Heirloom's A Little Bit Of Everything - 2016 Journal

It's so hard cutting them. Each branch hurts.

This is the closest emoti :straightface: this candy shelled forum has that's remotely close.

Gotta treat it like a band-aid and just rip it off Heirloom, or cut it in this case. I'm going through the same thing mate so don't feel to bad, it happens to everyone now and again.;)

Hope everything else is going well & have a good night sir!:Namaste:
Up having my morning coffee as I work really hard not to call out. Five more days til I get my next day off.......come on friday 2pm

Still stalking ur thread waiting for ur return.

So much to learn....so many journals to follow

Following right along behind her. Headed out for my morning walk and a quick breakfast food pick-up and decided to check in on you. It's been a week baby. Send up a flare. :hug::hug::hug: :love:
Good morning everyone! Hope your growing is going well. I'm in need of some advice. I believe I'm close to harvesting my gals but am clueless how. I'm at a mostly milky yet some Amber colored trichs on both. I'm now flushing with rain water. Daily. No more nutes since 5 days ago. We hope to harvest in about a week,but, if going longer us better, I will. I'm lost on when... And I believe a 3 day rack dry is how we go. Then jar it and burp it? All advice is welcome. Thanks Heir.

Bumbles Desert Oasis - The Mystery Seeds - Volume 1

Peaceful blazing
Bumble, you're definately coming into the harvest window, if you're not there already. Milky trichomes is what I'm looking for almost every time. in a week the pistils will be more completely changed and pulled back, something I watch for. Keep an eye on those trichomes though. They can change fast. I assume you know what ratio of amber you're shooting for?

Mine take a standard 4-5 days on the rack and then into the jars for daily burping for the first week and then sporadically after that. The only time I ever had a problem was buds I'd vacuum sealed too early.

By the way, beautiful buds. Well done. :high-five:
Bumble, you're definately coming into the harvest window, if you're not there already. Milky trichomes is what I'm looking for almost every time. in a week the pistils will be more completely changed and pulled back, something I watch for. Keep an eye on those trichomes though. They can change fast. I assume you know what ratio of amber you're shooting for?

Mine take a standard 4-5 days on the rack and then into the jars for daily burping for the first week and then sporadically after that. The only time I ever had a problem was buds I'd vacuum sealed too early.

By the way, beautiful buds. Well done. :high-five:
Thanks Sue! My first grow and we are brimming with anticipation. No, not sure the ratio of milk/Amber we are shooting for but Im thinking, about 70% Amber. We pulled a sample of the Sativa Dom Fri and tasted it last night! Energetic and fuzzy eyed, my wife says" Sativas only, from here on out!! ". I'm like, slow down there sweetie. I'm a total hip replacement survivor! Lol. And rheumatoid arthritis as well! I'm shot physically by 6 or 7pm. I need my Indicas! Once we harvest, my wife is going to make a profile here and connect with you and some of the other women who are really a BLESSING to us medical users. I vape and eventually want to vape my meds, and use topicals and edibles. I'm a 50 yr old toker who wants his lungs to get a break. Thanks again! Have a blessed week.
Hope all is well with you Heirloom!
Thanks Sue! My first grow and we are brimming with anticipation. No, not sure the ratio of milk/Amber we are shooting for but Im thinking, about 70% Amber. We pulled a sample of the Sativa Dom Fri and tasted it last night! Energetic and fuzzy eyed, my wife says" Sativas only, from here on out!! ". I'm like, slow down there sweetie. I'm a total hip replacement survivor! Lol. And rheumatoid arthritis as well! I'm shot physically by 6 or 7pm. I need my Indicas! Once we harvest, my wife is going to make a profile here and connect with you and some of the other women who are really a BLESSING to us medical users. I vape and eventually want to vape my meds, and use topicals and edibles. I'm a 50 yr old toker who wants his lungs to get a break. Thanks again! Have a blessed week.
Hope all is well with you Heirloom!

FYI...IMHO, 70% amber is VERY late for a harvest since most of the THC will have started to degrade by then. I'd probably shoot for no more than 20% amber, or so, if you want the couchlock. But, if your wife is loving Sativas, those would have less couchlock, so even earlier might be better for her.

Here's a "sticky" on curing that may help:

How To Cure Your Marijuana Crop
FYI...IMHO, 70% amber is VERY late for a harvest since most of the THC will have started to degrade by then. I'd probably shoot for no more than 20% amber, or so, if you want the couchlock. But, if your wife is loving Sativas, those would have less couchlock, so even earlier might be better for her.

Here's a "sticky" on curing that may help:

How To Cure Your Marijuana Crop
Well thanks Krip. I'm definitely flying blind here. Looks like we will be harvesting on Saturday! I'm at about 10% Amber as of this morning. And these girls are getting plump! I'm only at day 7 of my flush. So Saturday puts me at 11 days of no nutes. Is that sufficient?

Peaceful blazing
Well thanks Krip. I'm definitely flying blind here. Looks like we will be harvesting on Saturday! I'm at about 10% Amber as of this morning. And these girls are getting plump! I'm only at day 7 of my flush. So Saturday puts me at 11 days of no nutes. Is that sufficient?

Peaceful blazing

I agree. I might let my indicas go 20-25% amber for a more "couchy" feel, I prefer my Sativas mostly cloudy with maybe 10% amber. :circle-of-love::peace:
Well thanks Krip. I'm definitely flying blind here. Looks like we will be harvesting on Saturday! I'm at about 10% Amber as of this morning. And these girls are getting plump! I'm only at day 7 of my flush. So Saturday puts me at 11 days of no nutes. Is that sufficient?

Peaceful blazing
I will be harvesting my first plant on Saturday as well.

So much to learn....so many journals to follow
Hey folks. I'm alive. Help here has waned a bit, so I've been busier and get tuckered fast.

I've fought with the forum for days. The Android app is screwed up and I can't load pictures over regular browser either. So sorry, no pics atm.

2x caged Blue Dreams - We harvested 7 oz dry off one pot/caged BD. We pulled the colas and left the rest. I've resisted pulling more and they are on their final week. So 1 and 1/3 plant to harvest in 7-10. Buds on all the BD's have lightened color and have that bluish tint.

4x caged BD - These are 1 week behind the first two. 14-20 days or so left.

2x planted BD - Both are a mess, though one might give me 1/2 lb. Harvest window same as the 4x caged BD. These two really got tore up in a violent storm two weeks ago.

1x planted Fruit Punch - Harvest window opens in 7-10 days, technically, but looks like it could go longer.

1x planted Tangerine Dream pheno 2 - the flowering pheno, lol. She is entering week 3 of flowering. 6+ to go.

1x bagseed cross - half way through week 7 and looking strong. Huge buds that would hurt to get hit with. Worms and rot are starting in. Pulled a small sample yesterday to see what happens if I have to pull early. No idea how long it should go, but probably 9-10 based on parentage.

3x fruit punch potted - only reason these are still alive is curiosity. They look like they tried to flower and veg at the same time. Flowers dying off while new one forming. Weird stuff. Clearly I screwed up a feeding early in flower.

6x #5 potted BD - these are the survivors of my late season hail Mary fem seed germination test. Cat, birds and cut worms took the others. Idk how far into flower, guessing week 2. Have not payed them much attention.

Lastly, 1x Tangerine Dream - pheno 1. Still waiting. She's 8ft round and over 9ft tall and amazing. Would be even better if there were buds forming.

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