Group Grow - Autos Only - Seeds Must Be In Soil By The 25/07/2017 Latest

I would, but I think this barn will be a temporary thing, maybe use it for a veg shed later. I plan on building a 20'X20' "man cave" this winter. I think I might just make a nice grow room in the man cave. Too many plans... Not enough money. LoL
I think having a grow area in your man cave is a pretty good idea. Any ideas for hiding it out of plain sight?

Right now I'm in no situation (lack of space, pretty small living arrangement right now - I do not live in a house, more like a standalone duplex kind of structure) to have a man cave, but it's definitely on my first-to-do once I own some property.

My idea so far for having a grow area go undetected right underneath the noses of my visitors, is taking a pool table's top, remove the legs, build a trapezium for the bottom where the legs would have been (wider part on top).

Now pool tables are generally only about 31 inches high... However I'm pretty tall (6'5") so having my (personal) pool table be 39-41 inches, wouldn't be the most suspicious thing... I'm thinking?

That would leave me about 30-odd inches grow space.. with proper training that would be an okay grow space?

And the only way to access the grow area would be lifting up the pool bed (which under will be a false bottom keeping the billiards, the cues and other accessories).

This seem viable? Haha otherwise my mancave will need another in-plain-sight hiding spot one day
I think having a grow area in your man cave is a pretty good idea. Any ideas for hiding it out of plain sight?

Right now I'm in no situation (lack of space, pretty small living arrangement right now - I do not live in a house, more like a standalone duplex kind of structure) to have a man cave, but it's definitely on my first-to-do once I own some property.

My idea so far for having a grow area go undetected right underneath the noses of my visitors, is taking a pool table's top, remove the legs, build a trapezium for the bottom where the legs would have been (wider part on top).

Now pool tables are generally only about 31 inches high... However I'm pretty tall (6'5") so having my (personal) pool table be 39-41 inches, wouldn't be the most suspicious thing... I'm thinking?

That would leave me about 30-odd inches grow space.. with proper training that would be an okay grow space?

And the only way to access the grow area would be lifting up the pool bed (which under will be a false bottom keeping the billiards, the cues and other accessories).

This seem viable? Haha otherwise my mancave will need another in-plain-sight hiding spot one day
That would be pretty trick! Love the idea... Perfect world, we could all just grow freely.
I have planned out something similar to this for around $2000. I figure I could turn 3/4 of it to a man cave and make a small (locked) closet with the remaining space.

I don't have to hide too much from neighbors/public because I live out in a rural area. But.... My kids.... Not sure how to explain everything to them yet, so I keep it locked away. But, a locked doorknob on my man cave and another lock on my grow closet... Should be pretty secure
That would be awesome, love the look of the place. More than enough space as well! Looks like you're on to something here.
Space to chill out and be a man, smoke and have your babies close by.

The only issue my pool table idea would have is extraction. I mean.. I could technically have the air come out of the pockets and fresh air in from cue ball return... But normal pool tables don't have air rushing out of the pockets haha
That would be awesome, love the look of the place. More than enough space as well! Looks like you're on to something here.
Space to chill out and be a man, smoke and have your babies close by.

The only issue my pool table idea would have is extraction. I mean.. I could technically have the air come out of the pockets and fresh air in from cue ball return... But normal pool tables don't have air rushing out of the pockets haha
Playing pool never smelled so good. LoL
Haha yes have some kinks to think of fixing before this would become a reality
I definitely plan on running some photos outdoors here. I kinda missed the cut for planting the end of this year. But, I have the land to do it, I just gotta plan it out. I'm thinking about putting beans in the ground next June/July to grow way out in the back of my lot. I just wonder if the deer will come eat my nugs. LoL
I definitely plan on running some photos outdoors here. I kinda missed the cut for planting the end of this year. But, I have the land to do it, I just gotta plan it out. I'm thinking about putting beans in the ground next June/July to grow way out in the back of my lot. I just wonder if the deer will come eat my nugs. LoL
Definitely speak to Boatshoe, his garden still baffles me. Seems like he's got the whole outdoor thing pretty tuned in.

We don't have deer, but my cat ate 2 of my sprouts on first grow.. naughty naughty
:laughtwo: Funny schemes, guys. Didn't some kingpin have an escape tunnel under a pool table that weighed a ton, and he had a secret hydraulic system to raise it. I think that was in the news last year.

I'd probably built a false wall and hide the door behind a bookcase. Most people would not notice the room is smaller than it appears.

