Is my plant ready for harvest or almost ready

Hey Jay just to give you an idea on why I said you do not have half an oz there...this is my pigmy plant that was ten inches tall and at 68days from seed... She gave me just under an oz dry.

We do not know where you are growing. As in, are you in the US or Canada or Europe or Australia?

I have started to wonder if the plant was already in a flower stage when you put it outside. In the northern hemisphere the days are still getting longer. If it was flowering in April then it might have start to go back into a vegetative stage.

I read up alot of differant ways ppl did things I even went on YouTube and watched a bunch of different videos nice flushing and putting it in dark for 72 hours this is my first time growing till the end... this is what it looks like..
We have heard of all kinds of reasons for 'flushing' and some make sense. And we have heard of putting the plants in the dark for 24, 48 and even 72 hours. But the "ice water" idea is something entirely new.

Many of the experienced growers will mention that just because it was mentioned on a youtube video does not make it a worthwhile suggestion.

For one thing, the ice water will shut down the growing process until the plant warms back up again. So, while it is in ice water it is near impossible for the plant to do anything to improve the trichomes or make them larger, etc.

I have been through a lot of small plants myself over the last 4 years. I am predicting that an optimum harvest from what I see in the photos will be enough for about 4-5 grams after a 5 day or so drying and then a 4 week curing.

As @HappyHazmat88 brings up, it might be a lot of fun for you, yourself, to start over soon with a new seed. Get the group involved in what you are doing by running a journal, even one with the occasional photo and input on what you are doing. Any suggestions someone makes are just suggestions but they might give you a new direction and something to think about.
Hey Jay just to give you an idea on why I said you do not have half an oz there...this is my pigmy plant that was ten inches tall and at 68days from seed... She gave me just under an oz dry.

That’s actually a beautiful plant HH, great job
That’s actually a beautiful plant HH, great job
Thank you old g I appreciate it... She was my smallest last time around but a full canopy ;)
Hey Jay just to give you an idea on why I said you do not have half an oz there...this is my pigmy plant that was ten inches tall and at 68days from seed... She gave me just under an oz dry.


Imagine a garden packed wall-to-wall with those... and then recall, when 4' shop lights (often, disassembled and the components repurposed so that the gardener could get ten 40-watt bulbs in a very small area) were popular enough that the "SCROG" concept originally got popularized on the old A.D.P.C. Usenet newsgroup... some people ran double-decker garden setups ;), It'd be kind of awesome to see a garden of really short plants like that - with another set of plants just like them directly above. Also, expensive to power, but...
If you're just starting out, do not experiment. Follow the rules for Cannabis Growing 101. When you've mastered that, start with Cannabis Growing 102.

Babysteps. Babysteps...
We do not know where you are growing. As in, are you in the US or Canada or Europe or Australia?

I have started to wonder if the plant was already in a flower stage when you put it outside. In the northern hemisphere the days are still getting longer. If it was flowering in April then it might have start to go back into a vegetative stage.

We have heard of all kinds of reasons for 'flushing' and some make sense. And we have heard of putting the plants in the dark for 24, 48 and even 72 hours. But the "ice water" idea is something entirely new.

Many of the experienced growers will mention that just because it was mentioned on a youtube video does not make it a worthwhile suggestion.

For one thing, the ice water will shut down the growing process until the plant warms back up again. So, while it is in ice water it is near impossible for the plant to do anything to improve the trichomes or make them larger, etc.

I have been through a lot of small plants myself over the last 4 years. I am predicting that an optimum harvest from what I see in the photos will be enough for about 4-5 grams after a 5 day or so drying and then a 4 week curing.

As @HappyHazmat88 brings up, it might be a lot of fun for you, yourself, to start over soon with a new seed. Get the group involved in what you are doing by running a journal, even one with the occasional photo and input on what you are doing. Any suggestions someone makes are just suggestions but they might give you a new direction and something to think about.
Welcome to a great forum @Jaygomeyea. It looks like you are getting good feedback from the folks here. Not bad for a first grow and I can totally appreciate being impatient and wanting to get one under the belt.

There is a lot of “Bro Science” growing this plant. I believe most people mean well and some things you have tried have claims of success by those that have tried them.

I have only been growing for a few years and each grow I learn by trying different things or having failures and learning from those.

I look forward to seeing you continue to get better with future ventures

Hi @Jaygomeyea and welcome to the forum!

I agree with what the experienced growers have said above.

