Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Yea mine was no training but from seed. Your are guna be taller from clone. 6lbs lol that would be great :)

Oh YEA 6lbs would make me a very happy person:yummy::grinjoint:
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Morning MrFishprabhu Ji
I went an cleaned the pond an garden in fact I got loads done cut back lots of overgroth that was stopping folk,s from breathing hope you like this new cleaned pond and have a very happy three toke thursday:grinjoint: we can all party down nicley I tried to give a little ventilation for you Mr Fish, try not to fart to much guy,s it disturbs the balance :grinjoint: :yahoo: PARTY TIME RISE AND SHINE

re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Good Weed Uncle Fish, gotta go sign a contract today, I'm moving! upside is it's huge and icludes washer/dryer, down side, I have only 150 bucks to spend a month on our hobby lol!
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Mac, you have seen in the past all I bought, I suffered by eating top Ramen, you will understand on your thread , left message
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Mac, you have seen in the past all I bought, I suffered by eating top Ramen, you will understand on your thread , left message

Yeah, it took us a while to take that hill......and we had nothing left when we got to the top......but we got there.....A lot of your expense is terminal gear, all you have to do basically is replace bulbs and fans when they take a shit....everything else should last a long while. You need to have a spare hps bulb available......part of you contingency plan, that's the only item that requires immediate replacement if it quits! month! Congrats on the new digs, you needed to get out of that hostile environment you've been in! Hopefully you'll have some extra space for your hobby...AND, a larger degree of control over your box (boxes maybe?). You will need two rigs be perpetual!
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Until then you can take some of the plants from a 20/4 rig (or whatever grow lighting hours on/off you use) and put them in a dark closet after 12 hours of light every day. That way some can be flowering and the rest will stay in veg.
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

First Off let say I will respond to all of your posts in a bit:thanks:
At 2:31am I officially Became a Oldster:cheer:
My Daughter gave birth to a Beautiful little girl:circle-of-love:
Healthy, 10 toes and fingers 10 of those too
7lbs 11oz:circle-of-love:
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Until then you can take some of the plants from a 20/4 rig (or whatever grow lighting hours on/off you use) and put them in a dark closet after 12 hours of light every day. That way some can be flowering and the rest will stay in veg.

Pot chimp right now I only have two in veg at about 30 days, but it's starting to smell. I'm thinking of getting one of those vortech fans that come with a charcoal filter. a suggestions from anyone would be helpful, I'm not much of a DIY guy except with weapons. I need it to be cheap because my new landlord is just having me pay 950 upfront instead of an additional 500 for deposit, but that leaves me only about 150-200 to spend max!
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

First Off let say I will respond to all of your posts in a bit:thanks:
At 2:31am I officially Became a Oldster:cheer:
My Daughter gave birth to a Beautiful little girl:circle-of-love:
Healthy, 10 toes and fingers 10 of those too
7lbs 11oz:circle-of-love:
Uncle, that makes me so happy for you and your family I wish wholeheartedly I could empathize in the joy you and your family feel. I am thankful that your life is a little more fulfilled now!!!
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Pot chimp right now I only have two in veg at about 30 days, but it's starting to smell. I'm thinking of getting one of those vortech fans that come with a charcoal filter. a suggestions from anyone would be helpful, I'm not much of a DIY guy except with weapons. I need it to be cheap because my ne500w landloed is just having me pay 950 upfront instead of an additional 500 for deposit, but that leaves me only about 150-200 to spend max!

I'll do some looking around bro, If no one ever comes in your house, and you don't leave the door open or vent the space....the smell can't really escape. While I am not really concerned with odor where I'm at, I check outside all the time...I have sniffed and snooped out everything in my immediate environment(outside)and have rarely detect anything at all........maybe just a slight hint on super ass hot days. I will tell you though, you have become accustomed to the odor already....and it's stronger than when you smell it after being exposed to it for hours and days on end.
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Not to bring anyone down on this joyous occasion, I would just like to be a parent to start things off, that's my dream, but at 45 it's fading fast. Plus the genes I could pass on, hell that's worth it alone!
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Well boy's and girls, I got to get ready to head to town to sign a contract, I'll keep abreast of Grandpa on my phone I hope.
re: Growing In The Pond & Keeping My Head Above Water

Sorry Nephew I'm all out of daughters:)
Not to bring anyone down on this joyous occasion, I would just like to be a parent to start things off, that's my dream, but at 45 it's fading fast. Plus the genes I could pass on, hell that's worth it alone!
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