GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

Hey THSea!

Good to see you back on here! I know you have been busy working with the Old Man. ;)

So... What exactly is so much more labor intensive with an Air-Pot vs a conventional pot?

I know that you need to tightly pack the pot in order for the whole "root guidance" concept to work, but is it that hard to do? I don't pot plants all that often during a season. Usually just one major transplant from a 1 gallon into a final long term pot, so I can deal with the packing hassle unless this is extremely difficult to actually put into practice in a real world situation?

Is that what you are getting at?

Once again... Welcome back to the forums! :thumb:

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Using airpots is more labor intensive, but definitely worth it!

Gotta say though, the time it took OMM and me to pot like... Seven or eight 2 gallon regular pots takes less time than potting say half the amount of plants in airpots!

If you had tons and tons of plants it would be a full time job. No joke!

I always hear how they are good... No one tells you they take forever, just saying! :)


Come over at 1 pm......John won't be here until then.
You need to:bongrip: after you do the assembly. :icon_cool Pacalocoitis slows down the non-hyperactive, I'm grateful for my ADHD, it makes the assembly easy. I can put together 10 in about five minutes, but I have everything pre-staged so I can go all assembly line on them. Besides, it's fun. GG was given a heads-up about the labor. If I use Air Pots and am a pothead, does that make me an AirPotHead?

Here 2day, gone to Maui,
your mainlander friend,



I did see that you have to assemble the things the first time you use them, but once put together that should be it right? Based on the video, it can't be that hard to do! I'm not afraid of a power drill and whatnot. ;)

I can see the soil packing part as perhaps the more time consuming of the whole process, but as I said, it is not like I pot every day. I grow at most 40 plants at once which is my California MMJ exemption limit. Usually I average closer to 20 at any given time.

I did see that you have to assemble the things the first time you use them, but once put together that should be it right? Based on the video, it can't be that hard to do! I'm not afraid of a power drill and whatnot. ;)

I can see the soil packing part as perhaps the more time consuming of the whole process, but as I said, it is not like I pot every day. I grow at most 40 plants at once which is my California MMJ exemption limit. Usually I average closer to 20 at any given time.

HI GG7 :)
I've thought of trying to strain all the perlite and wood particles out and just use soil, and pack the heck out of it, like they say to, just to see what it would do. :yummy:
HI GG7 :)
I've thought of trying to strain all the perlite and wood particles out and just use soil, and pack the heck out of it, like they say to, just to see what it would do. :yummy:

In the video on their site it looked like they were using some kind of PEAT based soil product or perhaps some kind of Cocoblend?

Cocoblend would work well for packing a tight pot, but the problem with using it straight is that it holds water too well! For an indoor grow, I don't feel you get enough evapotranspiration for that stuff to dry out enough and you run the risk of fungus and other humidity based problems.

Thats why I always would do a 50/50 mix with Cocoblend and some other soil like Hyponex. In fact, I might go back to that mix for the GDP plants in these Air-Pots if FF Ocean Forest of Happy Frog with the Pearlight is too hard to pack tight enough. Is that the problem you have run into with these? The Pearlight heavy potting soils don't work so hot in Air-Pots?

Definitely something I need to find out before I start using these. :thanks:
Coco has little, if any nutritional value, I don't use it or perlite at all, would rather use soil polymers for water retention. Coco won't be a problem with these pots as they get enough air in to prevent root rot. Get yourself some Supersoil with the polymers in it, it's cheap no reason to pay for 3 bags of soil and only take home one. Edna's premium is available in Kali, but ask Doc Bud what he thinks of Supersoil, he is wise in the way of nutes [and the problems with over nuting.]:morenutes:

I've got a TON of Coco on hand, so I might end up using that with my Air-Pots, perhaps mixed with my Hyponex which I have used for years with my peppers. I will check our closest nursery and see if they carry that Edna's SuperSoil. I can only buy what they have down there cause the next closest nursery is 60 miles from here. ;)

On another topic... I just posted a review of the new Vapor Brothers EZ Change Whip that I started using last week and really like.

Check it out if you get a chance!
Hey there Goose..
Sorry for not subscribing to your journal sooner, but I have had my hands full battling my mites and catepillars. Hopefully I can get a handle on them bastards so I can get caught up here on your journal..