The more love you give your plants, the more they will love you in return. And, the better you can mimic nature, the better your plants will respond. This means plenty of soil, and a really good balanced pH soil mixture, with all the nutrients that your plants will need, in the approximate right proportions. (There are experts here, too, who can help you with growing hydroponic or in coconut coir.) The plants love "living soil" activated with microbes – i.e. beneficial bacteria and fungi – and worms, too. The microbes help feed the nutrients to the roots. Pure water is essential as well, and the plants need to be well-watered, but also allowed to experience dryness. This wet-dry cycle is essential, and can be about 3-4 days, but varies depending on a lot of conditions. The more you observe your plants, the more you'll get the hang of proper watering.

I'm an outdoor greenhouse grower, and I start my plants in one gallon black plastic pots, and then transfer to 15 gal smart pots (breathable fabric). I also use 5-7 gal plastic pots sometimes, for small indicas, or plants that I'm only keeping for the purpose of cloning. I grow photoperiod plants from feminized seed and clones, not autoflowers. I use Down to Earth organic fertilizers in my custom soil mixture, along with coconut coir (high-quality, low sodium), perlite, compost, volcanic cinder, and homegrown worm soil (worm castings). I also use Mycos root booster when I transplant to a larger pot.

Happy growing!

Here's a recent shot of my plants in veg phase:

But..i think i did pretty good..its only 10 inches tall and i probly got a half oz on it.i topped it twice
Bro, once that's dry it will be 1/4th of what you see now. You might get a little over an 1/8th. Sorry !
I know what you are talking about with the Ice Water. I read stuff on it & seen videos. Supposedly instead of feeding the last 3 days you just give Ice Water each day & then go to 48-72 hours of darkness. It's suppose to make the plant think it's the dead of winter & increase Trichome Production. I tried it once a few years ago. Didn't really notice any difference.
FL as in Florida? Hhmm, just taking a stab at this since no mention if the plant is an auto-flower or a photo-period. It does look like a situation where the plant was starting to flower in April because of the length nighttime light vs the daytime. As the days got longer instead of shorter it began the process of re vegetating.

It is something that comes up in discussion many times in the spring when we put plants outdoors several weeks early because the temperatures seem optimal.
FL as in Florida? Hhmm, just taking a stab at this since no mention if the plant is an auto-flower or a photo-period. It does look like a situation where the plant was starting to flower in April because of the length nighttime light vs the daytime. As the days got longer instead of shorter it began the process of re vegetating.

It is something that comes up in discussion many times in the spring when we put plants outdoors several weeks early because the temperatures seem optimal.
My very first grow when I was totally clueless, now I’m just clueless. I used dirt from the outside garden, it was the start of my battle with spider mites, they either came in the fox farms soil or outside. I’d love to plant outside but I’m not taking the chance those little bastards came in from outside, I lost hair by the end of that battle, and I wasn’t keen on the pops that happened when a dead spider mite was in the bud in the pipe
it was the start of my battle with spider mites, they either came in the fox farms soil or outside.
They can survive outside all year long. In the north they hibernate just under the surface of the soil until spring. In the south they will hang out all winter grazing on vegetation. They are so small and lightweight that they can blow around on a breeze so it is not all that hard for them to get into a house that way or even be carried in on a persons skin or clothing. And once they are in the house it takes a lot of work to get rid of them.

I am not sure exactly why but my outdoor plants have no big problem with mites. I see where they have done a bit of chewing on a leaf but nothing worth getting excited about. I figure that there are enough predators out there to keep them under control. Plus I have a fair number of Rosemary plants on or near the patio and Mites tend to stay away from that herb.

Also, Mites are attracted to Marigolds. Marigolds are used by many gardeners to repel insects but we have found out that Mites are different. An idea is to plant a bed of Marigolds of various sizes and colors somewhere nearby and use those as Mite traps. The Mites will go there, the Marigolds can be sprayed once a week to control the numbers and this can reduce the number of them that end up on the Cannabis plant.
I'm not convinced spider mite bodies are large enough to produce audible pops >.>
Seeds and stems, especially if very dry, can cause popping.
Brother it’s the only grow that had spider mites and the only weed that popped , it wasn’t a lot maybe only 4 or 5 that actually popped but it kinda freaked me out because I didn’t wanna smoke those little bastards, although I did consider burning my plant outside I was so pissed I wanted to torch them
Brother it’s the only grow that had spider mites and the only weed that popped , it wasn’t a lot maybe only 4 or 5 that actually popped but it kinda freaked me out because I didn’t wanna smoke those little bastards, although I did consider burning my plant outside I was so pissed I wanted to torch them
Not that I have done that, but what is wrong with smoking a spidermite? We eat meat of a pig, drink milk from a cow, mix up chicken embryos in our cakes... but a spidermite that is smaller than a grain of sand is bad?
It doesn't add to the buzz?
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