Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal


Oh and I coined this technique the Double Fluxed Waffle! As the limbs are woven before goingnvert to get optimum spacing for the multitude of buds! :)
I like the waffle :) It's a damn shame you had to bin it but better safe than sorry. I might start another flux soon, I got a seed with a load of growing gear off Budstep that I've put to soak. It's an unknown fem seed so it should be fun, I might try your waffle out :)
ok, update time!

getting into the final few weeks of this grow and its starting to get exciting, my hgk-1 (the plant on the right which i have dubbed -1 due to its poor structure compared to the hgk00) is probably not going to get the results i had hoped for....which im ok with because the blz and the hgk00 are more than making up for it, i literally cannot wait to compare the two of them to my scrog grow last run to test the difference, the hgk00 looks like she gonna be a real producer!!!!

well its the start of week 6 and i have added the needed p/k boosters aswell as some bud candy which i thought....why the hell not!

picture time!!!!

cap'n style grow set up


hgk (i will do better next time but i still think she will produce a decent yield)




HGK00!!! my beauty!





here are my new girls that im gonna double


Looking forward to my flux waffle! Gonna be tasty!!
Flawless work LA, I'm learning a lot in your journals thanks for sharing your knowledge mate

What would you say is the difference (or benefit) of doing this flux over topping 5 times to get 32 little main colas ?
Hope you can guide me in this one , the day to decide is close and haven't made up my mind yet hehe

Hey prof X :)
Simply put a flux is about flow, being a style adapted from ML technique, its plant OCD! :)
Done correctly a flux give total even canopy and total even spacing for colas sites. So light penetration is even as is all else this gives the ability to get the big yield of scrogging but with more space for bigger chosen and driven bud sites.
My way of tethering gives total adjustment ability to all limbs at any time so you have total utter control with ease.
Simply put with fluxing you fool the plant into growing 20-30 main top dominant colas, this just gives you a yield that is nuts!! :)
That's the base of it before going into feeding loops etc lol :)
Hope that helps.
Hey MarysGarden and welcome, feel free to ask anything anytime and post pics if you ever want! :)
Welcome to the fluxing revolution lol :)

Jai Jai Srila Sri Sri MMJ Acharya Sri Guru Surya Dasa CannaLila Maharaja of the Brihat Cana flux
Hey brother your doing such a great service here have the very very best of days :goodjob::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 239 / Day 48 Outdoors

OK Professor Flux. It's advice time! The school bell has rung and I'm sitting in the front of the classroom. She's been enjoying Mother Nature as it's been raining the last couple of days.




A few of the outer bud sites have outgrown the rest of the plant. I need a little review on the defol chapter. If I remove the leafs from the taller sites will they slow down & wait for the others to catch up or is it the opposite way around? I know I can squeeze their stems to slow them down but since we haven't done our first major defol yet I figured this can be another way to get back the even canopy.



All advice is welcomed...
Looking lush and healthy my friend! :)
Yep as you haven't done a proper defol yet I'd use this as you say to level the playing field as it were. I would indeed take the fans off the dominant sites, at least at the highest sets. The other non dominant you can leave them be or just take one fan per node if you think more light penetration is needed.
As she has been outside this wouldn't have been issue so far. She looks great though my friend , very similar in looks to my Double flux waffle girl I had! :)
BAR :high-five: LA​

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 244 / Day 53 Outdoors

Thanxx for the advice on her last update Professor Flux. We now have the canopy even again! Also we did some defol last night.



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