Magnus8's Canna Cream, Body Butter & Canna Lotion Study Hall

So what is the purpose of a cream/butter/lotion?

Depends on who we're talking to.

For the maker, it has multiple purposes.

It is an expression of creativity. For in the various trials and tribulations in developing our formulations, we expend creative energies in first trying a little bit of this, then a little bit of that. These trials and tribulations help us realize a creative force that lives within us all. The force to make something new, to bring it from its base elements into a new life. Something that breathes its own breath, something that literally lives.

It is also the drive to develop something new. To bring something that never existed before into being. This is tied closely with the creative effort that goes into developing our formulations.

It may also be the realization to develop something that eases discomfort, pain or dis-ease. For many of us in this study hall, this is of paramount importance, and may even be the raison d'etre of what we do. Many of us here are here to develop a substance infused with cannabis that will ease either our own or someone else's pain and discomfort and dis-ease.

For the user, a cream/butter/lotion has other uses, some of which are closely ties with those of the maker.

For the user, the primary reason for using a product is to ease discomfort. The discomfort of dry skin. The discomfort of tight muscles. The discomfort of chronic pain.

Our canna creams/butter/lotions that we are mostly here to develop are probably designed primarily to ease the discomfort of tight muscles and chronic pain. But must that be the only raison d'etre of our products? How about if we opened our eyes to another use for these products and thought more holistically about what we can produce -- if we set our minds to it?

Might we not, during the course of developing our creams and butters and lotions, open our minds to the possibility of developing products that work not only to ease pain but also to nourish the skin and thereby soften it, sustain it and heal it? Might we not do double duty?

I offer to all of you a challenge as you embark upon this path to developing your OWN cream, your OWN butter, your OWN lotion. Take it upon yourself not just to copy the successes of those who have come before you. Sure, use their success as a jumping off point, as a guide down this path, but also challenge yourself to develop your OWN cream, your OWN butter, your OWN lotion -- a product that serves you and your needs and the needs of your loved ones.

What works extremely well for one might work only passably for another. Yes, it will be passable, but will you or your loved one thrive with that particular formulation?

Or would you and your loved one flourish with a different formulation?

Over the next little while I will try to post short write ups of numerous different oils and their uses in making creams, butters and lotions. These write ups can act as a guide to you in considering how you might want to formulate your own concoction, one that is perfect in every way for you. Some of these oils will work better as carrier oils than others, but all will have their use in making our products. All are used to soften and nourish the skin. I will also (maybe) write a post about the oils that are NOT useful in making your creams/butters/lotions. Oils such as linseed oil, corn oil, vegetable oil and, yes, coconut oil.

I hope that at least some of you will take me up on my challenge, while healing your bodies along the way.
I have played with it a little. Not is this latest batch. I have also started taking it orally. Not sure if is helping yet and not sure I am going to continue. It gives an odd odor coming off me now and it doesn't smell the same to anyone. I have been told it smells like garlic,carrots, olives, spoiled milk. Who knows. I have tried several things to cover the smell but it still comes through. I have not noticed it on my wife when she used the cream with the DMSO in it topically. Only when I take it orally. I would start with a small amount. My last batch had 1oz DMSO added to 8 oz finished cream.

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Edited to add: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (old trick.)
When you mixed the DMSO in how did you keep it from separating? Even at smaller percentages every combination I tried separated after a few hours. I did try adding some Lecithin but that didn't work either. I gave up on using it as it was driving me crazy.
Hi Magnus,

Sorry it didn't work out, but it sounds like you have some other options coming up. Still sending that good karma that this all works out for you. :)

If you want to have your first post edited to add information (or any other post that you can no longer edit for that matter), just hit the "report post" icon on the left side bar of the post you want edited. Then write in that box that comes up the reason for the requested edit and what you want added/deleted. Then a moderator can do it for you. Give them some time though, they are busy busy folks back there.

Good afternoon Magnus. :hug: I've put this one off long enough, and it forced me to tend to it now.

A while back I was attempting to heal my skin psoriasis with a homemade cream, and gudyul, another member here, contacted me with information on the necessity to be careful with the fats used in treating certain skin conditions. I'd been using almond oil, and it turns out I'd been feeding the very thing I'd been trying to eliminate. :straightface: I changed to a coconut oil, but I'm really inconsistent about using it. The psoriasis isn't that pronounced, and I'm not that self-conscious a woman to care. I figure I'll eventually heal from the inside out.

But I wanted you to have access to the materials gudyul shared with me. It's relevant to your mission over here.

Keep having fun. When I have more time I'll be reading through. I have a need for a cream that'll work on psoriasis from the outside and hydrate aging skin on a woman challenged to remember to drink enough water. She says, as she reaches for the water bottle that's been untouched for two hours. :laughtwo:

According to the information in the linked article and this chart of the fatty acids in almond oil, I was complicating the problem. Thankfully, gudyul caught me early on.

Fatty acids in almond oil
Content (%)

Palmitic acid (C16:0) 4.0 - 9.0
Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) Max. 0.6
Stearic acid (C18:0) 1.0 - 3.0
Oleic acid (C18:1) 62.0 - 86.0
Linoleic acid (C18:2) 20.0 - 30.0
Linolenic acid (C18:3) Max. 0.4

All of the fatty acids in almond oil would be feeding this problem instead of healing it. :straightface: I've been making it worse.

The link to Healing Skin by altering it's pH & microbial (Malassezia) profile. Apparently Malessezia feed on fatty acids with a carbon-chain length between 11 and 24.

