How to grow in Coco: Feed schedule

Thank you for the great information Cultivator. I've been growing in coco for the last 6 months and its been a disaster, but after reading your post I realize I was underfeeding my plants. I used to grow in sunshine soil and would feed 700-800 ppm total (R/O), daily with no runoff and had great success. That same formula was disastrous in coco. Is this because sunshine advanced #4 "soil" has a higher Cation Exchange Capacity? I don't understand why Hydro can handle much higher feed concentrations than soil (sunshine)...

Also, I have been feeding at your recommended strength with Cyco Nutrients. Their base contains CalMg and supposedly you don't have to add extra CALMG. I upped my last few feedings to 1050-1100 ppm (x700) or 1.5-1.6 ec and my plants look great! (wk 5 veg )Thank you!

My main question is: Do you feed full strength every day? I've had good success with feeding full strength M-Th for example and then lowering the strength to 1/2 or 3/4 strength Fr-Sun. To allow the plants to acclimate to higher feed strengths, but from what I am gathering this is not necessary in your opinion?

One of my friends runs rockwool cubes (recirculating) and he will feed 2 ec Monday through Friday and then add water to the reservoir Friday through Sunday to dillute EC. He wrote a book called 3 a light, it really popular in Colorado. Would you recommend something similar with the coco regimen? Or is this not necessary.

We can't get Buddhas Tree nutes in the states very easily....booo. I was going to try your formula but it seems like a hassle to order internationally, hopefully Cyco works well with coco. Cheer! and thank you for any info in advance.
Hey Cult,

About out of Boost here and looking into HG Bud-XL.
What are your thoughts on this? Have read pro/con's but who to trust. You have always given sound advice.

Thanks bud,
Thank you for the great information Cultivator. I've been growing in coco for the last 6 months and its been a disaster, but after reading your post I realize I was underfeeding my plants. I used to grow in sunshine soil and would feed 700-800 ppm total (R/O), daily with no runoff and had great success. That same formula was disastrous in coco. Is this because sunshine advanced #4 "soil" has a higher Cation Exchange Capacity? I don't understand why Hydro can handle much higher feed concentrations than soil (sunshine)...

Also, I have been feeding at your recommended strength with Cyco Nutrients. Their base contains CalMg and supposedly you don't have to add extra CALMG. I upped my last few feedings to 1050-1100 ppm (x700) or 1.5-1.6 ec and my plants look great! (wk 5 veg )Thank you!

My main question is: Do you feed full strength every day? I've had good success with feeding full strength M-Th for example and then lowering the strength to 1/2 or 3/4 strength Fr-Sun. To allow the plants to acclimate to higher feed strengths, but from what I am gathering this is not necessary in your opinion?

One of my friends runs rockwool cubes (recirculating) and he will feed 2 ec Monday through Friday and then add water to the reservoir Friday through Sunday to dillute EC. He wrote a book called 3 a light, it really popular in Colorado. Would you recommend something similar with the coco regimen? Or is this not necessary.

We can't get Buddhas Tree nutes in the states very easily....booo. I was going to try your formula but it seems like a hassle to order internationally, hopefully Cyco works well with coco. Cheer! and thank you for any info in advance.


Im pleased you have found my post useful, its always great to hear its working elsewhere as it just backs up the fact that im a genius!!! HAHAHA Only joking mate.

I have a journal in my signature now that i only startes a week or so ago and that wiĺl be all coco i think and plants atr seedlings right now so you will see how i do things right through start to finish if you check it out and there will be other grows in there that i have elsewhere etc, so packes with fun stuff. Please drop by and check it out.

So yeah the biggest mistake people make with coco is treating it like soil. Its definately not soil and doesnt behave like it at all, its far superior to grow in once you have an understanding of it.

There are different ways to approach it however and somepeople keep the coco wet and others allow it to dry out. Neither is right or wrong but there arw pros and cons with both ways. Firstlh i will say never let the coco dry out completely to the point leaves start to wilt. This is bad because the excess salts in the coco will burn the roots and cause nute lockouts.

You definately want to be feeding with nutrients minimum once daily, absolute minimum requirement. Now it depends on multiple varibles also on the number of feeds and quantity given. How much light are you running per m2, small pots usually require more feeds than big pots as they dry out faster, are you hand feeding or running an automated set up and is it run to waste or recirculating?

You dontvwant to keep coco wet in my opinion as it invites pests like fungus gnats which can be a pain to deal with and wet pots will raise the RH of the grow room. Depending where you are located this can be a good thing or a bad thing.

