Guerrilla Comes In From The Cold! - First Indoor Grow

Thanks Chef! You'll see in the above post that I super cropped the shit out of everything. Now I am back to my earlier problem of hoping my plants are not too much for the canopy. Not to repeat myself, but if I flowered these bitches at 10 inches and can't keep them in a 60 inch tall space I will be really pissed.

Very interesting now that I am 20-21 days into flowering. I thought my plant's shape would be fully set; not so at all.

I have been trimming redundant lower leaves and the lowest growth shoots. I have left about 3 larf shoots on each plant, which I will try to clone in a few weeks. The bottom of my plants are all nice and clean now. The top 2/3 are a riot of leaves, shoots, and buds. I am I think pretty conservative in trimming fan leaves. So far I have only trimmed 6-10 from the top, and that is among all plants. So at some point I can see really pruning the fan leaves, maybe, but not in the next week or so. Those fans are my engines!

At the same time, as soon as a leaf starts going yellow or getting brown edges I am pulling it! That is definitely more aggressive than I am outdoors, where I usually just leave everything on the plant and they only fall off when the plant cuts them loose.

But pretty soon I would like to see where my colas are, and right now very few bud sites look like future colas. Patience, Grasshopper, patience...
I thought I would update on the outdoor plant. The female I transplanted from the tent to the outdoors. I think it is growing, and think it is still budding, but it hasn't done much. It still looks kind of dazed- the whole of the plant has rigidity, but the tops of the shoots are all a little wilted. I expect that right after a transplant, but not a week later!

So I haven't been able to pay it much attention, and I am not sure if it is in shock or not. If I had to guess I think it will grow and flower more or less normally. I should know after the next week!
A note on smell:

At 3 weeks into flowering, so far I have no smell at all! Very excited, honestly. If that carbon filter stays wrapped up and unused I would be happy as a clam!

Very curious when and how much I will have to deal with the smell. Very worried about it. But the longer it doesn't smell, the happier I will be!
OMG Golfer I am definitely going to try this! Thanks for the idea! Personally, I would only do it maybe 2-3 weeks before harvest. At that point that plant is already swelling and getting dense. I didn't notice the OP saying when exactly he did it, but you see from the pics those buds are well formed. Plus, I fear mold and denser buds are more vulnerable.

Also want to say FINALLY! It is now 4th week in flower and only today can I say my plants now seem to be focused on bud development- as opposed to stretching and making new leaves. Honestly I am not sure how long it would take but am surprised it is in the 4th week before they actually start to build buds.

A few started to look this way maybe a week ago, but it is only now that most/all of them are finally "budding". But I think that they finally are!

Pics next posting, got some cool stuff to show you!
EMERGENCY! That's what it felt like at least when I looked in my tent today.

These MFs are still stretching! Now I am getting convinced that my plant density is causing the ladies to continue fighting for light. I don't mind wispy buds but don't have the vertical space.

So a couple plants got more super cropping or tied down with plant wire, the most plant wire I have used so far. I am really out of space!

So I decided very reluctantly that one of my plants has to go. I already threw away 7 males, one probable female, and planted one out. I have three plants in their own bucket and three buckets with two each. After much thought I am removing one of the ones in its own bucket. It seems a little less stressful. Plus this one plant is one of the worst stretchers, takes up a lot of canopy, and is about the slowest to bud.

So now I will just have 5 buckets, and tried to rearrange them to each get more room. It really was very cramped in there and I was being greedy. They were choking each other out.

I can't kill this plant but don't have a place for it. Will give it away or make a guerrilla patch of one!

Sorry can't do pics today!
Keep bending and tying down hehe, I know what you mean about stretch, mine have probably grown more in the past 2 days than in the last 2 weeks combined. I had originally planned to have 6+ plants in my 4x4 tent and after seeing how much just 2 have filled the tent im even thinking of just one plant next time lol. I need to grab some pics of my girls too, has been a few days but after spending a few hours a night maintaining them i always forget, hopefully your girls stop stretching so rapidly and start focusing more on bud growth but sounds like you are doing a good job mate, keep it up ;)
Well, it's been a couple weeks. Lots has happened.

First, after reading a thread about defoliation for increased yields, at Day 25 of flowering I took probably half my fan leaves off. The idea is to make the plant spur new growth. And all the new growth I saw went toward the bud areas, so that was cool. Since then I have taken off fan leaves once a week.

During these leaf cleaning sessions I only am either opening up light to a budsite or getting rid of all leaves that block airflow the congested areas. I am paranoid of mold!

According to the thread you do a defoliation right before flipping the lights (which I was too late for), then around week 3 of flower (which I did), then somewhere around day 42-45 one last time. I am probably doing it more like day 48 or 49 as I am definitely going a full 10 weeks.

Another thread I read up and am trying it on a "bud filling" technique. Building back buds I think he called it. Anyway, you seem to be able to do it any time but maybe most do it midway through flowering. Basically you "top" your buds, trimming the top tips, forcing the growth behind it to make thicker buds. But I am only doing it on a couple of extremely sativa plants, and with them I just want them to stop stretching!

I am about day 47 of flowering. Up until a couple of days ago one of my plants was still stretching! Hey, Missy, you are not in Thailand anymore. This plant I admire that it is SUCH a tenacious fighter, but you tied it down and it always finds news ways to go up up up. And hardly anything that looks like a bud and some people would be harvesting in a week. I mostly hate this plant with a passion and may even just execute it though I am tempted to try to put it outside. I have so aggressively defoliated this plant it may have a hard time in the real world of outdoors.

The other plants are mostly rocking. After taking the last plants out, canopy rearranging never really felt in control. Though I don't think it looks too bad.

Getting ready to do the last major defoliation. Then I will be hoping for cool dry weather the next three weeks!
Hope all is well in your world.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hi everybody sorry I have been absent.

I realized i could not take as many pics as other growers, and it seems everybody wants pics and I don't have many.

The grow is still going. It has been 11 1/2 weeks since I flipped the lights and only 1 plant is ready. The rest are still at least a week away.

Amazed that NONE of my plants was ready before 10 weeks. How do people count flowering time? If it is from the first appearance of pistils, that makes more sense than when you flip 'em. Because as I said I had NOTHING ready at 10 weeks, and the first one was only ready at 11, counting from the flip.

Plants are generally doing well, the different strains grew very differently so there was some changes made for that. Also I pulled 4 females out after I began shaping my canopy, so my canopy does not cover my whole grow area.

Nugs are super dense, no mold problems.

A couple of mistakes I made based on timing. I stopped giving them nutes almost 4 weeks ago and wish I had kept them going another two weeks. Anything resembling a fan leaf is yellow. Also I did a massive defoliation 4 or 5 weeks ago, and that should have waited another week or two as well.

Next grow I will try to fill up the canopy only at the end, as I filled it far too early and ending up pulling several plants. Also won't stop feeding until later, and won't switch from veg food to flower food until I see pistils.

I still think my tent, lights, and general setup are good. Just a little frustrated that it is taking so long, and not sure but yields might not be very impressive.

I started flowering june 9 or 10. I can't believe most of this stuff won't be ready until September!
There is good news however!

Been sampling my one finished plant and man she is strong! A pure indica it seems. Heavy smoke from that one, serious couch lock!

Also sampled another indica dominant and one mixed pheno. Neither tastes like it is done!

Unfortunately can't do a strain review as I know I grew from several mother plants but don't know the strains of any as I have been doing my own breeding for a while. Honestly, as a guerrilla grower I picked from the best smoke but also the plants that gave me the least problems. So my breeding was often mostly about strong plants as opposed to the exact kind of high.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

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