GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

GG you are going to have a TON of pollen, be careful. I would seriously top the plant to preclude seeding all your outdoor stuff (and any neighbors').

Hey OG!

I hear ya! How much should I take off the top? Most of the flowers are at the top 3 feet of the plant. I was planning to top it, but I thought I should wait till they open more. No?

Where the plant has been moved, it is pretty far away from everything else and downwind by a good 30 feet and about 50 feet from the nearest female. Our prevailing winds are always out of the south east and the females are well upwind of where this guy is now.
He looks like he will make a good daddy. Makes me wish I could grow outdoors.

Thanks HMG! This White Rhino strain definitely likes to grow TALL!! I prefer a bushier stature to this, but since I never bothered to top this or the female, I'm sure that these could have been trained to a bushier profile.

The one thing about these two plants is that they are both very vigorous growers and needed little in the way of nutes over their entire lives so far. I like those traits, so I think this plant will bring something to the party if I can manage to get some of the Urkle and BBKs pollenated.

I leaning towards the idea of pollenating the small clones I have in 1 and 2.5 gallon pots instead of pollenating the large plants.

I'll second that. Would love to do an outdoor grow.:welldone:

Hey Dexter! Thanks for stopping by! :thumb:

Outdoor growing is awesome! I love to combine both indoor and outdoor grows over a season to improve yield. This season has been a big success in that regard. All this season I have been taking a batch into flower for 3-4 weeks indoors, and once they are heavy into flower, I move them outdoors to continue with the added bonus of real sunlight.

I have no doubt that the nearly 5 ounces of dried bud I got from EACH of my two original BBKs was due in large part to the outdoor finish. :thumb:
If there are neighbors growing, hopefully they are a-hole neighbors...
Then Goose doesn't have to feel bad about blowing a little pollen their way... haha

LOL! :laughtwo:

Hey Budman! :)

As far as I know, there isn't anyone around here that is growing this particular crop outdoors besides me. We have a decent amount of property, so the nearest neighbor is a ways away from where that male plant is. Those fences in the photos separate one part of our yard from another.

Looks like you are living in paradise there.. You have both a sweet setup indoors and out.
Nice little green light in your bathroom too.. adds a nice touch. :) Its Like a photo lab or something..haha. Your outdoor environment reminds me of my late brothers home. He used to live in Georgetown, California, an old loggers town. You drove down tons of winding roads to get there and when you were close you had to pick one of many winding dirt roads and follow them down to his residence. If you took the wrong road you could be staring at a double barrel shotgun with a dozen barking country dogs. Once you found the place though, it was awesome. It was outstanding for growing, shooting, farming or whatever your interests were. He bought a John Deere tractor to keep his land paved and his gardens tilled and plowed. Sure beats the city life I'll tell ya.
So, after cutting a branch, putting it in a water bottle, bagging the top etc. Does this cutting need any light when I bring it inside, or can I just stick it in the unlit broom closet I use for drying bud?

All the plants I have inside right now are in veg. Are they in any danger from the pollen? If the cutting needs light, I would probably need to put it in one of the veg rooms.

Based on everyone's concerns for the airborne pollen, I guess I need to get rid of this plant except for enough of it to use to collect the pollen. There is really nothing north west of our location except the national forest, so if there is any Cannabis back up there, it isn't the legal kind.

I went ahead and chopped the plant down. I took three of the best budding tips and put the stems in water bottles and taped a paper bag over the top half with the flower buds and have put them in my drying closet for now in the dark. I assume that the idea is to force them to flower quickly in the dark?

Hopefully I read Ganja's instructions correctly cause with the exception of the three flower tops I saved above, the plant is history and in a plastic garbage bag headed for the dump! ;)
So, after cutting a branch, putting it in a water bottle, bagging the top etc. Does this cutting need any light when I bring it inside, or can I just stick it in the unlit broom closet I use for drying bud?

All the plants I have inside right now are in veg. Are they in any danger from the pollen? If the cutting needs light, I would probably need to put it in one of the veg rooms.

Based on everyone's concerns for the airborne pollen, I guess I need to get rid of this plant except for enough of it to use to collect the pollen. There is really nothing north west of our location except the national forest, so if there is any Cannabis back up there, it isn't the legal kind.

Just don't piss off a Mexican Mafia grow crew doing their national forest covert grow. haha :laughtwo:
Sniff Sniff...Is that the smell of pollen blowin from up yonder... haha, Oh that must be Goose :)

Good one Budman! ;)

Thanks guys! The whole thing was just a lark anyway so if I don't end up with any pollen from the bagging, no big deal.

I got your PM Ganja,

I did everything exactly the way you described it except I didn't strip the leaves off from around the buds before bagging. I don't really want to go back in there to do that if I can help it. The three branches are now in my drying closet. I could move them into partial sun outside by the house far away from any of the females. I worry about the heat though. We are still getting into the high 80s right now with a warming trend on the way.