Growing in coco is very similar to rockwool so following your friends methods will likely be sound as long as yoyr ph range is between 5.4-6.2 and in rockwool feeds can be slightly stronger but the methods are almost identical.

I start seeds on 0.6-0.8ec (my starting water is usually 0.2/0.3ec) and i do this to condition the coco the coco to have an even ec and ph throyghout. Its a good idea on the first feeding of coco to give a nice amount of run off, 10%ish, just to ensure coco is same throughout. When the seedlings are small you can feed every 2 or 3 days until you start getting some roots going, mycorrhizae and a good root stim will help enormously with that. Then you want daily feeds and just gradually build up the ec as the plant grows.

Coco cannot be overwater unless it is sitting in a tray or container and the run off cant escape anywhere or if the water is too warm, this will cause all kinds of problems with root rot and pathogens. 69f is perfect water temp but because coco has little air pockets that will trap air also. It just means if the water temp is bang on the plant roots can take on more dissolve o2 which super charges growth.

So that takes me to your question on how is it possible to feed strong daily unlike soil, well it boils down mostly to the rootzone. Coco by itself is very very favourable to the rootzobe. It is light and airy and holds onto the perfect amount of moisture and no matter how much you water the coco will not carry on to hold water, the same can not be said about soil in general. Take 2 pots side by side and fill one with soil and the other with coco. Lets say 10 litre pots, put 20 litres of water through each and watch what happens. The coco will get saturated fullybthen thecwater will just flush through, soil will hold way more water and drain slower. Now pick each pot up and weigh them, there will be a huge difference. Fact most soils arent great for cannabis to grow in as they have to really work for their nutes out of the soil and o2 saturation is low hence why yoy must let the pots dry out between waterings. In coco its much easier for the plants to use up the nutes in the coco, even when using organics and the abundance of o2 in roots makes them expkode. You will rarely if ever see roots like this in soil.......



These roots are the norm for me in coco!!!

So you can adapt your ec throughout the week and it depends on a couple of things really, your room enviroment as yoyr rh and temps will dictate how much ec your plants can handle at a given time, the genetics of the plant will also come into it also as some are more nutrient sensitive than others and finally your experience growing. The last one dictates just about everything because when you can see the plants needs just by walking in the room youve nailed and then you woyld j7at adjust by using youe eyes and senses, problem is that it takes a flipping lot of growing to get there.

Ive not heard of Cyco brand mate but just use it and see. Generally your base nutes need to be coco specific as they have different demands to soil. But most synthetic additives should cross between soil and coco, only the strength and frequency of feeds would differ.

Im sorry this post was a bit long winded, ive probs still missed something out, but its important to understand how different coco growing is to soil but when you dial itvin you wont go back to growing in soil..

Id love to write a book one day on growing in coco and maybe share some of the adventures ive had while doing so, theres def a good story in me haha. But i didnt think anyone bought books any more, especially on growing because of the way the laws have changed over the past 10 years, peoplecare more willing to share their experinces on youtube and forums like this now. I wish id had the tools to learn that are availble for free now!! I remember when i joined this forum 8 years or so ago that the feel was very different, still alot of paranoia about sharing info and i guess rightly so as prison isnt fun. But thanks to forums like this, access to information has never been easier.

Please check out my current journal, im sure you will enjoy it.
Hey Cult,

About out of Boost here and looking into HG Bud-XL.
What are your thoughts on this? Have read pro/con's but who to trust. You have always given sound advice.

Thanks bud,

I have used it but it was a long time ago and i cant remember what i used it with or how it performed. Id say bloombastic or plagrons green sensation are both good boosts if buddhas tree isnt an option.
I am running a drain to waste system and hand watering. I feed daily. My room temp stays between 75-80 but RH usually is low (Colorado is dry) and I don't have absolute control, so I'd say it averages RH is between 30%-40%. I run 1000w HPS lights and 3 plants per light not to over crowd, and usually start at 500w and dial it up to 1000w by week 4 in veg. This is done to slow height of plant before flipping bc I have limited head room.

I know what you mean about experience and understanding what the plant needs by visualizing. I'm getting better at it but some symptoms are similar between nute lock out, PH issue etc........

And the roots are what made me stick with Coco even though I've had a rough time, they look amazing in coco!

Thanks again!!!
Also, what is the title of the grow journal where you talk about the drip regime. I wanted to understand your regimen but don't want to make you repeat something that's already written somewhere else. Thank you!
I am running a drain to waste system and hand watering. I feed daily. My room temp stays between 75-80 but RH usually is low (Colorado is dry) and I don't have absolute control, so I'd say it averages RH is between 30%-40%. I run 1000w HPS lights and 3 plants per light not to over crowd, and usually start at 500w and dial it up to 1000w by week 4 in veg. This is done to slow height of plant before flipping bc I have limited head room.

