Hempy Headquarters


Too small to go into the 5 gal? Medium itself wasn't very saturated. Poured nute mix until I got drainage from the hole. And yea it was a little extreme on my end to go straight from
Being inside to outside... Headed home to check on her
Now doggone it, lol. I had a joint of S&D pipe and four or five caps. Had them for years. Gave them away a month ago after the 420,000th time I tripped over the pipe. I could have made several little hempy pots out of them. That'll teach me to (ever) get rid of something. Hoarders aren't mental after all - they're just stockpiling against future need ;) .

WITH caps... and you gave them away.... a shame no doubt. I suspect there are many other possible hempy pots floating around your world.

I did some (very light) skimming and got the impression that Osmocote Plus wasn't the most highly recommended nutrient for auto-flowering strains. I'd really like to use it for a few (autos). This is a little embarrassing to admit, but it's the only nutrient I have that isn't 4+ years old (some are even older :( ). I bought a bottle of it on a whim last Autumn for something like $1.99 (clearance-priced) before I realized that Osmocote is a Scotts Miracle-Gro Monster product. AND... I also bought a sack (pouch?) of the stuff at about the same time to use on Mom's "bucket" tomato plants. BtW, her two five-gallon bucket tomato plants seem to like it, although I might look in the shed to see if I have any triple super phosphate left and, if so, spike them a little.

Ya know... I'm not sure Os+ is the best nutrient for any grow... but it sure is the easiest.

I've noticed this forum is a LOT busier than it was eight years ago - and SweetSue's threads always seem to have high levels of participation. I almost think she could create a thread solely to complain about a bunion or something, and end up getting 30 or 40 replies in a week.

hmmmmm.... makes me wonder about 420mag's traffic numbers over the years. I'm sure they know their numbers. I wonder if we can pry the numbers from the staff.... they might be happy to flaunt them. I'd sure love to know.

Lol. I like to post that once a year or so. There's just something very appealing about alligator gar - the fish that you are advised to use a shotgun on as soon as you get it into your boat so it doesn't have a chance to thrash around and break several of your bones (apparently, merely unloading your pistol into one doesn't kill the primitive beasts quickly enough, LMAO).

As you can imagine, Tead sees lot of various gator bits all over his world. It might be a logo for an auto repair place, a sign for a restaurant, or a real gator in the zoo or a bayou.
When you combine that with some grade school reports about a young Tead having reading comprehension issues, you might understand how Tead glanced at the photo, went to 'gator' in his brain and stayed there.
I totally was thinking 'gator' until you tossed 'gar' out there... Tead had to go back an look a bit closer.
I dunno... that's a mighty ugly fish. Tead likes him some real gator tail.... I suspect his diet will not change.

Looks like, if you want to run their line in a hydroponic setup, they WANT you to do the hand-watered thing. So... hempy food, lol?
Frequently Asked Questions | Earth Juice

Perhaps. I guess I'll have to try some organic nutes some time. Damn it... something else on the list of things to try!

Are you referring to its tendency to hold onto calcium/magnesium and to dump phosphate if it is not properly pre-treated? Or some sort of actual microbial life in it? If the latter, I did not know this.

To be fair, I know very little about coco. I see it in play in other folk's gardens and I see some fluctuations in their worlds.... so that's really the basis for my words. Some day I'll get around to trying coco.

Can you get green buckets? I did some growing in (unpainted) Mountain Dew bottles a while back and never saw any algal growth. Maybe I just got lucky, but... I'm not especially known for good luck in the grow room ;) .

Well... I might suggest science rather than luck. Green is the color we use to NOT activate photosynthesis in our pants when we peek at them during lights out... so.... yea.... perhaps you were saved by the green wavelength of the light.

IDK if that really follows the spirit of "hempy." And I wouldn't think it would really be necessary unless someone is doing it in (for example) Texas.

Weas uses the setup when he's away from the garden for long lengths of days. True.... it does violate the basic idea, but it's sure a nice little hybrid setup for when he's roaming. I've been jealous for years now.

which can be patched with spackling or even toothpaste (or wet toilet paper, lol) and painted afterwards

Don't you dare fill my walls with toothpaste or T.P.!
Makin the landlord in me shudder. For the record, I'm sure yours would prefer you left any drywall repair to them rather than be 'creative' with your patching techniques.
Morning Hempy helps

My 3gal hempys are going bonkers.. they have even passed up Candida and are gaining on Green Doc

I hope they stop stretching soon or I'll have to take some drastic actions
A progress report on my little hempy experiment.