Regarding our winds... They come from the South South East about 90% of the time. Very rarely from the north until well into winter.

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Put it in a shady spot with good ventilation and you should be fine, the water in the bottle will keep everything ok as far as opening the flowers, but if the leaves inside don't dry quickly enough you could get mold. I don't know what your relative humidities are where you live, I live on the ocean so mold and mildew are always a concern here. You should be fine if you're inland.:welldone:

Sounds like a plan Ganja! I will put them out on the front porch tomorrow. Our humidity has been low recently and as I said, we have a warming trend forecast to move in for all of this coming week. Not too worried about a mold problem.

I'll need to get with you about what to do with these after a week has gone by in terms of removing the bags without releasing pollen everywhere. I assume that the pollen will be contained in the bag, so I need to transfer what has fallen into something else. What do you do with the bulk of the flower tops? Do you put them into a glass jar, seal it and then shake the hell out of it to release all the pollen into the jar?

As I mentioned way early on with this whole thing... I know absolutely ZERO about this aspect of growing since I have never let a male plant survive to the flower stage, so I am about as green as they come in terms of pollenation and the most secure way to deal with the pollen.

Thanks again for your input and to everyone else who has provided me with info on this specific topic! It has really been great to have you guys around to assist with this! :thumb:

Looks like you are living in paradise there.. You have both a sweet setup indoors and out.
Nice little green light in your bathroom too.. adds a nice touch. :) Its Like a photo lab or something..haha. Your outdoor environment reminds me of my late brothers home. He used to live in Georgetown, California, an old loggers town. You drove down tons of winding roads to get there and when you were close you had to pick one of many winding dirt roads and follow them down to his residence. If you took the wrong road you could be staring at a double barrel shotgun with a dozen barking country dogs. Once you found the place though, it was awesome. It was outstanding for growing, shooting, farming or whatever your interests were. He bought a John Deere tractor to keep his land paved and his gardens tilled and plowed. Sure beats the city life I'll tell ya.

Thanks Budman!

We definitely like it up here! We are in a remote area, but not so far removed that we can't get to emergency services and grocery stores if the need arises.

Over the last few years civilization is starting to encroach on our piece and quiet. It is getting harder and harder to find a place anywhere that isn't crawling with development and more and more people. Even way out here, we are seeing it.
Pepper seeds have arrived!!! :thanks:
Been busy with work and my mother isnt doing well, so havent been on internet much lately. All plants but the Twin are harvested and looks like a fair haul for a closet grow, right at a lb. Hopefully I can use the next few days to catch up on everyones journals and update my own....Peace and God Bless

Everyone please pray for my mother, it doesnt look good..

Hi GT :peace:

Good healing vibes going out to your Mother. We can chatch on the journal later.
Mom's much more important.:green_heart:
Hey GG, glad Ganja beat me to it. You can "jiggle the bag" to help the pollen fall off, tip the bag on its side and jiggle some more, slide the plant out, then "funnel" the pollen into a container. Use a small cheap artist paintbrush to apply pollen to select buds on each female you want seeds from. Put a piece of tape on each branch below the bud for easy identification later and label the cross at the same time. If you were to top the male, you only need one or 2 lower branches to make plenty of pollen (and keep it more manageable.
Hey GG, glad Ganja beat me to it. You can "jiggle the bag" to help the pollen fall off, tip the bag on its side and jiggle some more, slide the plant out, then "funnel" the pollen into a container. Use a small cheap artist paintbrush to apply pollen to select buds on each female you want seeds from. Put a piece of tape on each branch below the bud for easy identification later and label the cross at the same time. If you were to top the male, you only need one or 2 lower branches to make plenty of pollen (and keep it more manageable.

Thanks for the clarification OG! I figured it would involve something like that but I wanted to make sure while I still had time to ask. ;)

Lot's of great advice on pollen and pollenating. Love it. I'm definitely planning on painting a few branches with some pollen next time I get a male, just for fun and a few extra seeds to play around with. :)
Air Pots Arrive!
Our Four GDP Clones In Desperate Need of a Transplant!

The folks over at CalGrowers, an authorized dealer for the Air Pot brand here in California couldn't have done a more impressive job handling my order! Not only did they give me a great deal on the pots and the shipping, they got my order delivered in ONE DAY!! This was a good thing since the GDP clones were really getting root bound and needed a bigger pot desperately!

The shipment arrived a few hours ago and I went to work assembling them and packing them with soil. We have chosen to use the 3.4 gallon size for the four GDP clones. I ordered six of this size and six of the 5.2 gallon size which I plan to use primarily for outdoor grows next season.

