KushMeister's First Grow, Kandy Kush, SleeSkunk, Haze

hello there wow great to look
i am on week 1 of veg and it is my first time
i spend time learning and hope to have some ideas
good luck it look wonderful

Welcome galzuck! I think you'll find :420: is a great place to learn about growing.
I think the reason you have such a following this early is because you got out in the forum and met a lot of people. I don't think it has all that much to do with title, maybe it does, but it takes a lot of time to seek out the helpful growers here. Not to say that everyone doesn't contribute in their own way.
thank you Mr KushMaster
please look up my first grow journal
king kush
I think the reason you have such a following this early is because you got out in the forum and met a lot of people. I don't think it has all that much to do with title, maybe it does, but it takes a lot of time to seek out the helpful growers here. Not to say that everyone doesn't contribute in their own way.

I'm sure you're right northener. The "heavy-hitters" here are so because they share a lot themselves as well as their grow. I certainly have tried to go out and participate, get to know them a little on the personal side and share myself too, not just the technical stuff.
thank you Mr KushMaster
please look up my first grow journal
king kush

That's a nice start on the King Kush! Right where I was starting from scratch a couple of months ago.

Put a link to your journal in your signature. It'll help people here find it.
hello there Hozona
thank you
i started my first time in my life grow
have 4 strains all fem seeds (so they say)
and i am looking reading and learning from 420mag
so thank you and please if you have time
have a look and let me know your ideas for help
i upload photos every 48h

thank you
I think the reason you have such a following this early is because you got out in the forum and met a lot of people. I don't think it has all that much to do with title, maybe it does, but it takes a lot of time to seek out the helpful growers here. Not to say that everyone doesn't contribute in their own way.

i've seen cats on here who make an account and start a grow log the same day, having never been to the site before to build rapport and somehow, they end up with everyone and their brother checkin out their thread. i sound like i'm complaining, and maybe i am a wee bit ;) it's just frustrating at times! especially when you need answers but no one looks at your thread!

while i don't have many posts, i do have a couple of logs and i do participate in other threads on the regular these days (a member since 2008, even). i really do think that nomenclature has a lot to do with who clicks the link to your threads. it's subliminal, but it's real. we're all subject to it, nothing to be ashamed of.

anyways, 'nuff of my rants!
i've seen cats on here who make an account and start a grow log the same day, having never been to the site before to build rapport and somehow, they end up with everyone and their brother checkin out their thread. i sound like i'm complaining, and maybe i am a wee bit ;) it's just frustrating at times! especially when you need answers but no one looks at your thread!

while i don't have many posts, i do have a couple of logs and i do participate in other threads on the regular these days (a member since 2008, even). i really do think that nomenclature has a lot to do with who clicks the link to your threads. it's subliminal, but it's real. we're all subject to it, nothing to be ashamed of.

anyways, 'nuff of my rants!

Dude, I hear you! I'd be frustrated too if nobody was looking at my journal.

If you need answers, do search for your topic in old grow journals and start reading. I guarantee you'll find answers.

On the subliminal side. Put your journal links above your quote in your signature. Capitalize! Have your current journal on top and remove the "--Epic Fail--". That's what I would do. You know, just clean it up a little. Make it easier to find and understand.
i've seen cats on here who make an account and start a grow log the same day, having never been to the site before to build rapport and somehow, they end up with everyone and their brother checkin out their thread. i sound like i'm complaining, and maybe i am a wee bit ;) it's just frustrating at times! especially when you need answers but no one looks at your thread!

while i don't have many posts, i do have a couple of logs and i do participate in other threads on the regular these days (a member since 2008, even). i really do think that nomenclature has a lot to do with who clicks the link to your threads. it's subliminal, but it's real. we're all subject to it, nothing to be ashamed of.

anyways, 'nuff of my rants!

You may be right tokist... I don't know. I do know when I first came here (420 mag) I looked for threads by name, but strain was never my objective, more hydro, hps that type of stuff. Since being here I have gotten to know the growers I follow and visit their journals daily. Other than that I wait for people to visit my thread or wait to see a post I strongly agree with from others to talk to new people. I don't seek out people to help or admire because I only spend a few hours at best on here daily and already have so much to catch up on. i do love helping people but i wait for them to find me. I think many other people treat this forum the same but a lot of people that contributions to this family much out weigh my own ,will put in the time to help as many as possible and should be commended for their hard work.
good man thank you
now please if i can ask how do i do that
i keep uploading new photos of my progress as we speak
will love to know how to add a link to my journal

The green horizontal nav bar, second from top, click User CP > Settings, then Edit Signature in the left nav field.
Dude, I here you! I'd be frustrated too if nobody was looking at my journal.

If you need answers, do search for your topic in old grow journals and start reading. I guarantee you'll find answers.

On the subliminal side. Put your journal links above your quote in your signature. Capitalize! Have your current journal on top and remove the "--Epic Fail--". That's what I would do. You know, just clean it up a little. Make it easier to find and understand.
Mini Update

All quiet here. Kandy and Slee continue to truck right along. Supercropped tops on Kandy looking stronger every day. Most of them at least. Both are responding to the defol well. Bud sites are getting noticeably bigger on both but especially on Slee. No frosting on the Slee buds yet, but they are starting to smell like hash a little.
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