Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Is that Dill in the back drop?
Just some crazy invasive stuff in the woods that flourishes like mad in the beginning and than dies off. Kinda weird. Really wish i knew what all i had back there though, I'm sure some of the broad leafs could be of use but Idk!
LA Confidential - Day 46 of flower, 40 with hairs

Okay everyone, decided to take a look at the 420 contests for the first time after seeing Van Stanks win! Congrats btw! Very cool stuff indeed.

Now its got me considering putting this beauty in the contest, but holy crap is there some serious competition out there! Is there an honest chance of this making it in the plant category? Ive been playing with my phone cameras' manual settings and think I've gotten a few of them to look a bit better (even excellent I'd say with just a smartphone). Still very difficult to get a full profile shot when she's not perfectly level and my lighting screws with images big time! Just wondering what peoples opinions might be, it's possible id be better off in the photo contest? Hard to say, but anyways!

Been top-watering a little more frequently to get some goodies in there, rather than using just plain water through the SWICK method! To these top waterings im almost always adding - Aloe, Fulvic, Agsil, LABS, and banana FFJ. Just recently threw in some rootwise microbes and catalyst as well (fairly certain thats along the same lines as recharge). Other than that its just too-dressings!

Everything continues to progress wonderfully! I also took the time today to tie the heaviest of buds up, as they were starting to get a pretty decent "lean" to them. The ones I didnt tie up to the light, I just tied to each other. Kinda catty corner of each other so nothing has the tendency to "pull" away and snap.

Other than all that, I gave her a decent little defol of the yellowing/dying leaves. As well as a little leaf tucking. Is there a time when I should completely refrain from pulling leaves? I try and only pull things blocking a good bit of light but will stop doing so if its harming the lady!

Okay so now that were through all the b.s., heres some pics :popcorn: enjoy! :high-five:

Please let me know what you think! Thanks for following along :thanks:
Great looking plant Laquer Head.

As for entering the contest....hell give it a shot brother. This was the first contest I entered and I wasn't expecting to win. I wasn't planning on entering anything until the big Northern Lights I am growing finishes (that one is a true POTM/POTY candidate), but at the last minute I said wtf and threw the Stankberry in there. Like that saying goes....nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Yeah - what VS said!

And, like I always say, the guidelines say ‘enter your best plant’ not ‘the best plant’ or, ‘enter only plants that will win’ :) .

I like seeing the best of people’s gardens there. I enetered my CBD Critical Cure back in March cause I was proud of it (first time, own soil etc. ) and I thought it deserved to be admired, not cause I thought it would win. I even got one vote! Was pretty chuffed about that!

I reckon just purely entertaining each other is a big part of the contests. :thumb: Go for it!

@Van Stank yeah you must’ve surprised yourself there! That northern lights has been heading for POTM for a while... only to be pipped by stankberry :rofl:
How long do you have to wait before entering again?

Same here, I entered my Dinachem just because I was really proud of it. There were a couple of entries I thought were better plants but you gotta be in it to win it.
Yeah - what VS said!

And, like I always say, the guidelines say ‘enter your best plant’ not ‘the best plant’ or, ‘enter only plants that will win’ :) .

I like seeing the best of people’s gardens there. I enetered my CBD Critical Cure back in March cause I was proud of it (first time, own soil etc. ) and I thought it deserved to be admired, not cause I thought it would win. I even got one vote! Was pretty chuffed about that!

I reckon just purely entertaining each other is a big part of the contests. :thumb: Go for it!

@Van Stank yeah you must’ve surprised yourself there! That northern lights has been heading for POTM for a while... only to be pipped by stankberry :rofl:
How long do you have to wait before entering again?

Ya know, I don't know. I think I read on asesinos thread that there is a 3 month wait period.
Has anyone ever torn a tap root when transplanting a seedling from those worthless fuggin peat pucks? I did that this morning on my kosher x Tangie...hoping it doesnt stunt it too badly, or worse make it herm on me. Its only 2 days old as of now so will cut my losses if its the thing to do!
Hey everyone! Been a little bit. This heat has been taking it out of me. Plants are doing well though!

LA Confidential might end up getting the axe this coming week! She is on day 53 of flower in the following photos. Day 55 as of today. Shes fading really fast and starting to foxtail justtt a little. Hoping she plumps up a bit more before taking her. The buds are rock solid though, by far the most dense buds I've ever grown! Hoping to hit the 8 oz mark, but that may be a bit on the high side - will know before too long. Still feeding the soil the "regulars", alternated with plain water every couple of days. Heres some pics!

On another note, the Cindy continues to piss me off! Its growing decently, but I'm running out of patience with it. So much more frustrating and complicated than an indoor lady. Which is why im purchasing another Timber grow light to run two plants in flower, if not 3! Im kinda chalking up Cindy as a loss already. I'm not going to use all my neem oil on her just to watch her branches topple over come bud time. So its just water from here on out! Doubting that will serve very well but I would much rather spend my little bit of free time growing a beauty indoors. I will still throw some pics up of her here and there but shes nothing to brag about by any means. The bugs can run through even a healthy plant pretty darn fast!

Thanks for following along! :roorrip:
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