I am so happy I don't need to hide. Getting arrested a few times, back when I lived in the south, seriously disrupted my life. So now I live in the most mj friendly place in the country or perhaps the world. Maybe some of the other states have inched past us momentarily, with full legalization, we ll have that in months. But we've led the way.

I germinated another, likewise. I don't expect much from it. The spec sheet says 25-50g and 60-70cm tall. And the weather is cool and cloudy.

It was a high of 62 today, no sun. Welcome to coastal CA in the summer. We usually have clear weather in the fall and no rain until end of oct, so these autos can get some sun then, if they don't get too stunted by a cold start.

They're not going to be bushing up in this weather but they are growing a bit. Interestingly the one in the big container is growing the slowest. Something about that spot it doesn't like, probably the soil. The pots are straight potting mix, the barrel is a blend. In any case I gave them a light feed of 5-1-1 fish emulsion yesterday. They'll be on the regular feeding routine now.

The main advice I would have about growing outside is that if you have the chance, do it. For one thing, it's almost free. I think the taste and intensity is better. Hydro and soilless is clean and more efficient, but outdoors in soil is a richer organic environment. So you don't need to add boosters with amino acids and b vitamins to get full terpenes, because the microbes in the soil create all that. I grow organically.

I put some autos out on June 1 so that they would span the solstice, also that's when it's warm enough here. I am trying these late season plants to see if I can take advantage of our temperate fall. We have a Mediterranean climate, no summer rain. Sometimes almost no rain all year it seems. Our weather is quirky and I haven't figured out which strains do best here. If you get rain you'll need to deal with that. They have great grows in OR, so it can be done.

This is the first year I have grown autos, and the first year ive grown in pots. In the past I just bought a couple of clones, rooted them out in clay pots, and planted into prepared ground. Our soil is barren clay so it needs a lot of amending. Problem is, the clones come from a nice warm greenhouse with 18 or more hours of light, so it's they go into shock or flower, and that can set them back. Next year I grow from seeds, take some cuttings, and have them acclimated to 14 hours of sun a day, which is what we get on June 1.

Watering is easy for me, I don't have to haul water. Our clay soil really holds water, and cannabis doesn't need too much. The wind will dry your plants out just as quick as the heat.

Find out what pests you have, you probably already know. My biggest problem is fungus and PM. I am learning a painful lesson this year about septoria fungus that I brought in on some tomato plants. I used to spray every week for insects and fungus (neam and soap). This year I added potassium bicarbonate, and bacillus subtillus for fungus, BT during the early veg for insects. The autos are great because they are in and out, without much chance to pick up too much. I am just starting to see the spots on my older autos, they are a week from done, so I'm not worried about stripping leaves.

Since it's your property, you can cage them in and keep rabbits deer etc out till they get big. You'll have a different set of problems, but I would plan on spraying weekly or biweekly. I make compost tea also.

I am sure you'll get better and more specific advice about your locale. It's exciting, though, I bet you can get some beauties. This is a bit rambling, but it sounds like a great idea and it should work out well. You have a nice opportunity. Well, that's next years journal, see you there, my friend. We'll be watching for it

The main advice I would have about growing outside is that if you have the chance, do it.

If I were you, I probably would have prefaced that with, "Since I live in California where it is totally legal to grow cannabis..."

I hear about dozens of cannabis grow busts each year, locally. About 95% of them are outdoor grows. It's a lot harder to see inside a person's house without a warrant.
Thanks allot Boatshoe :thumb:
You are totally right , outdoor is something beautiful .. There just isnt anything like seeing a group of outdoor plants shimmering in the sun !!

Okay guys , let me break guerilla growing down for you .. People dont take the time and do propper scouting on sites etc.
This is what I do to full proof my sites and not feel edgy going to my babies :)

1.) Find areas you like on google earth and go check them out
2.) Look for tracks , rubbish from human, any sort of sign that someone has been around in the last while.
3.) Make sure there is a water source nearby (carrying water into a forest every week will be suspicious if seen) and
Once you are happy with the site , dig holes where you want to plant and loosen up the soil. ( Depending on where you growing add your own mix or use the fertile soil available)
4.) Put bean or clone in soil and start the operation haha :)
5.) Always have a story or reason for being out there (walk your dog, take a run, hiking, photographer etc) BUT you must look the part

For your own safety and to keep things on the DL:
- Dont tell your friends or ANYONE
- Do it by yourself
- Dont go to the site if not needed. Its better to go as little as possible. ( I try watch the weather so I water according - rainfall, heatwaves etc)
- I try walk to my site in different directions or paths and tread lightly. ( leaving a trail isnt the smartest)
- Dont wear bright clothing, watch out for anything that can reflect sunglasses, glass, plastic etc.
- And last of all just check sharp and you will be fine.