Healing Skin by altering its pH & microbial (Malassezia) profile
Hi Magnus,

Sorry it didn't work out, but it sounds like you have some other options coming up. Still sending that good karma that this all works out for you. :)

If you want to have your first post edited to add information (or any other post that you can no longer edit for that matter), just hit the "report post" icon on the left side bar of the post you want edited. Then write in that box that comes up the reason for the requested edit and what you want added/deleted. Then a moderator can do it for you. Give them some time though, they are busy busy folks back there.


Thanks for the info!
Good afternoon Magnus. :hug: I've put this one off long enough, and it forced me to tend to it now.

A while back I was attempting to heal my skin psoriasis with a homemade cream, and gudyul, another member here, contacted me with information on the necessity to be careful with the fats used in treating certain skin conditions. I'd been using almond oil, and it turns out I'd been feeding the very thing I'd been trying to eliminate. :straightface: I changed to a coconut oil, but I'm really inconsistent about using it. The psoriasis isn't that pronounced, and I'm not that self-conscious a woman to care. I figure I'll eventually heal from the inside out.

But I wanted you to have access to the materials gudyul shared with me. It's relevant to your mission over here.

Keep having fun. When I have more time I'll be reading through. I have a need for a cream that'll work on psoriasis from the outside and hydrate aging skin on a woman challenged to remember to drink enough water. She says, as she reaches for the water bottle that's been untouched for two hours. :laughtwo:

According to the information in the linked article and this chart of the fatty acids in almond oil, I was complicating the problem. Thankfully, gudyul caught me early on.

Fatty acids in almond oil
Content (%)

Palmitic acid (C16:0) 4.0 - 9.0
Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) Max. 0.6
Stearic acid (C18:0) 1.0 - 3.0
Oleic acid (C18:1) 62.0 - 86.0
Linoleic acid (C18:2) 20.0 - 30.0
Linolenic acid (C18:3) Max. 0.4

All of the fatty acids in almond oil would be feeding this problem instead of healing it. :straightface: I've been making it worse.

The link to Healing Skin by altering it’s pH & microbial (Malassezia) profile. Apparently Malessezia feed on fatty acids with a carbon-chain length between 11 and 24.

Healing Skin by altering its pH & microbial (Malassezia) profile

Thanks for this info, Sue. I'm sure that anyone dealing with psoriasis will find this helpful. There are many out there.
Hi Magnus,

Sorry it didn't work out, but it sounds like you have some other options coming up. Still sending that good karma that this all works out for you. :)

If you want to have your first post edited to add information (or any other post that you can no longer edit for that matter), just hit the "report post" icon on the left side bar of the post you want edited. Then write in that box that comes up the reason for the requested edit and what you want added/deleted. Then a moderator can do it for you. Give them some time though, they are busy busy folks back there.


I was going to suggest that, too but I wasn't 100% sure it was true. Thank you for going ahead and offering a suggestion.

By the way, Cannafan, I haven't gotten around to thanking you for your website help that you posted over there. Because of your advice, I was able to create several folders for my subscriptions and where before I couldn't see SweetSue's Study Hall in my subscription list, when I added it to a folder, I've had no problems finding it since so :thanks:
Hey PufPufPas! How nice to see you hear! Hey, if you have any questions, feel free to ask away. I'll try to answer anything I can. At the risk of sounding arrogant, this is something I know quite a bit about.
I'm hanging out also, it'll take me to 3 weeks maybe a month before I'm ready to start making any kind of creams or lotions.

Hey Jingo,

Are you waiting on a grow to finish? I should have mentioned, but forgot to do so, that one needs to work with dried and cured cannabis when infusing their oils. I suppose I've mentioned it now!

I know I'm waiting on my grow to finish before I can infuse any herb for a cream. I'm all out and have been for months now. Oh well. The tortoise eventually wins the race, I guess...
Hey Jingo,

Are you waiting on a grow to finish? I should have mentioned, but forgot to do so, that one needs to work with dried and cured cannabis when infusing their oils. I suppose I've mentioned it now!

I know I'm waiting on my grow to finish before I can infuse any herb for a cream. I'm all out and have been for months now. Oh well. The tortoise eventually wins the race, I guess...
I've been curing some buds that are almost ready to process. I'm going to send a sample in for testing today and start processing tomorrow.

Problem is, using the (qwet) quick wash (ethanol) grain alcohol, method takes allot of time if you want to reclaim most of your ethanol and I have about 20 ounces of high cbd stuff to process.
Edited to add: dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (old trick.)
When you mixed the DMSO in how did you keep it from separating? Even at smaller percentages every combination I tried separated after a few hours. I did try adding some Lecithin but that didn't work either. I gave up on using it as it was driving me crazy.

Hey Beav. Been busy the last few days. Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. The cream that has the DMSO in it, is the old version with coconut oil and a fair amount of beeswax. IMHO it is inferior to the new version (which is not perfected yet, but much better). I do not know how the DMSO will work with the GSO only cream, but I used just a small amount (1/2oz per 8oz of cream). I added it at the end of the process, just before pouring out into containers and stirred it in well. The only bottle that I had separate out was one that had 2oz of DMSO to 8oz cream and it only separated out after the jar got left on top of the heating blanket all night. :circle-of-love::peace:
Re: Magnus8's Canna Cream - Body Butter - & Canna Lotion Study Hall

Although, I've been thinking of using an absorbable vit c and a in whatever I make and would probably accomplish that by having a compounding pharmacist make a base for me to use.

Do you ever work with absorbable vit c or a? I know there is just one form of c and a without a script, can't remember the names though.
I've been curing some buds that are almost ready to process. I'm going to send a sample in for testing today and start processing tomorrow.

Problem is, using the (qwet) quick wash (ethanol) grain alcohol, method takes allot of time if you want to reclaim most of your ethanol and I have about 20 ounces of high cbd stuff to process.

It is not so bad if you use a water distiller to reclaim. :circle-of-love::peace:
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