Group Grow - Autos Only - Seeds Must Be In Soil By The 25/07/2017 Latest

:laughtwo: Funny schemes, guys. Didn't some kingpin have an escape tunnel under a pool table that weighed a ton, and he had a secret hydraulic system to raise it. I think that was in the news last year.

I'd probably built a false wall and hide the door behind a bookcase. Most people would not notice the room is smaller than it appears.

I am so happy I don't need to hide. Getting arrested a few times, back when I lived in the south, seriously disrupted my life. So now I live in the most mj friendly place in the country or perhaps the world. Maybe some of the other states have inched past us momentarily, with full legalization, we ll have that in months. But we've led the way.

I germinated another, likewise. I don't expect much from it. The spec sheet says 25-50g and 60-70cm tall. And the weather is cool and cloudy.

It was a high of 62 today, no sun. Welcome to coastal CA in the summer. We usually have clear weather in the fall and no rain until end of oct, so these autos can get some sun then, if they don't get too stunted by a cold start.

They're not going to be bushing up in this weather but they are growing a bit. Interestingly the one in the big container is growing the slowest. Something about that spot it doesn't like, probably the soil. The pots are straight potting mix, the barrel is a blend. In any case I gave them a light feed of 5-1-1 fish emulsion yesterday. They'll be on the regular feeding routine now.

Uhhh, I'm in the south and I'm growing outside. No neighbors. So how were you found out, if you don't mind talking about it.
Uhhh, I'm in the south and I'm growing outside. No neighbors. So how were you found out, if you don't mind talking about it.

I only got popped for simple possession, not cultivation. It was over 20 years ago. Wrong places, wrong times. Nothing serious but I spent weeks in county, thousands in lawyers, probation, blah blah. Employment complications. In both cases the reason for search was bogus and they filed more severe charges that were dropped, once took my car. Typical story for the time, the just say no era. Many fared so much worse.

After finishing probation I moved, because eventually they would get me. When you get busted once, you get that narco jacket, and every time a cop runs a make on your car or license it shows up, so they pull you over and try to search constantly. Best move I made in my life.

That's not much insight into your situation and times have changed. Theres a story for each time, and a couple others, but not for this thread. I hope no body ends up with stories like these ever again. Cannabis paid me back by saving my life, maybe twice.

Best of luck with your grow, and be careful out there for the natural and man made problems.

I only got popped for simple possession, not cultivation. It was over 20 years ago. Wrong places, wrong times. Nothing serious but I spent weeks in county, thousands in lawyers, probation, blah blah. Employment complications. In both cases the reason for search was bogus and they filed more severe charges that were dropped, once took my car. Typical story for the time, the just say no era. Many fared so much worse.

After finishing probation I moved, because eventually they would get me. When you get busted once, you get that narco jacket, and every time a cop runs a make on your car or license it shows up, so they pull you over and try to search constantly. Best move I made in my life.

That's not much insight into your situation and times have changed. Theres a story for each time, and a couple others, but not for this thread. I hope no body ends up with stories like these ever again. Cannabis paid me back by saving my life, maybe twice.

Best of luck with your grow, and be careful out there for the natural and man made problems.

Thanks for sharing. Seems like you're in a good place now, and well deserved.
Day 23


They're growing sooooo much slower than compared to my previous grow.. seriously a lot... I'm not doing anything different other than transplanting into larger pots earlier and not having an abundance of slow release fertilizer on my top soil which lead to toxicity 5 weeks later.

Could they still be pushing into the roots instead of top growth?
Started germinating 2 of the new seeds I just got.... Disappointed so far. I've got my first "fail to germ" seed from Seed Supreme. Of course it is the Lemon Haze Auto... The strain I really want to grow (even though I've been warned it can be a pain). Thankfully I have 2 more Lemon Haze beans to germinate.
On a good note; the random freebie (auto) I got with my order sprouted a tap root within hours. LoL Funny how it works sometimes. Oh well.
Put the Champion Auto in soil today, the new Lemon Haze Auto will have to find it's home on Sunday/Monday.
THC Bomb is still jamming along great! All 4 are healthy and really starting to take off.
Started germinating 2 of the new seeds I just got.... Disappointed so far. I've got my first "fail to germ" seed from Seed Supreme. Of course it is the Lemon Haze Auto... The strain I really want to grow (even though I've been warned it can be a pain). Thankfully I have 2 more Lemon Haze beans to germinate.
On a good note; the random freebie (auto) I got with my order sprouted a tap root within hours. LoL Funny how it works sometimes. Oh well.
Put the Champion Auto in soil today, the new Lemon Haze Auto will have to find it's home on Sunday/Monday.
THC Bomb is still jamming along great! All 4 are healthy and really starting to take off.

Maybe it's just taking it's time? I tried to germ a few seeds on my first grow, in first day 1 germed, 2 days later I think ot was 2 more. Then nothing (had about 12 seeds trying to germ, bagseed) for about a week then 4 more germed... Got rid of the rest because 7 seemed Overkill for first grow and my space. (Ended up using 4 and 1 went male, thus my current 3 in final flower stage)


Back to Darkside, Gator, Song Sparrow and Middle Child, gave water earlier (30 sprays each from new spray bottle) around immediate root area. Top soil dry after about 3 hours.. slightly moist about a knuckle down.. should I give more with next water?

