Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

Now when we find that one, are we gonna quit lookin'? :scratchinghead:

I doubt it. There are too many strains and there is always the chance that you may find something even better. I don't ever have as much going on as you but I am always running multiple strains. Almost all of them get done at least twice unless they are completely terrible. I usually hit a spot where I want to run something new but have trouble figuring out what to get rid of.
I'll figure out where the girlfriend can sleep out in the garage before I get rid of something..... :straightface:
Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1:


Ain't lookin' too bad! :)
I'll figure out where the girlfriend can sleep out in the garage before I get rid of something..... :straightface:
Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1:


Ain't lookin' too bad! :)
I hope you at least give her a cot to stay on Chimp. It's good to change it up once in a while. I stay within the plant count I'm allowed so it's difficult to try new strains if I don't get rid of others I have run. Your Bubba is moving right along :thumb:
I'm wondering things right now, but I guess I'll have to see as I go along. These first two plants are the only two females (besides the mother I chose) that came from the more-haired GDP f2 mother I originally chose:


The first one is too leafy, but the second one looks closest to the original flower I'm looking for. The next six females are from the less-haired GDP f2 mother:


Those seem to have more of the color to them, as you can easily see. The grape skunk smell seems to be more, but there's not a big difference in any of them as far as the skunky smell goes; they all have it. I'm thinking I made the right choice with the less-haired mother, but I'm glad I used a more-haired one too. :thumb:
Here they are; first the less-haired GDP f2 mother (which seems to be the opposite of all those other less-haired females and has no color):


And the more-haired GDP f2 mother, which seems to look like one of the less haired mother rejects (darker and leafier):


It's all over the place :straightface: Oh well I'll probably just have to keep backcrossing to this small clone, which I'm hoping is the original:

The more this GDP seed thing goes along the more bummed I get :straightface: I'm going to reveg this first less-haired mother, but it doesn't look like what I want:


The rest look so different from each other I wonder if I'll be able to get it to what I want it to be:


I especially don't like the curly haired ones. Here's the two more-haired GDP mothers. I'm going to reveg this first one, too:


The less-haired GDP mother:


The more haired GDP mother (they don't do well under a 125 watt CFL):


Hopefully the original GDP plant I've been cloning for years now:


I'll get something stabile and worth puffin' up out of the deal! :thumb:
There are a couple in there, from more than one set, that still have active pistil growth. Do those phenos run longer then? If so, are you balancing that in your choices? :hmmmm:
What are you trying to do,, grow some seeds? Or just wanting a certain mother plant.. Are you doing that reveg thing? You know one thing that scares me about revegging is the extreme stress it does to a plant.. Don't get me wrong it works to save your genetics and I've done it more than once,, but should bee done as a need to only,, thing. I have found plants I revegged tend to hermie easier,, and outdoors, they get so thick they become a powdery mildew magnet.. Space limits, kind of dictate what we can do.. Unless your lucky enough to have a growing facility or greenhouses with tons of rooms for plants and mother plants..

I'm serious I need a new ID 'Ishould'vetookacut'. Seems everytime I grow a nice plant of a strain,, it's a bitch to find that same pheno again.. Both those GDP sure have some nice sparkling going on.. You know them hairs don't really have alot of vaules as far as thc goes, not compared to them sugar leaves and calyx do.. Girls look like they are going to be tasty sweet for sure Keepem Green
There are a couple in there, from more than one set, that still have active pistil growth. Do those phenos run longer then? If so, are you balancing that in your choices? :hmmmm:

The only thing I've been going by (other than health, even growth, and lack of mutations) is a resemblance to the plant I've been cloning for these past years. I think I'm going to have to do a backcross next time to get things going more in that direction.

What are you trying to do,, grow some seeds? Or just wanting a certain mother plant.. Are you doing that reveg thing? You know one thing that scares me about revegging is the extreme stress it does to a plant.. Don't get me wrong it works to save your genetics and I've done it more than once,, but should bee done as a need to only,, thing. I have found plants I revegged tend to hermie easier,, and outdoors, they get so thick they become a powdery mildew magnet.. Space limits, kind of dictate what we can do.. Unless your lucky enough to have a growing facility or greenhouses with tons of rooms for plants and mother plants..

I'm serious I need a new ID 'Ishould'vetookacut'. Seems everytime I grow a nice plant of a strain,, it's a bitch to find that same pheno again.. Both those GDP sure have some nice sparkling going on.. You know them hairs don't really have alot of vaules as far as thc goes, not compared to them sugar leaves and calyx do.. Girls look like they are going to be tasty sweet for sure Keepem Green

I'm trying to stabilize it as a new strain, coming as close as possible to the pheno I have. Where I live is totally outrageous as far as property taxes go. Over the next few years I want to get a few strains stabilized so I can then concentrate on yield grows for about another year, stop for a bit when I get a stash built up, and move somewhere cheaper to live. If I have what I want in seed form I can start all over from scratch and not lose anything. :thumb:
Time to do afew SOG flips, just to fill up afew extra nest eggs. It always help to have alot of pot around.. Helps with the moving expenses and this and that. A move huh?? I hate moving. I always end up leaving with acouple suitcases.. Leaving everything behind.. Lost acouple homes,, countless cars and furniture.. I always figured any material things I could replace.. Now I'm getting to damn old to start all over again.. Social Securities isn't going to make ends meet,, so I've had to supplement my income for awhile.. I do have afew regular customers I get compensated alittle..for electricity, lamps, dirt, seeds, and alittle spending cash. But I ended up leaving everything with my X's and I grab 2 suitcases and I'm gone.. Now I'd have to have a trailer,, just for lighting equipment and grow supplies...
GL getting ready for the move.. Keepem Green
I'm pretty much iron lung mcgee there's never gonna be a lot of pot around here :)
I just want to get somewhere where it's reasonably cheap and tweeker-free to live so I can retire early. I love this neighborhood but it's too pricey to live here. I haven't had any direct associations with fellow tokers for over a decade now, but the money I save in smoke expenses should easily cover the moving expenses. Fade away quietly out there where the wild chimps roam..... :dreamy:
It's been so long since I grew these GDP S1 seeds I can't remember an exact time. I know that I started the GDP f2 grow I'm doing now right when I chopped these, and that GDP f2 grow has been going for fifteen weeks now. I'm guessing it was around that long ago that I decided to try to reveg a triploid S2 (I got two triploids from that grow). Little by little the plant turned brittle and died off, but there's this one piece on the bottom that just started growing again:


I'm gonna try to feed it as soon as it needs water again and see what happens. I know I've tried this exact thing before and never succeeded, but maybe I'll get lucky this time.
Should've left afew more crumbs on that stick.. Wasn't possible it sounds like, but that little new growth you have should do it, knock on wood.. The plant will grow.. Pot usually finds a way to survive. Yea, it wood be a good idea to feed her alittle weak veg fertilizer when needed.. They sure don't drink much water about now.. Probaly have to water once a week now if not longer.. GL and Keepem Green
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