Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

honorable sensai LA....

may student HiddenConcept an I, post picture of little one for your considered chop or no chop opinion...

Bows...backs away eye contact
I actually sent him a picture a couple days ago haha. Pretty sure from the pictures youtop after second node to get that nice y shape going.
Hey mate, I looked at the bottom of LA's sig...Quick flux guid is it...he's got 3rd node there...but I'm feeling a little nervy on the first chop, so I need the master's voice to move this dog into action....

Third node makes sense I guess, a just thought it looked like the second in the photo. I need to chop after I wake up so it's a good thing I posted before going to sleep! So top after third node!
Thank you honourable master... :)

Oh poo so what you're saying is just go away and do it, ya pillock! :)

Fair enough too...

...will go and sit in front of big white light and little green beings and contemplate your wisdom....

Thank you honourable master... :)

Oh poo so what you're saying is just go away and do it, ya pillock! :)

Fair enough too...

...will go and sit in front of big white light and little green beings and contemplate your wisdom....


Tassie your too funny.

What I found in my first attempt was the height of either 2nd or 3rd in relation to rim height. I failed that test and let my gurl get above the rim and fought to keep her low. That and not keeping with Professor's recommend tie down wires.

Using LA's tie down method and the rim will give your arms better even growth.

I'll do better next time....

Don't be like like LA...LOL.

Back to the shadows I go....
Ok well I will top at either the second or third node...which ever I think is better to be honest.
Now I know the tie down method has been mentioned several times but could somebody explain it again please? Because I have been using garden wire tied from one end of the pot to the other. Kinda like a scrog but the wires are not uniform as I use the garden wire per arm.
So yeah, tie down method? Is it where you wrap the garden wire around a limb an tie to the rim?

Thanks sensei and everybody else, will post an update of my flux in flower tomorrow!

Keep it green, get nice an lean
Ok well I will top at either the second or third node...which ever I think is better to be honest.
Now I know the tie down method has been mentioned several times but could somebody explain it again please? Because I have been using garden wire tied from one end of the pot to the other. Kinda like a scrog but the wires are not uniform as I use the garden wire per arm.
So yeah, tie down method? Is it where you wrap the garden wire around a limb an tie to the rim?

Thanks sensei and everybody else, will post an update of my flux in flower tomorrow!

Keep it green, get nice an lean

Hidden you are on the right track. Keep with what your doing and check out LA's guide to Fluxing. He has lots of pictures that should be easy to follow.

Wire per arm or across several arms. The key here is to keep the heads even with or below the main flux arms. Most importantly keep the heads below the main arms when you go vertical.

IMO I failed because I let the side arms get higher then the main arm.

I lost my flow of energy.

In his pics you can see an very nice, even and level side arms just before going vertical. That's why attaching to the rim was important. And why you want your main arms to be even with the rim. It would have been easier to achieve had I done this.

Several other things I did wrong which is why I'm sharing now so no one else does the same.
Cheers guys, I made a catalogue of mistakes during my first run that I wish to correct.

1) started from a poor lopsided clone
2) split one of my girls right down the middle THE MAIN STEM!!!!
3) allowed side shoots to get out of control....there were so many!
I do use a PGR that promotes side branching but that was taking the Mick!
4)the two main arms are not the biggest on the plant so I do not have the flow of energy
5) using a scrog style method to tie down...well it wasn't really a scrog, more like pull downs as it was not uniformed, one length of garden wire per limb.
6) letting side shoots get out of control, I cannot stress how many extra tops I have ended up with, it looks like a scrog without any netting haha
Cheers guys, I made a catalogue of mistakes during my first run that I wish to correct.

1) allowed side shoots to get out of control....there were so many!
2) using a scrog style method to tie down...well it wasn't really a scrog, more like pull downs as it was not uniformed, one length of garden wire per limb.
3) letting side shoots get out of control, I cannot stress how many extra tops I have ended up with, it looks like a scrog without any netting haha


Actually my problems...

Lesson learned...

Actually my problems...

Lesson learned...

I'm glad it wasn't just me, I'm not unhappy with how they look, but I know it could be better.
Pictures will be posted after lights on
Oh yes...just like that :)

Well I've got third nodes coming outta my ear, so I've got some serious decisions to make....I also have the possibility of fluxing hermies or males, so I guess it doesn't matter...this is the test run...but!

I bought a cheap scalpel intention half the job?

Hey guys, I know this has been covered before but wanted to know if anyone had tried the for way flux? I remember the sensei saying he was gonna try but can't remember anything after that. I have my standard y shape forming for both sides and just wondered if I should flux as standard or if anyone has tried the four way?

I know a picture would be better but. I can't actually take a picture at the minute.

Hope everybody has had a green weekend!!!
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