InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Yeah I was wondering about age too, when I read ‘cloned in October’. The advice I’ve had has been that pistils coming out the top is a marker of flower starting. But it sounds like others have maybe seen pre-flowers not necessarily be an indication of that. The gray May days may be the best explanation you know. If it were me, and I’d been contemplating an early flower flip anyway, I’d go ahead and do it. I think she’s a bit old and confused maybe... and just needs a clear path laid out for her! I can identify with that! :rofl:
Yeah I was wondering about age too, when I read ‘cloned in October’. The advice I’ve had has been that pistils coming out the top is a marker of flower starting. But it sounds like others have maybe seen pre-flowers not necessarily be an indication of that. The gray May days may be the best explanation you know. If it were me, and I’d been contemplating an early flower flip anyway, I’d go ahead and do it. I think she’s a bit old and confused maybe... and just needs a clear path laid out for her! I can identify with that! :rofl:
LOL! Thanks Amy :). I feel the same way about all of that :high-five:.

Do a bit more defol tonight and give her a week to get her knees back under her and flip the B#@&^
That's a bit rushed for me but I think that's the plan its asking for. Given the machinations in me flipping anything, I have to make sure I have a place for it. With the Auto Masszar and the HazeX in the bike shed at night and the AK sloooooly drying in the shed and two Brooklyn Sunrise Autos that could go as long at 100 days, I've got some space-planning to sort out!
Think you misspelled ‘Beauty’ there ‘bud! ;):smokin:
:thanks: And I never anthropomorphize my plants.
Good morning everyone! Thank you so much for all of your words of wisdom over the weekend :thanks:. Even if you said to wait, your advice was well-considered.

The decision to chop Monday vs next Saturday was influenced by a few things, but mostly by Van, Amy, and newty talking about what sativas looks like as they age and how they can get stoney if you wait too long. The one thing I didn't want was another bunch of couchlock jars like the Blueberry I have a lot of. So rather than take a chance on this getting overripe as the sun comes out this week, I took it down.

So...incoming picture dump! Don't quote, just reply :).


Of course, we need the pre-chop pics:

Here's what it looked like after the chop!

Piled high on the table:

Post wash draining:

The wash water (really, who still doesn't wash their buds and wants to smoke/eat all this?):

My homage to @Amy Gardner with her silhouette pic:

Drip dry:

Into the copy-paper box to bring into the garage for trimming at 9:15pm last night.

As I mentioned a while back, this was going to be a pain in the ass to trim. Lots of fans in the buds and not a lot of calyx. What I ended up doing was taking off the easy fans from below the buds and the ones inside the buds that were big enough to get a hold of, and then trimming the rest. I didn't want to take off the sugar leaves as that's most of the buds, so this was a loose trim. The jams were Big Swing Face (Bruce Hornsby electronic) and a band called Eastern Conference Champions:

I saved all the trim and froze it and I'll see if there is any sugar on what I took off. If not I'll toss it. If so I'll add it to the next batch of topical oil I make.

Total wet trim was 123 grams, but like I said, most of that was fans.

Trimmed and hanging back in the shed. So glad I don't have to dry this in boxes :). RH is around 70% and temps around 67º F. Not much I can do about it if that's not anyone's ideal ;). There is a fan near ground level on low.

Total bud/stem weight wet was 820 grams post trim.

Here is a pic of a bud this morning, sparkly with the flash on!

After I chopped and washed (but before the trim) the guy who gave me this clone came over and I showed him the buds hanging in the shed. He said, "This is from one plant?" I said yes. He said, "How tall was it?" I said about 2 feet. He couldn't believe it!

And in case anyone is wondering about the garden work that got done over the last three days, it was 21 holes ($20 to my son), 21 plants, 27 hand-built berms, two rolls of weed block, 225 garden staples, and 21 bags of bark chips bought over 3 trips to the garden center. Three days of two people crawling around on their hands and knees, and this is how it turned out:
View media item 1555203
View media item 1555202
Not too shabby. We had an English tea party with crumpets and cake in the afternoon to show it all off...the backyard completed after years of planning and months of work. Then clean up, dinner, trimming, clean up. And just before I fell asleep last night after all that, my wife said, "Now what about the ground lighting?" :eek:

Last thing...the second Brooklyn Sunrise seed split and I thought I'd try something new and go with wet paper towel. That's going in the comparative grow thread though, not here.