The assembly process is incredibly simple...

The wall of the pots come in a long strip and you basically insert the round plastic grate into the bottom and wind the wall around it, securing it with two threaded thumb screws. Takes all of about 30 seconds to put together. Instructions are included with the pots.






The next step was to fill the assembled pots with soil. I used a 50/50 mix of Black Gold Waterhold Cocoblend and Hyponex and finished with a 2 inch top layer of Happy Frog. I soaked the pots with plain water and let them drain for about 15 minutes before I began transplanting the GDP clones.

(THSea... DUDE! What were you whining about? Packing these tight with soil was no big deal! A complete NON Issue!)


GDPs In Dire Need of a Transplant!

I could tell from their physical appearance that they were root bound, so getting these Air Pots as fast as I did was great!


One thing I did before transplanting these was to trim the lower shoots off the stalk to clean things up and make it easier to water them. You can see the tell-tale jumbled growth of a plant that had previously been in flower mode. Best to get these lower branches out of here ASAP.


As I said, if you know what to look for, it is very easy to identify a root bound plant just based on the look of the leaves and how it behaves in between waterings. No need to physically inspect the roots first


I water the root ball with B1 transplant solution and then drop it into the hollowed out soil in the 3.4 gallon Air Pot


The GDP clone successfully transplanted into her new home! Because I always use B1 during transplanting, my plants NEVER wilt or show any signs of transplant shock


All four GDP clones successfully transplanted into the Air Pots and back in the tub! :thumb:
Tomorrow I plan to transplant our vegging BBK clone #4 into one of the 5.2 gallon Air Pots which I will continue to veg in the bedroom closet under the 125 watt CFL fixture we normally use for the Turbo Klone cloner.


So that concludes our Air Pot update!

Thanks again to Ganja Arnanda and Old Med Man for recommending these pots and helping me to chose the right sizes!
Looking good, goose, I told you they were easy. The pic of the roots shows an area at the base where it [the rootball] necks down, you could have cut off the entire bottom with little damage. If your media is friable, you won't have to worry about overwatering, I have plants in flower in both sizes, at this point I'm hitting them hard every other day [somethymes everyday] and no problems with the root rot that comes with an overly wet, oxygen starved root zone. I have the ones with the green and yellow bottoms, so maybe you would be kind enough to tell me what size goes with what coloured bottom as I was too poor to pay attention to that important detail.:welldone:

Hey Ganja!

I really like the fact that you don't have to worry about root rot and overwatering issues with these. Looking forward to seeing how these GDPs react to the extra room and the root guidance system. You can see from that root ball shot just how well developed the roots of these clones are! Good ol Turbo Klone! :thumb:

I didn't think to chop the root balls down since I didn't want to shock the plants. As a rule, I try not to disturb the roots when I transplant and just put them into the new pot as carefully as I can.

Regarding the size/bottom color...

Green is 3.4 gallon which is the size I used for my GDP clones.

According to the size chart that came with these, it looks like there are two sizes that have yellow bottoms.

2.0 gallon which is 10" high x 10.5" diameter

and 2.4 gallon which is 12" high x 10.5" diameter

In fact, I plan to pick up some of the 2.4 gallon size in my next order. These two sizes I received today were a little larger than I thought they would be, so the 5.2 size is a little too large for indoor use just as Old Med Man said they would be. No problem though. I will definitely be using those outside next season, but for my indoor overwintering needs, I think I am going to need to place one more order to get some of the smaller sizes.

Let me know if you need more info from that Air Pot size chart! :)
Mr. Krip said:
Nice job, GG7! :welldone:


Thanks Mr. Krip! :thumb:

Ganja's Air Pot recommendation could not have been better timed! The GDPs were going to need new pots anyway and this gave me the perfect opportunity to try these things out with a strain that I am becoming very familiar with now.

As I said in my update, the next transplant will be my vegging BBK CLONE #4 which is starting to show signs of root binding too. It is in a 2.5 gallon fiber pot right now, so that is why I am going to use the larger 5.2 gallon size for that transplant.

I'll snap a photo of it after the transplant. That plant and the GDPs are my 2012 root stock for next season, so only the best of care for them! After the BBK comes the Blue Cheese clone, but she has some time before a new Air Pot will be needed for her. :)

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Wow...those look very cool Goose.
You gave me an idea.. I think I will go grab my shotgun and shoot buckshot into my current pots and make my own air pots... :laughtwo:

So can you explain the entire theory behind this my friend.
So all these holes introduce more air right. What happens when you water, all the water runs out all those holes?

I have a few houseplants where I have had a sour soil problem. I think these would be great for those. But can you use these for hanging plants too? Just thought if the water flows out of those holes then you would have to take the hanging plants down of course and water them in your sink or outside.
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