Heirloom's A Little Bit Of Everything - 2016 Journal

:passitleft: hey mate hope you don't mind.. Only showing you because of some comments a month or so ago.. Ready to laugh... Sour diesel, about to be flipped either Monday or following Monday. Put into final pot, 7gal last night, just want her to settle before flipping..
And you say it's hard to understand me :rofl:
Worms are the bane of outdoor growing.

I'm starting harvest again today. Already have an estimated dry oz trimmed. Taking a break for a baclofen, a toke and to say hi. No help so I'm starting a few days earlier than intended to give me a head start. Need all the time I can get. It's decidedly not an easy task for me. If I'm not too sticky and I remember I'll get pics this time of what worms will reduce a cola to.

Good morning Sue. Hope you have a great day.


Hopefully you'll get those pictures taken, but we'll certainly understand if the harvest takes precedence.

Most of my days are good, but this one was extra-special good. :battingeyelashes: :love: Even the wounded toe didn't slow me down. :laughtwo:

I made some pain cream recently you may be interested in. If so, PM me for the recipe and possibly more. I'll be making a fresh batch tomorrow, and I have some due to arrive at a friend's, someone who deals with your level of discomfort, possibly more. He'll be reporting as to its effectiveness within the next day or so. We have a member who recently used it to great effect on fresh second-degree burns and it cut the pain almost immediately, and began healing the burned areas from the get-go.

This plant is unbelievably effective as a healing modality. Somebody explain to me again why it's illegal?
On moth repelling....

What if you had a T-bar post as a central plant support. Also secured to the post, vertically, is a PVC pipe, capped on both ends with small holes drilled all up and down the length of the pipe. Fill the pipe with moth balls. Stinky moth protection from within. Rain won't wash it away easily and contaminate soil or plants. One per plant.

On moth repelling....

What if you had a T-bar post as a central plant support. Also secured to the post, vertically, is a PVC pipe, capped on both ends with small holes drilled all up and down the length of the pipe. Fill the pipe with moth balls. Stinky moth protection from within. Rain won't wash it away easily and contaminate soil or plants. One per plant.


Wow! That's a brilliant idea. That actually might work. It might repel you too though. And everyone else within 500 yards. :laughtwo:


Hey boss. Im beginning to appreciate all the places you found to hang audrey2, lol. May have to go get a bunch of wire hangers, my line is full. Was thinking about a clothes line contraption. I have one that folds similar to an umbrella. Stands in a pipe in the ground and is about 6ft tall. Unfolded its about 7ft square. It has 5 or 6 lines strung on each side. Could probably hold 2000+ dry grams worth.
That's a good idea the old clothes line..
My football team is about to make the grand final, last quarter and we are 40 points up, it's in the bag.. I've got membership card for guaranteed grand final ticket, just had to ring up to go into ballot for seating. I was too busy at work and forgot to ring..im shattered right now.. Ill have to get really drunk somewhere next weekend instead..
On moth repelling....

What if you had a T-bar post as a central plant support. Also secured to the post, vertically, is a PVC pipe, capped on both ends with small holes drilled all up and down the length of the pipe. Fill the pipe with moth balls. Stinky moth protection from within. Rain won't wash it away easily and contaminate soil or plants. One per plant.


Hmmm......I just took some PVC out of the tomato patch that was being used as support rods. I'm going to do some drilling.
It sounds like it's worth a shot to me. I keep seeing the little white moths on the grass, so I know those basterds are just waiting to hit me.

I like the idea...for outside. I can't stand the smell of moth balls, so inside would be a no here.

Good morning!

On moth repelling....

What if you had a T-bar post as a central plant support. Also secured to the post, vertically, is a PVC pipe, capped on both ends with small holes drilled all up and down the length of the pipe. Fill the pipe with moth balls. Stinky moth protection from within. Rain won't wash it away easily and contaminate soil or plants. One per plant.

Fabulous idea......I am going to run with that. I have pets that could be harmed by the moth balls. Will this only keep away moths. I have a healthy ecosystem that I don't want disturbed

So much to learn....so many journals to follow
Woot! Happy my moth repel tubes might help ya'll. You'll need 3/4" pvc or bigger in order to get whole moth balls in. 1/2" is just a little too small. You could break the balls up though.

I looked at the clothes line. I was mistaken a little in its design. Instead of 4 or 5 lines on each side, its about 25 lines spaced 3" or so apart that span from one side to the other. It would hold a lot. Now to find a base to hold it that can come inside.....
My football team is about to make the grand final, last quarter and we are 40 points up, it's in the bag.. I've got membership card for guaranteed grand final ticket, just had to ring up to go into ballot for seating. I was too busy at work and forgot to ring..im shattered right now.. Ill have to get really drunk somewhere next weekend instead..

Jesus mate. You deserve a kick in the shin for that. Or this...

Woot! Happy my moth repel tubes might help ya'll. You'll need 3/4" pvc or bigger in order to get whole moth balls in. 1/2" is just a little too small. You could break the balls up though.

I looked at the clothes line. I was mistaken a little in its design. Instead of 4 or 5 lines on each side, its about 25 lines spaced 3" or so apart that span from one side to the other. It would hold a lot. Now to find a base to hold it that can come inside.....

Do you have an outdoor umbrella base? Those are heavy azzed things and very sturdy.

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