I see a few people in here that I have been in contact with like OldMedMan...
How's it going there OMM.. :) And for anyone else that I don't know... I wave a hand anyway.
Debudman said:
Hey there Goose..
Sorry for not subscribing to your journal sooner, but I have had my hands full battling my mites and catepillars. Hopefully I can get a handle on them bastards so I can get caught up here on your journal..

I see a few people in here that I have been in contact with like OldMedMan...
How's it going there OMM.. :) And for anyone else that I don't know... I wave a hand anyway.

Hey Budman! :thumb:

So glad to see that you finally managed to make it over! ;) You've got some reading to do! :laughtwo: But... I definitely post a lot of photos, so hopefully you like the balance I try to strike between commentary and the photos! ;)

You'll definitely recognize a lot of the regulars here. We have a great group of folks who are subbed in right now. I'm learning about some exciting new things like those Air-Pots that the Old Man and Ganja Arnanda are big fans of. Definitely check out that company's web site. I think your 2012 crop could also benefit from those cool pots! ;)

Be sure to chime in if you have any questions or comments as you make your way through this thing! :thumb:

Once again... Welcome aboard! :yahoo:

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Hey Budman! :thumb:

So glad to see that you finally managed to make it over! ;) You've got some reading to do! :laughtwo: But... I definitely post a lot of photos, so hopefully you like the balance I try to strike between commentary and the photos! ;)

You'll definitely recognize a lot of the regulars here. We have a great group of folks who are subbed in right now. I'm learning about some exciting new things like those Air-Pots that the Old Man and Ganja Arnanda are big fans of. Definitely check out that company's web site. I think your 2012 crop could also benefit from those cool pots! ;)

Be sure to chime in if you have any questions or comments as you make your way through this thing! :thumb:

Once again... Welcome aboard! :yahoo:

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner

Thanks for the warm welcome Goose..
I'm glad to be hear. I didn't get a chance to go through the entire journal yet, but hit a couple of your leading photos. You already gave me a good idea.
I liked the way you setup your grow in your bathroom. I just happen to have a small bathroom where the shower is never used. I thought it might make for the perfect indoor grow setup. It already has an exhaust fan built into the ceiling and is a nice size to allow for great light penetration. The more I think about it the more I like it.. You have a built in drain so you can water your plants easily. Also it is not such a fire hazzard. If a fire happens to occur you just turn on the shower...:laughtwo: Anyway I hope to read about those air pots tonight and get caught up a little more.

Thanks again for the welcoming.. I'm off to go get a fix now :roorrip:
In the video on their site it looked like they were using some kind of PEAT based soil product or perhaps some kind of Cocoblend?

Cocoblend would work well for packing a tight pot, but the problem with using it straight is that it holds water too well! For an indoor grow, I don't feel you get enough evapotranspiration for that stuff to dry out enough and you run the risk of fungus and other humidity based problems.

Thats why I always would do a 50/50 mix with Cocoblend and some other soil like Hyponex. In fact, I might go back to that mix for the GDP plants in these Air-Pots if FF Ocean Forest of Happy Frog with the Pearlight is too hard to pack tight enough. Is that the problem you have run into with these? The Pearlight heavy potting soils don't work so hot in Air-Pots?

Definitely something I need to find out before I start using these. :thanks:

Hi GG7 :)

No, FFOF and Happy Frog work well, in the airpots. If fact I grow with nothing but Happy Frog.
Actually an old grower challenged me to grow in airpots without perlite. I did a small one and it worked fine. We were kind of experimenting to see if plants will grow the same with hard packed soil. They do. At least the one I did grew just fine. :yummy:
The perlite does clog the airpot holes occasionally. Nothing dramatic though.
Pepper seeds have arrived!!! :thanks:
Been busy with work and my mother isnt doing well, so havent been on internet much lately. All plants but the Twin are harvested and looks like a fair haul for a closet grow, right at a lb. Hopefully I can use the next few days to catch up on everyones journals and update my own....Peace and God Bless

Everyone please pray for my mother, it doesnt look good..
Pepper seeds have arrived!!! :thanks:
Been busy with work and my mother isnt doing well, so havent been on internet much lately. All plants but the Twin are harvested and looks like a fair haul for a closet grow, right at a lb. Hopefully I can use the next few days to catch up on everyones journals and update my own....Peace and God Bless

Everyone please pray for my mother, it doesnt look good..

