Im Looking To Start Growing

Re: Im looking to start growing.

High Everyone!! UPDATE: I cured one of the tops of my plant and all I have to say about it is.. IT SMELLS LIKE BLUEBERRIES!!! hehehehehehe! And the high is a good one too. It kinda knocked me on my ass last night! :woohoo: for BAYAREASTONER!! Im so cool I know I know hehhehehehehe jk! But even my mom said it does smell skunky she says it smells sweet and fruity LOL.. I cant wait to chop the rest of her down!! LMAO!!

glad 2 hear u like .... it only gets better the longer it cures say 2-3wks :peace:
Re: Im looking to start growing.

High Everyone!! UPDATE: I cured one of the tops of my plant and all I have to say about it is.. IT SMELLS LIKE BLUEBERRIES!!! hehehehehehe! And the high is a good one too. It kinda knocked me on my ass last night! :woohoo: for BAYAREASTONER!! Im so cool I know I know hehhehehehehe jk! But even my mom said it does smell skunky she says it smells sweet and fruity LOL.. I cant wait to chop the rest of her down!! LMAO!!

now your hooked! :grinjoint:
Re: Im looking to start growing.

ive never heard of anyone being able to flower a plant with blue light thats all!, or did you buy a red 250w cfl? im puzzled:loopy:

I hear alot of growers bloom under a MH, it is suppose to increase the potency some, but decreases yield some too. My provider uses those dual arc whatever they are HPS bulb's, that have a small MH part too.

And sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. :grinjoint:

Re: Im looking to start growing.

ive never heard of anyone being able to flower a plant with blue light thats all!, or did you buy a red 250w cfl? im puzzled:loopy:

alot of people flower under "blue" lights. some people also claim that flowering under MH will give you more potent buds. ive also flowered under 100w daylight CFLs.

it can be done
Re: Im looking to start growing.

nah it will be male or female. some poeple seem to think stress factors induce male or female sex in some strains but I think its mostly genetic - and insane stress factors induce hermage. myself never had a hermie but you can usually count on about 50% males from a batch of regular seeds. Give it an extra long darkness then flip it to 12/12 for a few days and then you can go back to veg cycle once the plant shows sex. I think this works because during dark cycle mj build up a chemical hormone that is released when it begins to grow in the light again, signaling the plant to begin flowering..
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Well I follwed the instructions on the bottle.. I was extremely high when i typed that so u guys will have to forgive me lol.. Im sorry.

shit... i think im over feeding dammit!! I just read the bottle again omg I am over feeding it!!! ahhhhh shit shit shit! lol

i gotta stop feeding my girls high or something. it swear every time i read my nute bottles they say something different lol, finally ended up just writing myself out a nute schedule amounts and everything. now i stick to that and it seems to work out fine
Re: Im looking to start growing.

ya 45ml of ferts a gal is a ton I use like 5-10ml a gal but my stuffs probably more concentrated.

woops thought you said tablespoons which are 15ml, teaspoon is about 5ml so you're using 15ml. Is grow big all you are using?
Re: Im looking to start growing.

what is the Ph of the water/nutes when you feed them?

See if any of these shops sell & Brew VermiT...
Vermicrop Organics

My hydro guy turned me on to the VermiT and i use it instead of the Big bloom...My girls :kiss: LOVE the stuff :dreamy: help bounce them back after i overfed..but i have to pick some up every week (only good for 7-10 days)to keep them girls happy.. they are more High Maintenance then
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Hello BayAreaStoner, I hope I'm in time to catch ya here on your grow before ya call this one quits? Found your link in a post you placed on Jbleez's new journal. Like I do every once in a while, I just take a look at the beginning of a grow and if I like the journal I'll read it right on through to the end. Well its after 7am in the morning her in the cold Midwest (out of work right now) I must have started reading your journal about 430am or so and just finished it now (whew). Had to be one of the most entertaining and funny journals I've come across so far. Videos (great Idea) Loved it!

What caught my attention to begin with was your name. I now the South Bay very well, though it's been almost twenty years since I lived in Belmont (for 11 yrs), you know, right up 101 or 280 to Ralston Ave. whichever you like. So I had to check you out! And then you move up to Oregon! My wife and I almost moved to Bend (too bad we didn't). Salem area is nice, used to drive up the 5 all the time when I drove a truck. Used to stop at the "Heaven on Earth" Restaurant, just south of Roseburg great place to stop for some Bread bowl Stew. I know I'm rambling, I do that when I'm reminiscing (and stoned).

I'll close with this, Your grow was fascinating and even though you had a rough start (seeds) and an even rougher time later (disaster), you made it through to the end with a fantastic looking plant that looks like it has given you it's delicious (purple) fruits as a reward.. .......All the best in your future endeavors (clones?) You are definitely worthy in my book to call yourself the 'BayAreaStoner' (I knew many when I lived there). I'll be looking for more of your stuff! See ya girl!
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Thank You for all your kind words, and lovely memories. Im honored you shared them in my journal. I defenately love it here in Oregon, it's a nice change of scenary that's for sure. I will have to keep my eye open for the Restaurant. My fiance looooves stew! LOL.. We will be making a trip soon here too. So I will keep you posted... :thanks:

All the best, to you both!
Re: Im looking to start growing.

Hi My Girl BAS Oh! No! and Oh! Yes!.
Oh No, because its over. Oh! Yes! because you did it! From start to finish is what I'm talking about.:surf::surf: Big Congrats! :hippy::hippy::allgood::hippy::hippy:

I hope you start another one soon, it has been one of the most popular grows ever. You just make people happy BAS.

Honestly, you don't really sound very happy about it and your not your old self. It's sad to end a grow, that's taken so much time and love to do.
Haven't seen much of you lately and was worried. Hope all is well, my adopted daughter. I'm always here if you would like to talk. I love you my Girl.:hug::hug::tommy::hug::hug:
Re: Im looking to start growing.

:goodjob::cheer::cheer::cheer: for BAS
It's only just begun girl. This is just the beginning of your growing career.
I hope you have many more great growing experiences. It's soooo much fun and the meds is just a bonus. I think I'd grow em even if I didn't medicate.
Through the years this majestic plant has taught me how to take care of house plants and my veggie patch, the idea of nuturing and I'm a lot more patient. This plant saved my life!!!! Those that are close to me know how true this is. I never would have conquered the hopeless disease of addiction without it. It is my miracle and I'm sure also that of many others.I honestly
don't think I would be alive without it. I'd love to grow a huge patch pollinate the lot and end up with 100's of 1000's of seeds. I would then travel the country and sew em EVERYWHERE.
When's the next journal start.:grinjoint:
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