Thanks for all your support ideas and hopes and encouragement on getting this AK-47 to harvest. I am such a better grower with all of you by my side. I wouldn't want to grow any other way.
:thanks: again and :Namaste:

Carrying on with the rest now, a simpler grow for a while. Phewf!

Wow that yard though.
So weird though. I guess most folks never veg this long; indoor, outdoor, clones or otherwise. Maybe it's just fed up!
That's as plausible as any other explanation.
Wow that yard though.
That's as plausible as any other explanation.
Yeah, let's stick with fed up!

Friday and the sun came out this morning :). Perfect timing because I planted the first Brooklyn Sunrise Auto in a pot outside this morning. Details in the comparative grow journal.

Here is a quick tour of some of the plants...

The Haze Xtreme got flushed yesterday because when I watered it the runoff was too damn high! Here it is this morning on day 39:

Here is the main cola for the Auto Masszar on day 67. Another auto that went into flower before I could fully train it, so there's a lot of buds down under the canopy not getting much sun:

And if you're missing your flowering AK fix, here it is still drying in the shed, going into its 5th day...a new record for me!

I know it's not comme il faut to water your plants at night but the Sour G and Gold Leaf were so wilty when I got home from work I felt bad making them wait until this morning. Just 3 ml cal/mag+ and 1 tsp Grow Big. Their runoff has been on the high side so I'm going low to try to get them closer to stasis.

I hope your day is sunny too!

Yeah, let's stick with fed up!

Friday and the sun came out this morning :). Perfect timing because I planted the first Brooklyn Sunrise Auto in a pot outside this morning. Details in the comparative grow journal.

Here is a quick tour of some of the plants...

The Haze Xtreme got flushed yesterday because when I watered it the runoff was too damn high! Here it is this morning on day 39:

Here is the main cola for the Auto Masszar on day 67. Another auto that went into flower before I could fully train it, so there's a lot of buds down under the canopy not getting much sun:

And if you're missing your flowering AK fix, here it is still drying in the shed, going into its 5th day...a new record for me!

I know it's not comme il faut to water your plants at night but the Sour G and Gold Leaf were so wilty when I got home from work I felt bad making them wait until this morning. Just 3 ml cal/mag+ and 1 tsp Grow Big. Their runoff has been on the high side so I'm going low to try to get them closer to stasis.

I hope your day is sunny too!
Will you be using Boveda packs for the cure?
Will you be using Boveda packs for the cure?
I will. I wait until I managed to get the jars down in the 60-65% range which can be tough given the high RH where I live. Sometimes I use rice balls, sometimes I put the jars open in a box with a small dehumidifier. For me the cure doesn't start until the buds have been in jars for at least two weeks of burping. Then sealed with a hyrgometer and a B62 for the cure. I try to remember take the hygrometer out after a few days of consistent humidity so I can use it again. Which reminds me, I have to go find all the ones still in the jars from last time!
I do. I wait until I managed to get the jars down in the 60-65% range which can be tough given the high RH where I live. Sometimes I use rice balls, sometimes I put the jars open in a box with a small dehumidifier. For me the cure doesn't start until the buds have been in jars for at least two weeks of burping. Then sealed with a hyrgometer and a B62 for the cure. I try to remember take the hygrometer out after a few days of consistent humidity so I can use it again. Which reminds me, I have to go find all the ones still in the jars from last time!

I have been having problems with humidity too. I finally got mine down enough to start the actual curing after almost a month of opening jars.
No way I would have waited that long! Rice balls is fast and easy. I did a tutorial on them but the blogs are gone. Let me see if I can find the post...

Lord knows I have enough rice. I bought the giant bag at costco for 14 bucks. That was 2 years ago and it ain't even half way gone yet LOL
Edited my post with the link. Simple to make and works so quick you best not leave then alone for long!
May need that information when I start jarring......IF I ever get to jarring.......

Thanks @InTheShed !!
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