Guyz vs Galz Grow Off

HI Carmen. :) Good news she is on the upswing today. Everything is looking a little better. :love:

Check this post where we talked about it. Just click on that and it takes you directly to the post:

Only a quick minute here to post that, have to replace the master brake cylinder on the truck in a few minutes. When it rains it pours.....
Glad to hear things are looking brighter!
I just had to replace a brake hose on my jeep so, I feel your pain. As a former mechanic, I still hate brake fluid.
Glad to hear things are looking brighter!
I just had to replace a brake hose on my jeep so, I feel your pain. As a former mechanic, I still hate brake fluid.
Oh come on ... Rub it in!

HI Carmen. :) Good news she is on the upswing today. Everything is looking a little better. :love:

Check this post where we talked about it. Just click on that and it takes you directly to the post:

Only a quick minute here to post that, have to replace the master brake cylinder on the truck in a few minutes. When it rains it pours.....
Are you doing it yourself ? 🤩 I actually have a ton of parts for my car in my tattoo room that I have to install this weekend..... I love new parts 😊.

And heck to the yea :yahoo: :yahoo: super glad momma dukes is doing much better ! Now let's keep her from anymore cage fighting for a bit.....ok?!
Glad to hear things are looking brighter!
I just had to replace a brake hose on my jeep so, I feel your pain. As a former mechanic, I still hate brake fluid.
I'm still a mechanic lol I'll take break fluid and grease anyday over axle grease 🤮🤮🤮 Hypoid smell doesn't just come out of clothes or off hands.
I'm still a mechanic lol I'll take break fluid and grease anyday over axle grease 🤮🤮🤮 Hypoid smell doesn't just come out of clothes or off hands.
Easy peezy. I will take anything automotive related. Doesn't bother me a bit.

But a bed pan. Colostomy bag, catheter sack... Call yo momma
Are you doing it yourself ? 🤩 I actually have a ton of parts for my car in my tattoo room that I have to install this weekend..... I love new parts 😊.

And heck to the yea :yahoo: :yahoo: super glad momma dukes is doing much better ! Now let's keep her from anymore cage fighting for a bit.....ok?!
Yep, they took her out of ICU today to a regular room. :cheer: Her blood work still sucks but improved slightly, but all the other issues are improving and she's off the oxygen!

I did most of it myself, had to wait for bro to get out of work when it came time to bleed the brakes etc. I absolutely HATE working on brakes, especially lines. Cold garage floors, reaching up into rust, and always in a place that you cannot see well and reach without scraping your arms or hands bloody......ugh!

Off and running again, break time is over.
Yep, they took her out of ICU today to a regular room. :cheer: Her blood work still sucks but improved slightly, but all the other issues are improving and she's off the oxygen!

I did most of it myself, had to wait for bro to get out of work when it came time to bleed the brakes etc. I absolutely HATE working on brakes, especially lines. Cold garage floors, reaching up into rust, and always in a place that you cannot see well and reach without scraping your arms or hands bloody......ugh!

Off and running again, break time is over.
Oh my. How I wish our stars had aligned Lady C! 😍

Bump that barefoot and in the kitchen stuff, I would have kept you greasy and in the garage!
HI Carmen. :) Good news she is on the upswing today. Everything is looking a little better. :love:
Such good news indeed!
Check this post where we talked about it. Just click on that and it takes you directly to the post:

Thanks for this!
Only a quick minute here to post that, have to replace the master brake cylinder on the truck in a few minutes. When it rains it pours.....
I hope you have managed this by now!
Oh my. How I wish our stars had aligned Lady C! 😍

Bump that barefoot and in the kitchen stuff, I would have kept you greasy and in the garage!
Too funny. 😂
It used to be said here "Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen". Which is what it seems my grandmother and Mother always were while the men, with plenty of beer, were gathered around an engine hanging from a tree limb that they had just pulled out of a truck of some kind. LOL
I'm making a call. My Freedom Of Seeds sponsored seeds haven't arrived yet, so I am going to go with the following. I sourced the Seedsman Blueberry locally.

Name: Carmen Ray
Seedbank: @Sweet Seeds and @SeedsMan
Strain: Orange Mandarin XL Auto and Blueberry Auto
Medium: Revitalized used living organic soil
Indoor: It will not be possible to control the temperature and humidity of the grow space, so I try not to worry too much about that.
Lights: 2 x Vipar Spectra XS 1500 Pro LEDs

I know these infographics probably won't be acceptable format, but it's worth a try. I made them for my individual journal. May I use them in the competition journal?

I'm making a call. My Freedom Of Seeds sponsored seeds haven't arrived yet, so I am going to go with the following. I sourced the Seedsman Blueberry locally.

Name: Carmen Ray
Seedbank: @Sweet Seeds and @SeedsMan
Strain: Orange Mandarin XL Auto and Blueberry Auto
Medium: Revitalized used living organic soil
Indoor: It will not be possible to control the temperature and humidity of the grow space, so I try not to worry too much about that.
Lights: 2 x Vipar Spectra XS 1500 Pro LEDs

I know these infographics probably won't be acceptable format, but it's worth a try. I made them for my individual journal. May I use them in the competition journal?

Just a quick minute here, but wanted to say I love those graphics! What a nice way of telling the story of the strain. :)
Just a quick minute here, but wanted to say I love those graphics! What a nice way of telling the story of the strain. :)
I did it on CANVA, the free version. Anyone can do it. It's easy peasy :)
@Carmen Ray iim totally digging that pic colab you did of your strains.
Thank you Jiggi :) Have a look at CANVA. Do you know it? I chose a poster format and just changed the pics and text to suit my theme.
I'm still a mechanic lol I'll take break fluid and grease anyday over axle grease 🤮🤮🤮 Hypoid smell doesn't just come out of clothes or off hands.
I almost added the only thing I hate worse is gear lube. Burnt 90W stink permeates everything.. lol
Are you doing it yourself ? 🤩 I actually have a ton of parts for my car in my tattoo room that I have to install this weekend..... I love new parts 😊.

And heck to the yea :yahoo: :yahoo: super glad momma dukes is doing much better ! Now let's keep her from anymore cage fighting for a bit.....ok?!
I’m and old gear head and love the classics. Whatcha workin on?
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