Also, I decided, since I used the slow release fert in previous grow and they did great till flower, to add some granules to Darkside (runt) as a test to see what the impact would be.
Maybe it's just taking it's time? I tried to germ a few seeds on my first grow, in first day 1 germed, 2 days later I think ot was 2 more. Then nothing (had about 12 seeds trying to germ, bagseed) for about a week then 4 more germed... Got rid of the rest because 7 seemed Overkill for first grow and my space. (Ended up using 4 and 1 went male, thus my current 3 in final flower stage)


Back to Darkside, Gator, Song Sparrow and Middle Child, gave water earlier (30 sprays each from new spray bottle) around immediate root area. Top soil dry after about 3 hours.. slightly moist about a knuckle down.. should I give more with next water?

Also, I decided, since I used the slow release fert in previous grow and they did great till flower, to add some granules to Darkside (runt) as a test to see what the impact would be.
Funny thing.... I always use the same green "toddler" plate to germinate them in a wet paper towel. This time I used 2 plates because the strains were different. LoL, the damn green plate is the seed that sprouted. Guess that plate is lucky (because it's green?) LoL
Superstition got the best of me; I moved the damn Lemon Haze seed & WPT over to that lucky green plate!
Finally named my girls...



And; Voldemort;

Three beautiful stripper names..... And their one ugly friend. LoL

Not much to see, but the Champion is in soil too:

Girls are happy...
Finally some progress!
Day 25... Or 26... Think it's 25.. no... 26!

It's been a slow grow so far, but finally I'm seeing some growth. I've put some more distance between the lights and top foliage, used the ground up slow release fertilizer granules mixed in water on all of them and additionally I've sprinkled some of the whole granules on Darkside's soil to see the impact it has..

Darkside has almost caught up!

Gator's doing much better

Middle Child still has a different appearance? Same seeds though.. strange..

Song Sparrow's straightened up nicely as well.

Haven't had much vertical grow to be honest.... Hmmm

Just glad to see they're getting up to speed.
Looking great buddy :thumb:
Ill be taking a hike out to my babies in the wild 2morow .. Its been a week since iv seen them as I timed my watering perfect with the bit of rainfall we had. They should be little plants by now if everything still smooth sailing haha !
So I will do a update on my guerilla grow and autos 2morow :)

The guy I was ment to get my tent from bailed on me so today I said screw it and drove down to our local hardware store , got everything I needed and built my own 1.2 x 1.2 x1.8 tent .. Its sitting at 1.6m tall now ( i can adjust the height ). Very impressed with my skills haha ! Will be installing the cross beam and putting my lights and babies in 2morow :cheer:
Cheap , fun and effective .. Keen to get this baby lit up :)

Looking great buddy :thumb:
Ill be taking a hike out to my babies in the wild 2morow .. Its been a week since iv seen them as I timed my watering perfect with the bit of rainfall we had. They should be little plants by now if everything still smooth sailing haha !
So I will do a update on my guerilla grow and autos 2morow :)

The guy I was ment to get my tent from bailed on me so today I said screw it and drove down to our local hardware store , got everything I needed and built my own 1.2 x 1.2 x1.8 tent .. Its sitting at 1.6m tall now ( i can adjust the height ). Very impressed with my skills haha ! Will be installing the cross beam and putting my lights and babies in 2morow :cheer:
Cheap , fun and effective .. Keen to get this baby lit up :)

That is a slick little tent man! What was the total cost to build?
Looking great buddy :thumb:
Ill be taking a hike out to my babies in the wild 2morow .. Its been a week since iv seen them as I timed my watering perfect with the bit of rainfall we had. They should be little plants by now if everything still smooth sailing haha !
So I will do a update on my guerilla grow and autos 2morow :)

The guy I was ment to get my tent from bailed on me so today I said screw it and drove down to our local hardware store , got everything I needed and built my own 1.2 x 1.2 x1.8 tent .. Its sitting at 1.6m tall now ( i can adjust the height ). Very impressed with my skills haha ! Will be installing the cross beam and putting my lights and babies in 2morow :cheer:
Cheap , fun and effective .. Keen to get this baby lit up :)

Awesome diy skills! What did you use for the tent material?
Very chuffed with the job myself .. :)
I used :
- 12m of 50mm PVC which i cut down to size + fittings
- Used ths stuf called evershield for the cover (actually ment for driveways, pathways, weed less growing etc)
- Reflective blankets usually used in first aid kits
- Boxing tape + fishing line ( fishing line to hang up and tape to seal light )

And thats that .. Like I said , easy affordable and fun :thumb:
And its definitely going to work just as well as 1 that was purchased. Maybe not as neat but shes my own haha :)
Was at my babies in the bush and am pleased to say they all have their second set of leaves so things are going great .. I also filled my tent with all my plants and installed my lights etc inside.
My criticals are the 2 on the middle right side and the 2 pots that look like they just have soil on actually have lil sprouted white widow X northern lights babies .. Havnt opened up yet tho !

Tent with all my girls..
Left side - my 2 photos + 2 newly sprouted autos.
Right side - 1 photo + 2 criticals autos + Mamba and tangerine autos

1 of the OG kush babies in the wild (they all around this size)

All in all very happy with how the tent came out.. Must just get some more reflective blankets and fill up the sides BUT other than that it's perfect
Thinking about starting a little "guerilla grow" somewhere on my land. Quite a few good places, it's also only going to be 1 plant.
Here is a view of the corner of property I'm thinking about setting this up:

Way out where the land starts getting wooded.
I have a few "Dieselicious" photo seeds. Hope to get a decent veg on them before flower cycle.
At the very least, I can clip a few clones to move indoors.
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