, nobody wants a moderator hanging about in their journals.
I've come to realise I'm like a fart in an elevator. Everyone smiles as if nothings up, but deep down they are slightly irritated.
I concur. Plants at any stage are a welcomed site these days as we don’t have anything running at the moment.

Are you watching some Masters this weekend, GDB?
I'm trying to watch Dutchin. They keep running the early rounds on ESPN+, which I don't have.
Kinda' frustrating. :straightface:

Currently, I'm enjoying all the discussion by outdoor growers prepping things for their grows this year. I really like the outdoor grows, they tend to grow "bigly"! :)
Looking awesome mate! Healthy and quite pretty plants, I must say.

I've just caught up on the last 9 pages and watched them grow quicker than you did, if that makes sense :hmmmm:
I must also apologise for being 9 pages late, I didn't realise until earlier you had set up a new journal..

And yes, I know, nobody wants a moderator hanging about in their journals.
I've come to realise I'm like a fart in an elevator. Everyone smiles as if nothings up, but deep down they are slightly irritated.
Ha! No apology necessary Paul. I appreciate it whenever you can drop in.

I have no problems with a mod in my journal. I try to stay within the rules. When things get away it's usually the fault of one of my subs (but not always). :laughtwo:
Ha! No apology necessary Paul. I appreciate it whenever you can drop in.

I have no problems with a mod in my journal. I try to stay within the rules. When things get away it's usually the fault of one of my subs (but not always). :laughtwo:
Yeah, but it's mostly GDB's fault anyway, so the blame (and whatever punishment is called for) sit squarely on the host.
Hello grow group.

It's Day 32 for the Bubblegum Machine.

All the girls are chugging along with no real issues.
Bubbblegum Tent 4-11-22 Day 32 labels.jpg

They've got plenty of room remaining so I'm still not pressed to move them to the other tent just yet!
Bubblgum Machine 4-11-22 Day 32 lite.JPG

The short side of the RQ Bgum twin continues to languish in the shadow of her taller side. When I up-pot her I'll try to separate them. If successful, the short side could "grow up" to be a cute little tiny plant!
BGum twin short side 4-11-22 D32.jpg

That's all I've got.

As always, thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

It's Day 33 for the Bubblegum Machine.

This morning I topped the Kera BGum (back left) and the RQ Bgum II (back right) at the 5th node. I put the cuttings into the GDBCloner®.

Bubblegum Tent 4-12-22 D33 two topped.jpg

The Black Cherry Pie (front right) is not quite giving me enough to top her yet, but soon. And the RQ twin will not be topped until she is up-potted, if at all.

I've been feeding these MC with every watering since they developed their second set of fan leaves. I think now they have sufficient footing and I can begin alternating feeds. They were last fed 4 days ago with 3.75g of MC + 2ml organic calmag (0-0-0). Today, their pots are feather light.

I'm giving them a water feed with an extra. (I like to add "extras" during the no-nutrient feeds!)

I typically add Recharge or some Mycorrihizal product on these water feeds. Today I'm trying a new product just because I have it in my collection.
Root Ruckus.jpg

It's basic ingredients are Organic Sea Kelp, Organic Humic Acid and Mycorrizihal Fungi + Innoculants.

The recommended dosage is 60ml per gallon, I dosed them at 45ml per gallon.

Who knows if it will help? We'll all know if it hurts! :straightface:

Thanks for looking in.

Today must be the day for topping stuff... :)
The plants are looking real good, GDB- are you going to top the other two, or let them go natural?
Hello growers.

It's Day 34 for the Bubblegum Machine.

The plants seem to be loving life. I don't know if the Root Ruckus is contributing to their happiness but the early signs are favorable. Overnight, the Black Cherry Pie seems to have grown at least .5 inches, maybe more. I could not have topped her yesterday but today it would be easy to do!
Bubblegum Tent 4-13-22 Day 34 labels.jpg

That's all I've got.

I always love it when they shoot up after a feeding. They look very happy.:thumb:
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