InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Just keep an eye on em bud. cause they will start to look like they aren't happy and that's because they have rooted and are no longer comfortable in the high humidity environment. But if they are looking that happy still they have all likely just rooted or are just about to.

You know I have an eye on them Them! No pics today bc I'm sure y'all are getting bored of the same old view. I'll be out of town this weekend but I showed my wife the fine art of shake-the-bottle-and-mist-the-leaves so I'm sure they will look the same when I get back on Sunday night.

I'm not young as I used to be so def not looking forward to driving 6 hours Saturday and 6 back home on Sunday! Trip should be worth it tho.

You know I have an eye on them Them! No pics today bc I'm sure y'all are getting bored of the same old view. I'll be out of town this weekend but I showed my wife the fine art of shake-the-bottle-and-mist-the-leaves so I'm sure they will look the same when I get back on Sunday night.

I'm not young as I used to be so def not looking forward to driving 6 hours Saturday and 6 back home on Sunday! Trip should be worth it tho.
Well enjoy the road. Very therapeutic imo. Just be safe and hopefully have some fun!

Quick update bf I catch enough sleep to survive the drive. Some upper leaves are starting to get discolored. Anyone have any ideas post them here and if I see them in the morning bf I go I can make adjustments (don't mind the dirt on the leaves in the first pic, that's not the problem!):



No one answered my leaf question while I was gone so here's an update which might render it moot anyway (like most plant questions if you wait long enough...they either die, don't grow as well, or grow better!).

It looks like two have rooted and one is on its way out. Here is the evidence...

Gold Leaf clone day 14:




AK-47 clone 1 day 14:




And sad AK-47 clone 2 day 14:



I've cleaned the water out of the box and put the plants in without spraying them. It's still around 92% RH in there but I'm guessing that the sad one will be dead by day's end.

What do I do now with the ones that look good? Take them out? Leave them in as is with no spray? More light? Chime in all...things are a'changing!

They can go right along the others now. Normal light and humidity. Try to transition smoothly as possible. IE don't go from 90 to 40 percent humidity if possible and same with lighting maybe start them a little further and w. in 2 or 3 days your golden just another plant

And I wouldn't give up on the last one just yet. Can take up to 1 month for clones to root (Although very rarely....)

They can go right along the others now. Normal light and humidity. Try to transition smoothly as possible. IE don't go from 90 to 40 percent humidity if possible and same with lighting maybe start them a little further and w. in 2 or 3 days your golden just another plant

And I wouldn't give up on the last one just yet. Can take up to 1 month for clones to root (Although very rarely....)

Thanks! I don't really need three clones so I'm not sure I'll keep wishing and hoping and thinking and Spraying for the last one. If I'm going to start letting the RH drop in the box and adding light to it (first goes the paper!), then the third will have to live or die by its own wits.

Quick Halloween update:

Raised the lid on the box last night to get the RH down to begin the transition to life on the outside, but the Gold Leaf said no bueno and began to sag. So I gave that one a quick shpritz and put the lid back on. 99% again and seems happier. I think the one AK-47 is on its deathbed but the other seems to be thriving. Since I can't lower the RH yet I began to give them more light as a transition step. I lowered the bulb closer to the paper and when I'm home I raise bulb and take the paper off the box. I may take the good AK out for some air tonight since I can't risk losing the Gold Leaf. I need to wait for more new growth on that.

Here they sit as of this morning...

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