Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing & Review

Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

I wish I had the room (indoors or outdoors) to do veggies and herbs as well. I miss having garden grown/homegrown veggies around and in abundance, nothing better than a fresh salad that you grew yourself :)

We are finally able to do so this year after years of not having any space. In fact, my office has now been turned into seedling central with my old 400 MH hanging there. They are very happy and we having a blast with it. I would post a pic of the card tables covered with trays and such but I think we are not to do such things which is understandable. They are all going to end up in a greenhouse later but we have an incredibly short season and everyone does indoor starters to some extent or another. Just get a 4x4x5 stainless shelf unit and you would be surprised how many greens, peppers, herbs and small tomatoes you can make.

Bob ;)
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

I started 12 tomatoe plants, beets and cilantro under the other brand of LED you are doing a journal on. They are stunning. They are also in High Brix soil, which I used Doc Buds Kit. I need to sacrifice the tomatoes' space. I have one grow room, some plants are 1-2 ft tall with flowers and i have some plants i will need to up size pots this week. Maybe iwill move them into my living room.. Priorities... :rofl:

Ice, I was being facetious. I have peppers and tomatoes going beautifully but like Ziggy writes, I need to take there space. I thought I could be planting outdoors by now but this winter has been long, cold, and relentless, the ground is still rock hard.
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Well...that pretty much describes what we are working on.
Our next generation product will support this function of 5 LED customization channels. A waterproof outside power supply, computer/ mobile control,‏ master Daisy-Chain LED panel and slave LED panels.(one master panel can control hundreds of slave panels pr commercial application)
It will take time that is for sure!

I think that the next 5 years we will see this becoming the standard of all of our lives in many aspects. I think it would be awesome to be able to go on a business trip for a few days and be able to pull up an app on your phone to check your grow area temps, lights, humidities and other grow/environment related variables. I've actually already seen LED's on the market that do this and I have also seen grow room controllers for environment that also tie into wifi... I think it definitely will hit mainstream within the next few years :)
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hey Ice, thanks for your help with all the questions i had. Have a 684w on the way. :thanks:
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hey Ice, thanks for your help with all the questions i had. Have a 684w on the way. :thanks:

Awesome!!! Can't wait to see it all hung up!! I hope you used the discount code! :)
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hey ice, hope alls well man. Peace
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hey ice, hope alls well man. Peace

Hey Grizzwald!!! Yep! All is well here :) Hope all is well with you too my friend!
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to give a quick photo update of the girls after the lights were out so you could see the color of the leaves themselves.

I have to say these plants are growing extremely fast and they look rather healthy, except for a few leaves that need to be plucked. I am starting to see more tops forming as a result of the topping about a week ago and the plants are really getting bushy. I think within the next week I will be mixing some soil and getting them into larger pots :)

Well here is the photo update :) I will be feeding the plants tomorrow as well.

Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Looks Great Ice :thumb:
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Man those are getting big.

Question for the pros on here: how many nodes before you can clone a new mother? 5?
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hello Ice, I've been lurking on your journals for about a month and decided to join 420mag to get tips from you and become a branch of the Icemud growing tree :adore: I'm looking to set up my first grow, and am about to purchase my Intelligent Gro LED's and wondering if I wanted to start a perpetual, would one 228w for veg in one tent and a 228w for flowering in another would work? I have 2 full size bedrooms I can grow in and wanted to make the best use of my space. thanks for any help
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Looks Great Ice :thumb:

Thank you Cronic!!! Happy Tubesday to you!
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Man those are getting big.

Question for the pros on here: how many nodes before you can clone a new mother? 5?

Hey Timothy! Thank you! I'm not sure if there is a "set" amount of time. I usually wait until there is enough lower branching before taking any clones, mostly just so I am not taking the "only few" branches on the plant... So I would say yea about 5 nodes is right, but I am not sure if there is a golden rule about this.
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Awesome growth and healthy girls! Way to go Icemud! :bravo:

Hey Pinky!!! Thanks!! Woot woo!
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hello Ice, I've been lurking on your journals for about a month and decided to join 420mag to get tips from you and become a branch of the Icemud growing tree :adore: I'm looking to set up my first grow, and am about to purchase my Intelligent Gro LED's and wondering if I wanted to start a perpetual, would one 228w for veg in one tent and a 228w for flowering in another would work? I have 2 full size bedrooms I can grow in and wanted to make the best use of my space. thanks for any help

Hey Midas!!! I feel honored that you have been lurking and learning :) Makes my effort justifiable :)

As far as your grow rooms, are you planning on using the whole rooms? What exact dimensions are you looking to illuminate. A 228w light is good for about a 2'x2 1/2' area, so in no way will this light a room. If you can supply me with the specific dimensions, I can offer a better response :)
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

High There IceMud
Glad to see you getting the results you are and one day I will give diodes a shot again, maybe 2015.

Nice to meet ya MIDAS KUSH
welcome to

Hey S1ingblade!!! Good to have ya here !

<------passes the joint to you!!!

Yeah I am very happy with LED and how they are saving me $$ and also keeping up with HID lighting :) definitely stay tuned because I have a feeling these lights are really going to put out some impressive buds :)
Re: Icemud's Grow 8.0 - New Intelligent-Gro LED - 2 x IGRO-228 LED - Testing And Revi

Hey s1ingblade, thanks for the warm welcome :ganjamon: Well Ice, I have 3 rooms to choose from, I eventually want to turn the whole place into a factory, but I'm starting in one room. Now, this is where it gets complicated, I have a master bedroom that is 11x13 with a walk in closet that is about 7x5 with a slanted roof inside that starts from about 9 feet and goes down to about 6. The smaller room I was considering starting with is 10x11 and has a small closet. I was thinking I could put 2 tents in there and start my mothers and clones in the veg and have the other for flower. Of course I have to start with my mothers, but I'm really in the infancy stages and just now buying the equipment and putting together schematics. I really want it to be state of the art, thats why I'm going with Intelligent-Gro LED :high-five: Thanks for the reply Icemud
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