InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Tuesday update!

It was time to flush out the built-up nutes in the pots of the Summer grow this morning, but first I ran a slurry test to see if they were back in range. They were both 6.1, which is better but not where I wanted them (5.9 or lower). Another watering with the high ammoniacal nitrogen should do it.

I put them on small wicker tables for drainage and ran 10 gallons of water through each. Here is the Sour G during the process:

After they dripped for about 30 minutes I gave them 2 gallons each of full strength nutrients (5.5g/gallon equivalent with the GrowMore 20-10-20 as the base). They are way heavier than when I just give them their regular 2 gallons of nutes, so it's clear I'm not completely saturating the media with that amount.

Here they are after all that, on flip day 37.

Chiquita Banana:

Sour G:

I usually see some new pistils after that kind of flush so we'll see if we get that push. @Maritimer when should I be starting the drought if there are both going to finish at about 8-9 weeks?

In other news, I've been feeding the Jack Herer my pH lowering nutes as well (at 4.5g/gallon equivalent) and it's down to 6.2 after one watering (I didn't do a before test as I just knew it would be high). I hope that today's watering will get it back into the high 5s. Then I will start using a mix of MC and ammonium sulfate to see if that prevents the pH from rising again. We'll see!

Stay safe out there. :peace:

Those roots look good & looks happy in the new home.
I was pretty happy with them but I wondered about the algae in spots. I think the cup might have had some of the leftover shite soil stuck to the sides?
As long as you didn’t see a strange looking pale fat man hanging around…… that the Slender Man for the old folk set?
It has been. We’ve had lots of rain this summer, then a weak cold front moved through about 10 days ago and it been nothing but blue skys and cooler weather since then. We got down into the upper 60’s for the first time yesterday morning. I’ll try and send some sunshine your way.
Blue skies and cooler weather sounds like a lovely fall day! I appreciate any sun you can send and it looks like it might be's trying to break through the haze as I type. :thumb:
Ouch! I miss with the trimmers so much that I either have my wife do it or I use my fingernails. I can feel it much better than I can see it.
I know right? I've put some cuts in my fingertips over the years doing exactly the same thing. I should write in sharpie along my thumb: "Can you see both blades?" :)
I'll betcha there's a bird species that's especially driven to cannabis seed. Watch your back and your seeds when they come. I got in the middle of a flocked up bunch of swallows in a nature preserve the other day that were so thick they stopped traffic! I think it's time to flock and fly to Capistrano soon.
I think these also might be starlings, arriving here for the winter. I never got to see them close enough to identify. But I don't think they came for the seeds because I still see nothing on the Candida. Unless they're trying to get into my fridge! :eek:
Sour G's look super! Quarter size hail down the road today Shed! Stormy Tuesday. You have the sun?
Thanks! No hail (oof!) and a bit of sun, so I'm less SAD. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I missed the memo on this. What are you trying to accomplish?

@Maritimer has been doing some great research on increasing resin content through drought, along with using MeJA (methyl jasmonate) on his plants.
Another bunch of flockers!

I've got one of those conspiracy theory type folks at work that says that "Birds aren't real, they're drones spying on us". Maybe they're right since Shed's grass isn't real either.
Another bunch of flockers!
Haven't seen that much flocking since Christmas 2019, in the before times!
Hey shed thanks for saying high and helping me out buddy. Have a great week buddy
Hey Joe, nice to see you around for a minute! You know I'm always trying to make sure your meds are growing and flowing. Stay safe.
I've got one of those conspiracy theory type folks at work that says that "Birds aren't real, they're drones spying on us". Maybe they're right since Shed's grass isn't real either.
Interesting fact: fake grass attracts real birds!
When's the Mars taxi leaving?
I can't find that timetable but Amy had phyllotaxy. :thumb:
Do plants grow better in zero gravity?
NASA might be able to answer that!
It would have to be harder to train them!
I have no doubt I could supercrop in zero gravity, but I can't convince @Virgin Ground to supercrop here on earth!
Hi Joe! Growing out this year?
Hey otter .. yeah I'll post over in my thread bud. Shed has been helping me with pm attacks this year . How you keeping m8?

@InTheShed ill try to make it more then a minute bud . One more week then season over .been a crazy summer . Good to hear you guys still going strong Here.
I'm not sure Joe will be back to respond, but he's got another set of big outside plants in his yard. I've been trying and trying to get him to go with citric acid for his PM but it took me weeks of nagging every time he posted about it before he finally did! Dunno why since it's so easy to make.
Thanks. He's another good one I miss. Hope he comes back one day:volcano-smiley:
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