I know what you mean about experience and understanding what the plant needs by visualizing. I'm getting better at it but some symptoms are similar between nute lock out, PH issue etc........

And the roots are what made me stick with Coco even though I've had a rough time, they look amazing in coco!

Thanks again!!!

No prob. I just wish i was in colorado cos id grow shit tonnes of weed haha. I do any way but i would be a needle in a haystack there. Buy America isnt for me? Im sure its a fabulous place but its dangerous as fuck and i dont want to get shot by tbe cops for a speeding ticket lol. Ive seen some crazy shit of what hapoens tbere. My friends moved to florida 2 years ago and now they coming to spain cos they said its just a weird set up compared to europe but i think every country in wurope has a weird set up, eapecially spain! Its mega corrupt bit its a stunningly beautiful place to live and its very safe for kids, no guns..
I tnink its the one in my signature saying Alien Hydroponic Easyfeed. It was all a bit diy but great result. My current journal is the one called cultivators return - multiple grows.

I looked through the first several pages of the Alien Hydro Easyfeed blog. Good stuff!

How do you determine drip times, length etc. for coco in each stage of growth?

It looks like you transplanted into 20L pots and then fed just enough to get the plant to the next day? Basically you want the medium to dry out in between each drip cycle right (or close to dry)?

And then you recommend dripping until runoff once the plant matures?

Any help with drip frequency, amounts would be greatly appreciated. I'm sick of hand watering! :slide:
No prob. I just wish i was in colorado cos id grow shit tonnes of weed haha. I do any way but i would be a needle in a haystack there. Buy America isnt for me? Im sure its a fabulous place but its dangerous as fuck and i dont want to get shot by tbe cops for a speeding ticket lol. Ive seen some crazy shit of what hapoens tbere. My friends moved to florida 2 years ago and now they coming to spain cos they said its just a weird set up compared to europe but i think every country in wurope has a weird set up, eapecially spain! Its mega corrupt bit its a stunningly beautiful place to live and its very safe for kids, no guns..
Where I live in Ma., USA, has been a safe place to live, up till about 5 yrs ago. Now, with the opioid epidemic going on, property crime is going up. The little town I live in, has the highest crime rate in Ma.. Everyone running around town snitching on each other. Can't go to a bar without listening to some snitch talking trash. I stay at home a lot now,' things have definitely changed !! My left hook has also slowed down !!
But It's sad that your friends think Spain is safer than America. I can't personally say it is or it isn't, but I can verify, that Florida is a very dangerous place to live. Very very dangerous !! I'm ex-trucker & have traveled the USA extensively. I would put Miami, Florida as #1, unsafe place to live, in America. Chicago Il. is a close 2d.. But, as dangerous as it was, I miss trucking !! Miss the $$$ more!! :rofl:
I never follow bottles advice on base nutrients. I always go off the EC/ppm once the nutes are mixed. Ive grown thousands of plants in coco and i still play around from time to time but the key things are:

Feed often
Keep EC/PPM in a good range
Keep PH stable

I have loads smaller grows journalled with small and large plants. So feel free to look through them.

The AN 3 part PH Perfect is a good base nutrient when used correctly though.

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Can you use the an ph perfect all the way even into flower just wondering why you change it to iconic bloom? Just got my 5 ltr an micro bloom and grow
I never follow bottles advice on base nutrients. I always go off the EC/ppm once the nutes are mixed. Ive grown thousands of plants in coco and i still play around from time to time but the key things are:

Feed often
Keep EC/PPM in a good range
Keep PH stable

I have loads smaller grows journalled with small and large plants. So feel free to look through them.

The AN 3 part PH Perfect is a good base nutrient when used correctly though.

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Good to see you back cult! I've had good success following your schedule, only downside was some budrot which was a humidity issue on my last grow. I really appreciate/value your input and advice on this forum.
Hi Astra, if you don't mind me asking what caused the high humidity and what did you do to sort it?
I've been having some trouble lights out. Just got some tube heaters and seems to have sorted it. Thanks roman
Roman, the first reason I believe was the plants were taking ~3ltrs a day, second I believe was the weather it was very humid here to the point that you could feel the moisture in the air. As I have a passive intake I was drawing all that in. I just got a dehumidifier from a local store, at this point they were only 2 weeks from finishing. I lost ~6oz from 8 plants
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