Hope thats informative enough haha, otherwise feel free to ask me anything !
They have to catch you physically watering the plants .. Otherwise you just stumbled upon them haha :high-five:
Okay guys , let me break guerilla growing down for you .. People dont take the time and do propper scouting on sites etc.
This is what I do to full proof my sites and not feel edgy going to my babies

Good advice.

I was reminded just a few hours ago of a former member (now deceased) who went by the handle of RangerDanger. He posted a LOT of useful information about outdoor growing, general information (much of it about cannabis ;) ), and some of the funnies stories imaginable.

He grew for a while:
I first got high in '67.
The very first bag I bought I saw seeds and my first thought was "Wow!!! Now I can grow my own!!!"
The very next morning I planted my first seeds.
And I've been smoking and growing (and helping others grow once I learned how) ever since.
The internet was a boon since it allows me to help hundreds grow.
Weed is such a major part of who I am I've left instructions that when I die I want to be cremated and have my ashes mixed in with a friends potting soil, as a nutrient.

I remembered that he had posted an outdoor growing tutorial, but forgot that it's a stickied thread, lol. So I did a search for his threads. Which gave me that tutorial:
Outdoor Growing Tutorial

But also gave me links to his other threads. Here are a few random ones:
A Lifetime Devoted To Growing MJ
Guerilla Growing And Camping
Harvesting, Guerilla-Style
Rippers Stories
Possibly Amusing Story
Possibly Amusing Story #2
What To Expect
Stoner Smart And Stoner Stupid
rangerdanger true possibly entertaining story
Yet Another rangerdanger Story
Shine On, Shine On Harvest Moon
The Mystery Of The Creaking Door
The Riddle Of The Rocks
This Is True

If you're into outdoor growing (or just like "old hippie" stories), you can right-click on his name, select the option to view his profile, then select "Find latest started posts" on the left side of his profile page.

Latest ~TS~ Update: No update. Will add a very dilute amount of fish & kelp fertilizer to the water in the cups tomorrow evening if no rootlets are present. If no change by Sunday night, I may go ahead and start some more auto seeds soaking. I'm planning on trying something a little different (for me), so it wouldn't distress me greatly if it turned out that this set was just a little slow, and germinated even after I planted more. Speaking of which:

Has anyone ever done a sog style grow with auto-flowering strains? I've only used clones (from phototropic mothers, of course) for that before. Thinking two-liter bottles, either jammed in there or with an inch or so of space around each bottle. I was thinking I might grow every auto this way, half in soil/perlite and the other half in 100% perlite, unless someone tells me it's a Bad Idea (and then I'll probably only grow half of them this way ;) ). Just basically thinking I might test a few different sets of nutrients whilst still (hopefully) managing to harvest something from at least some of the plants. But that all depends on getting several autos to grow, obviously. So it's a pretty tentative plan at present.
I like your style! . If these 6 plants put out what they are "projected" to yield, I'll be a happy man. Thinking about doing nug jars as Christmas presents this year. A plant for each of my 4 friends; whatever it produces is what goes in their jar.
I'm (technically) retired, so I have a ton of time to care for my girls but 4 autos don't require too much attention. I'm actually guilty of over watering/over trimming because I love playing with the plants.
Well, all dialed in now, I want to grow, grow, grow. Fun to do it with you guys/gals too.
Same here, preston. I just wanted to sneak 2 plants in the backyard to see what would happen, now I've harvested 1 and have 5 growing. Only 1 buddy, an experienced smoker, knows what I'm doing. He's my quality control guy.
Haha classic :) it's always just 1 or 2 !

As promised guys , an update on the 2 autos I originally started the journal with haha ! My criticals are going great, they healthy just small haha , I think the small critical will be like the tangerine and the bigger 1 better as the tangerine also only started side branching at a late stage and stayed small.. Well let's see what happens haha they both sprouted on the 24th if I'm correct. Well somewhere around there !

Tangerine back Critical front

Mamba back Small Critical front

Oh yea .. The seedbank were really nice when I spoke to them about everything ! They refunding me on all my beans and sending me fresh stock. They swear things will be different new owners etc etc.. Either way I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and give it another bash :cheer:
If I were you, I probably would have prefaced that with, "Since I live in California where it is totally legal to grow cannabis..."

I hear about dozens of cannabis grow busts each year, locally. About 95% of them are outdoor grows. It's a lot harder to see inside a person's house without a warrant.

For sure. :winkyface:
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