I have a Blue Dream from seed in a cut down 1 gallon jug and two BD clones in solo cups. The 1 gal has 3 tablespoons of Osmo + but the 2 solo cups were put together so quickly that I just sprinkled some in while I was attempting to center the clones and fill with wet perlite. I had just finished rinsing the perlite and really did this on a whim.

Anyway, I've been adding a light kelp mix on the seedling and it greened up a little so sometime later began adding this to the clones.

I'm still working on proper hydro nute mixture to supplement the Osmo+. The mix will include Foxfarm Grow Big, Kelp me Kelp You, and Microbe Brew (a plant food activator with fungi and bacteria). I'm just going to have fun with this. :rofl:

Blue Dream Day 6




A progress report on my little hempy experiment.

I have a Blue Dream from seed in a cut down 1 gallon jug and two BD clones in solo cups. The 1 gal has 3 tablespoons of Osmo + but the 2 solo cups were put together so quickly that I just sprinkled some in while I was attempting to center the clones and fill with wet perlite. I had just finished rinsing the perlite and really did this on a whim.

So, this seemed like allot to me. I weighed some O+ because I do my measurements by weight instead of volume.

1Tbsp of O+ weighs in at 15g.

This means you fed you 4L (dunno how cut down they are) at 45g. I've not exceeded 7g in a 2L grow.

Feel free to do the math... I think you see my point.

So, this seemed like allot to me. I weighed some O+ because I do my measurements by weight instead of volume.

1Tbsp of O+ weighs in at 15g.

This means you fed you 4L (dunno how cut down they are) at 45g. I've not exceeded 7g in a 2L grow.

Feel free to do the math... I think you see my point.


That actually crossed my mind last night that I should weigh a Tablespoon and see. Whoops!
That actually crossed my mind last night that I should weigh a Tablespoon and see. Whoops!

I read that and thought 3t not 3T...

Heck Im using 2T in my 11L pot today...

Ya better re-pot that baby or it will Burn up faster than a Blunt at a 420 party
Hey.. question all

with the Osmo+ I hear many say no need to worry about PH.... Now my Tap Water is around 7.2-7.5PH, is that ok to use?

I usualy buy RO water and add Calmag when I water my girls

I read that and thought 3t not 3T...

Heck Im using 2T in my 11L pot today...

Ya better re-pot that baby or it will Burn up faster than a Blunt at a 420 party

Well. I measured a cap full of the stuff. Bottle says a cap full = 3 Tablespoons. My weighing came to 47.8 grams. So according to Tead's suggested 6 grams I'm ~ 8 times the suggested dose of a 2L. I am using a slightly larger jug; perhaps something like 3.25 L.

So here's what I'm going to do. Leave it and use just pH adjusted water. Flush very often and we'll just call it an experiment.

NOT REALLY.... When she gets some roots under her I'll re-pot with less Osmo+
Well. I measured a cap full of the stuff. Bottle says a cap full = 3 Tablespoons. My weighing came to 47.8 grams. So according to Tead's suggested 6 grams I'm ~ 8 times the suggested dose of a 2L. I am using a slightly larger jug; perhaps something like 3.25 L.

So here's what I'm going to do. Leave it and use just pH adjusted water. Flush very often and we'll just call it an experiment.

NOT REALLY.... When she gets some roots under her I'll re-pot with less Osmo+

Heck of an experiment

Jug says Cap for 2gal pot...LOL... ya a BIT too much
I read that and thought 3t not 3T...

Heck Im using 2T in my 11L pot today...

Ya better re-pot that baby or it will Burn up faster than a Blunt at a 420 party

the video on youtube says the way the nutrients are released there is no chance of burning

All Purpose Plant Food | Plant Nutrition | Osmocote from Scotts
How to Apply Osmocote® Plant Food
Spread 1 scoopful (1 scoopful = 3 tablespoons) of plant food per 2 gallons of potting soil or per 4 sq. ft.
Teads 7g/ltr might be a bit light; 45g/tbsp x 3tbsp = 135g 2gl is approx 8 ltr so for 1 ltr 135/8 = 16g/ltr

Osmocote® is easy to apply and worry-free

Osmocote® is best applied by dibbling, mixing or topdressing.


