Yep marriage is a fine institution....if you want to be institutionalized. :rofl:

@KeithLemon I feel bad for ya there, she knows....she knows..... LOL The only thing going to the door with me are my cats, and they don't give a rat what it is unless it smells like food. :cheesygrinsmiley:
70 years WOW I'm not sure I will see 70. 🍋
I think it's romantic 42+ 💎💘💎

it is.

My Mom and Dad were 5 days short of their 70th anniversary when he passed away last year. I just can't even imagine that.

both cool and sweetly sad at the same time.

edit : my grandparents reached that milestone on both my fathers and mothers side. on my fathers side it was out of spite though ... they each wanted to outlive the other and therefore win ...

Haha 420 minutes.. how can that be so hard to remember.. 💚

you think it would be enough ...
i can easily post stupid shit and pass out for at least that long seconds later ... :cheesygrinsmiley:
UPS is delivering them looks like I need a story. Hm 🍋
We’re taught on the Southside of Chicago @ a young age that you NEVER admit to anything. It’s served me well with LEOs. Not so much for marriages though depending on how you look 👀 @ it. lol
In the end my wife is pretty cool with me buying things after a bitching out she lets it go and waits for the next time. I would not buy anything that cost a lot of money without talking to her first. It works because I have been married for 42 years. Thats a long time. 🍋
Congratulations 🍾🎈 Keith, in this day n age of Drive-thru Divorce. Anything over 10 years is milestone n 20 years is incredible. CL🍀 :thumb: :welldone::bravo:
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