InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I hope this works as it's the first time I'm posting from my phone! I'm at the ER w my dad for his leg so while we wait for him to get admitted, I thought I'd update y'all on the clones.

I went to visit clone guy and we got out the Gold Leaf. The top was in flower but a lot of the lower branches don't get much light so there isn't a lot going on down there. I took two cuttings and made them shorter than last time and they're in peat pots this time!

Here they are:




I misted them w cal/mag water and put them in the box to learn the magic of rooting from the AK-47.

My dad should be okay, thanks for asking ;) His leg swells up and gets infected once in a while and they have to slam him with IV antibiotics for a few days and then send him home. His dementia makes him a difficult patient sometimes as he doesn't know where he is or why he's there from one minute to the next. I didn't leave the hospital until 4am this morning when he finally got settled in his own room.

On to the clones! AK-47 day 24 and the roots are growing through the cheesecloth. Still don't think I'll plant it yet...maybe this weekend.


I have been giving it more light, so I'm using a split-screen paper top on the box:


And here are the Gold Leaf clones on day 1. They survived the night!


Holy crap it's quiet here. I wonder if anyone gets notifications off this thread or it's just too dull for anyone to visit! Anyway, moving diligently on...

It's day 25 for the AK-47 clone and it keeps putting out roots. I think I'll plant it this weekend in my standard Dr Earth Pot of Gold and perlite combo, along with some mykos. Not too big a pot, something just a bit bigger than the root ball.

Here's a pic of some new growth:


The Gold Leaf clones are still alive on day 2!

I'm here I'm here ✋ Don't always get a chance to check in every day. Or only have a few moments to lurk and like a bit. I'm determined to fire up the laptop and make a journal for my clones and spog (or bonsai - haven't decided yet) this weekend.

Thanks GT! It's gotten so quiet in this and the 2nd grow journal and I don't know why. Flurry of people in there and then crickets for days.

I want to see your mini grow, so def put something up for it when you have time :)

Thanks GT! It's gotten so quiet in this and the 2nd grow journal and I don't know why. Flurry of people in there and then crickets for days.

I want to see your mini grow, so def put something up for it when you have time :)
See it's exactly like my clone journal oh well. But I would transfer to at least a trade gallon container then go up from there.

Same sorry shed. Congrats on the roots!!! And on the acquisition of the newbies!

Sorry to hear about your pops. I have a grandma with dementia and the other was in a really bad car accident and hasn't retained any memories from that day forward. My dad and aunt have since passed away and she doesn't remember . And no she has dementia on top of it and it's tough to say the least.

Thanks all for the good wishes and cheering me up! Unfortunately (unrelated to my dad so no one panic) let me tell you about my perfectly terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

Ok, everything is relative but still. I had a nice day planned. I got a pretty good night's sleep (thanks xanax!) and woke up ready to plant the AK-47 clone. After that I was going to move the autos out of the shed and into the sun, and then my wife and I were going out to look at fire tables and furniture for the back yard remodel.

I come down the hall and my wife is on the phone and she does not look or sound happy. Turns out my son and his friend got caught on a extra-curricular school trip with a vape and booze. They got kicked out of the program for the entire year (something that was supposed to look good on their college applications!) and the two of us immediately needed to drive up to get him and his friend. We were both incredibly pissed at him for blowing this opportunity, not to mention the fact that this is 220 miles each way!!! But before I left for the drive I figured I'd take a few minutes to plant the clone.

Every picture tells a story, don't it?

Ready for the big moment:


Check out the roots on this baby!


Just gotta add the soil and we're done...

20171111_093943.jpg's where the transplant goes sideways. I decided that maybe I should put the leaves in a plastic bag to keep them moist for a while longer and leave the soil open for air. And while getting the top in the bag, this happened:


WTF??? All those roots obviously were not very well attached as I was left with a stick. AGAIN! So I figured if I could get it to root once I could do it again, so I cut it shorter and into a peat pot it went:


And now it sits in the box with the Gold Leaf clones.


I hope it works...

Also, we had a long discussion with the 15 year old about making better decisions. That and he's grounded until new year's hanging out with friends, no phone. And he has to find a meaningful community service gig to replace the program.

Definitely not what I had planned.

That clone is a symbol of your resilience. I was in shock when I saw your roots gone. But it's only temporary, cause you never give up. Much respect for marching on. BTW, this clone journal just got RED hot. That was an epic story my friend. :Namaste:

Thanks so much G2! I was in shock about the roots and my kid :-0 It was a day of disbelief, but with hard work I'm hoping we all get better for it :)

Teens will test their limits and ours Not much different than toddlers, really
My son barely graduated hs and while he didn't get into much trouble, it was due more to not being caught than anything. I worried for his future at one point but he grew into the most amazing man. He's smart and level headed, realistic and driven. He has a 10 year plan!! Far more responsible than I was at his age.
Teen years are tough but having consequences for undesirable behavior will pay off in the future. Hang in there, sounds like you're on the right track.

As far as the rootless clone... that shocked me but not as much as you I'm sure. I don't see why it wouldn't reroot.

I'll be rooting for you (see what I did there?!)

Noooooooooooo!!!! Ooooooooooomg. Shed. Buddy. So so so sorry!!! I'd be lying If I said your picture story didn't have me laughing out loud. Like the documentation aspect of it all.

Anyways. G2h is right your resiliency is awesome! I can't believe the just pulled away like that . Stubborn shit. The starter pods are money for clones!!! So just keep the plastic bag AWAY from those once the root. Sorry too soon?

Sorry about your son. I can't pretend like that wasn't what I would have totally done myself at his age. But certianly unacceptable.

Look at it this way you learned a lot about cloning in the past few weeks. You totally nailed it with the gold leaf and now you have the opportunity for 3 great plants from those clones. So you go this bud :high five:
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