“Dibbling” starts with digging a hole for the new plant. Next, add a pinch of soil. Set the plant in the hole directly on top of the mixture of soil and Osmocote. Dibbling produces better quality, faster–growing plants while using an estimated 20% less plant food than topdressing or mixing. There’s also no loss of plant food from spillage. Weed growth should be reduced as well because the nutrition is positioned to feed the plant’s roots. Dibbling is recommended when planting in beds.


Mixing is suggested when preparing an entire bed (say, for a vegetable garden), or when working with container plants. A mixture of Osmocote and growing media ensures nutrients are present as soon as the plant’s roots are able to absorb them. When re-potting, determine the correct amount of Osmocote required, fill the pot 2/3 of the way up the root ball, evenly sprinkle Osmocote on top of the new soil and then finish filling. Care should be taken not to damage the Osmocote granules, as that may reduce their longevity. Avoid storing a mixture of Osmocote and growing media longer than 7-10 days before planting. Otherwise moisture from the growing media will start to activate nutritional release.


Topdressing with Osmocote is possible at any time during the plant’s growth cycle. Topdressing means ‘broadcasting’ or ‘spreading’ the granules evently on top of the soil or growing media but without mixing it in. iIt is less effective than dibbling or mixing because the nutrition is less accessible to the plant’s root system. Irrigation is suggested to initiate the release process and to move nutrients to the root zone.
I swear Sue said she burnt one of hers before......

Possible. I bought a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) two years ago and never used it. I pulled it out today and measured the water in the reservoir. I tipped the hempy over and drained the water into a small container. It displays on the meter as 323. What is hard to capture on my camera is the blinking x 10 which means to multiply the displayed number by 10.

Therefore what I have in the reservoir is 3230 ppm which I am sure is quite high.

FF hydro feeding schedule in veg max is 1540 in week 4.

Possible. I bought a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) two years ago and never used it. I pulled it out today and measured the water in the reservoir. I tipped the hempy over and drained the water into a small container. It displays on the meter as 323. What is hard to capture on my camera is the blinking x 10 which means to multiply the displayed number by 10.

Therefore what I have in the reservoir is 3230 ppm which I am sure is quite high.

FF hydro feeding schedule in veg max is 1540 in week 4.

Thats Hot!
Possible. I bought a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) two years ago and never used it. I pulled it out today and measured the water in the reservoir. I tipped the hempy over and drained the water into a small container. It displays on the meter as 323. What is hard to capture on my camera is the blinking x 10 which means to multiply the displayed number by 10.

Therefore what I have in the reservoir is 3230 ppm which I am sure is quite high.

FF hydro feeding schedule in veg max is 1540 in week 4.


SMOKING :yikes:
In the instructions to my meter, which is similar to yours, it says to not let it dry out or it will give bad readings. Two years seems like a long time. It gave instructions on how to fix it, if I can find them I'll post.
In the instructions to my meter, which is similar to yours, it says to not let it dry out or it will give bad readings. Two years seems like a long time. It gave instructions on how to fix it, if I can find them I'll post.

I have the instructions....I don't have any NaCl 342 ppm solution to calibrate the thing. My tap water is 110 which is in the right range according to charts I've seen for hard water which I have. Municipal water report was worthless to determine TDS.

If the same meter has a low 110 and a high 3230 with the only difference being Osmo+, perlite and a few days of watering; it's good enough for me to make a decision to change the mixture.

Actually...the deed was already done a couple hours ago.

Thanks for your help though.
Hey.. question all

with the Osmo+ I hear many say no need to worry about PH.... Now my Tap Water is around 7.2-7.5PH, is that ok to use?

I usualy buy RO water and add Calmag when I water my girls


One must keep in mind that all of the words from the Osmo folks are for SOIL growing... not hydro. They have no hydro instructions.
I've got a pretty good looking Osmogirl in my backyard being fed tap water.... from the ass end of the Mississippi to boot. To be fair, she's been seeing a good bit of rainwater lately too.

Algae. Kill or leave alone. I think its cool looking!

I ignore it. It only penetrates the very top layer unless you've got a light leak somewhere. Sometimes a bit around the hole too.

the video on youtube says the way the nutrients are released there is no chance of burning

Let me correct that for you just a touch....
no chance of burning when used as directed

They provide no direction for hydro use.... so in Tead's eyes, it's a good bit of virgin territory and it's always fun to play Lewis and Clark after all.

Actually...the deed was already done a couple hours ago.

Thank you!
3230... Tead shakes his head and moves on. Crazy pants!
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