Hey GT!

I knew that something was up when I hadn't seen you around on here and you hadn't replied to my PM about sending out the pepper seeds last week.

SO SORRY to hear about your Mom! Our hopes and prayers for her recovery definitely being sent your way!

Congrats on your harvests! I will head over to your journal and see what new stuff you have posted! Also glad to hear that the pepper seeds arrived safe and sound! I'll look forward to hearing about how they perform for you next season! :thumb:

Hang in there buddy! I feel for ya during this trying time! :peace:
Hi GG7 :)

No, FFOF and Happy Frog work well, in the airpots. If fact I grow with nothing but Happy Frog.
Actually an old grower challenged me to grow in airpots without perlite. I did a small one and it worked fine. We were kind of experimenting to see if plants will grow the same with hard packed soil. They do. At least the one I did grew just fine. :yummy:
The perlite does clog the airpot holes occasionally. Nothing dramatic though.

Oh good! :thumb:

Thanks for clearing that up for us OMM! It makes sense that the Perlite could possibly clog up the air holes in the pots and thus defeat the purpose. What Ganja said makes sense about it being somewhat redundant to use a perlite containing soil in the Air Pots since the whole purpose of Perlite is for airation.

I have been using Happy Frog the most lately for all my recent clone transplants, but as I said, I've still got a ton of Coco as well as Hyponex sitting in the greehouse, so I might still go that route with the four GDP clones since I won't have to worry about any of the air holes getting clogged from using the Happy Frog or the FFOF.

Probably going to play around with packing one of the pots when they arrive and feeling out the whole process first hand before making any final decisions.

Thanks again for your input! Definitely helps to hear from growers that have already done a lot of work with these things! :thumb:
Thanks for the warm welcome Goose..
I'm glad to be hear. I didn't get a chance to go through the entire journal yet, but hit a couple of your leading photos. You already gave me a good idea.
I liked the way you setup your grow in your bathroom. I just happen to have a small bathroom where the shower is never used. I thought it might make for the perfect indoor grow setup. It already has an exhaust fan built into the ceiling and is a nice size to allow for great light penetration. The more I think about it the more I like it.. You have a built in drain so you can water your plants easily. Also it is not such a fire hazzard. If a fire happens to occur you just turn on the shower...:laughtwo: Anyway I hope to read about those air pots tonight and get caught up a little more.

Thanks again for the welcoming.. I'm off to go get a fix now :roorrip:

Right on Budman!

No doubt! A spare bathroom with a tub/shower does make a PERFECT grow station for all the reasons you pointed out! Only thing I had to do was cut a 4x6 beam to the right length and slide it in place between the wall and the molding of the shower stall. This just uses friction and gravity to remain in place and it is from this beam that I secured my light hanging gear and hung the 4x6 T5 fixture. It does work out perfectly! :thumb:

Take your time on catching up to the rest of us with this journal! Things are starting to wind down now as we approach the end of the outdoor grows. In the past, there isn't a heck of a lot to report on once I do my final harvests at the end of October.

Main difference for me this year is that I have a lot more young clones that I need to overwinter along with a few selected pepper plants. Just need to do an inventory and delegate space indoors to keep them all alive.

Be sure to post any questions or comments as you go through all this stuff! It is never too late to revisit some of the previously discussed topics in here.

Talk to ya soon! :)
Weekend Update III
White Rhino Male Flowers Begin to Emerge

The White Rhino male is in full bloom now and the little flowers are starting to open. I have moved the plant off by itself about 50 feet away and downwind of all my females. I plan to cut off a branch and do the "paint brush" technique that Twelve suggested I use.

The plant is close to 10 feet tall now!


Tons of flower buds on every growing tip now


A few of the buds have started to open. I am waiting for the bulk of them to open before I start trying to "paint" some pollen on a few select female flower tops


I will be back with another update in the next few days to document the pollentation attempts!

Stay tuned! :thanks:
GG you are going to have a TON of pollen, be careful. I would seriously top the plant to preclude seeding all your outdoor stuff (and any neighbors').
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