J.J.'s Everything Your'e Not Supposed to do During a Grow Journal

Re: J.J.'s Everything your not supposed to do during a grow Journal


sorry to hear your under the weather today. Rest up and feel better soon!
wow,, some catching p to do,,lol

that would be nice to get into a whole room,, :) just think of the possibilities..
I was an a$$ as a kid as well, and turned out ok,, my daughter on the other hand,, man I don't know, she's 19 and just doesn't get it,

anyways, some great srtains you picked out there,,, I like attitude seeds,, they do have one maui wowie ther as well..

those pics are delicious :yummy: cannot really tell on the trichs, but they look very nice indeed.. :bravo:
wow,, some catching p to do,,lol

that would be nice to get into a whole room,, :) just think of the possibilities..
I was an a$$ as a kid as well, and turned out ok,, my daughter on the other hand,, man I don't know, she's 19 and just doesn't get it,

anyways, some great srtains you picked out there,,, I like attitude seeds,, they do have one maui wowie ther as well..

those pics are delicious :yummy: cannot really tell on the trichs, but they look very nice indeed.. :bravo:


Trich check with the scope resulted in Mostly Cloudy trichs. Very Few Clear, Very Few Amber.

Hermi-one got a sugar water flush. Penelope is still damp, so she'll get her flush tomorrow.

I'm wondering if I should start some seeds in a windowsill. We are getting 15 hours of sunlight a day, and if I start them now, I think I'll be able to get them into the grow room right after harvest in a few weeks. It 's just bagseed, nothing special, but I figure I can get a head start on my next grow.
Two buds have been cut off of Hermi-one for research and development purposes. ;) Smoked my last bowl this am, and won't be able to get more till tomorrow. Plus I figure with mostly cloudy trichs I'll be able to tell if the buzz is what I am looking for.

I'll be back with a smoke report later...
Nice, Can't wait to read the smoke report.

Feeling better today?

So I have been kind of hit and miss lately so I might have missed this info. Since the end is near have you started the batch of babies yet? Or will you be getting clones from a dispensary?
Nice, Can't wait to read the smoke report.

Feeling better today?

So I have been kind of hit and miss lately so I might have missed this info. Since the end is near have you started the batch of babies yet? Or will you be getting clones from a dispensary?

I'm feeling a bit better. I still have sinus pressure/headache. At least the crusty eyes are going away... I sound like a TB patient when I cough though...

As for babies, our dispensary doesn't sell clones. I was going to put some seeds in some soil and water them today, but I figure I can do that when I have better soil. All I have is Miracle Grow. Miracle Grow didn't give me a single issue with the girls, but I did tend to over water in the first few months. What do you think? Should I hold out for better soil?

Decisions Decisions... :)
glad to hear your doing better, you'll be 100% before you know it!

As for the ladies, I know a lot of people through flack around when ever MG is in play. My stance is I have grown in much, much, much worse. I don't see any harm in starting out a few seeds in it and by the time you get the good soil the ladies will be ready to transplant into it.
Ok, So I'll start a few seeds tonight. I'll put them in the window in my bathroom, and close the storm window so my drug sniffing kitty won't get to them. (I live in a modular, and the gap between the window and the storm, is about 6 inches.) Perfect for my little pots.

I'm smoking Hermi-one as I am typing this, and I am amazed. No harshness to it, and it tastes just like I remembered! Getting a pretty good buzz, and that's saying something since my last bowl was this morning. She's really sticky, and skunky. Makes me wonder what it is going to be like after it has a good dry and cure.

I'm gonna finish smokin the rest of this bowl with the old man.:roorrip:
Ok, I put 5 or six seeds into two small pots. I know it is probably too many, but I doubt they all come up. If they do, that just means I have to find some bigger pots sooner .

So now do I count the day I put them in the pot for germination as Day 1 or do I wait until they break the surface of the dirt?

This is bagseed dispensary schwagg. So it's mystery seed. Could Be Indica, could be Sativa...

When they pop through the soil, I will start another Journal for them.

Still haven't finished that bowl yet. Got baked after 3 hits :)
wait, I just confused my self. I though you we looking to go DWC this grow? Or was that just research for the future¿

LOL I am researching DWC, but not for this grow. I don't have the money to invest in either a DIY, or from Stealth Hydro setup quite yet. I want to get a few grows under my belt before I try something totally new. When I do decide to do DWC I want to have a PH meter, and a tds meter so I don't end up killing everything.

Besides, I don't have any rockwool, so I'd have to start seeds in soil either way...
Glad Hermi-one treated you guys good. I haven't any qualms about MG but in my case it's beacuse I can't afford anything better like FF. Hell MG soil is a step up from the cheap wally world soil I have been using, lol. Good luck with your seeds. All fem *fingers crossed*

My eyes are a sticky mess, my head is aching with sinus pressure from my allergies, I'm out of my xanax, and the freakin ambien alone isn't gonna put me to sleep.

What is putting me to sleep is the kick ass buzz I am currently getting from Hermi-one...:cool:

Nighters everyone!
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