Good morning 420 magazine it is going to be a wet day here with showers off and on, got my 15 gallon grow bags coming today. I love getting things in the mail. Looks like it will show up in perfect time my wife will be at the YMCA when it comes in. I will have it put in my supply box before she gets home, she will never know I bought it. I hope you all have a great day and happy growing. 🍋
In the end my wife is pretty cool with me buying things after a bitching out she lets it go and waits for the next time. I would not buy anything that cost a lot of money without talking to her first. It works because I have been married for 42 years. Thats a long time. 🍋
My grow bags came in and my wife was at the door when they did. She asked if I got everything, I wanted I didn't dare say no. All most got it in the house without her seeing it. It's timing all in the timing. Bad timing on my part. 🍋
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