Hello again all!

As promised the photos of the completed tranfers, it took both me and jazzy 2 hours and 20 minutes to do all 25 of the small plants. I've switched the lights to 10/14 so lets get this party started right :passitleft:

@Aussiegirl Nah different company, is that the one on Ebay lol? It sounds familiar and I think I've bought some crappy chinese lights from them before but idk haha. Whys that?

Have a good one folks :thumb:
Looking good up in here brother! You are going to have your hands full for sure!! Should be a great show though!!:popcorn:

Cheers bro! Oh yeah it's going to get messy in a few weeks or so, hoping for a few males to kill off to reduce the numbers/workload :) Thanks for sticking with me and the journal :passitleft:
Today is the OFFICIAL day 1 of flower :thumb:

Everything has grown a fair bit actually with only one night of 10 hours. Damn Angels Breath/Heart are looking pretty manky, they really needed the transfer a couple to a few weeks ago but I didn't have much of a choice but to leave them and let them suffer a bit, not to good at growing these plants just yet am I? :rofl: But! Everything else is looking super healthy and happy :D

I'll start posting every 3 days or so I can have a visual reference in this journal as to how much stretch/bud growth/terpenes develop over the course of the flowering period ( I know you can't smell them but I'll describe the smells as best I can for my own reference and your pleasure :))
Exciting times... :passitleft:
I know the difference but I don't agree with the prices going up $50 for a bag just because people can tell you the name of it. I've grown for 6 years or so now and I never sold any of my TOP SHELF buds for over-price. I guess some people are just more greedy than others.

I love smoking my own buds, you're right. The taste is so much better and the high seems cleaner if you get what I mean? I'm not a patient person in general but if there is one thing I can wait for is for my flowers to be done right :thumb:

Can't wait for these babies to start poppin! :passitleft:
It's all about not being greedy really when you think about it. A mate of mine told me they call it China White here. They harvest at week 4-5 so its covered in white hairs. Very little THC. Then they throw it in the clothes drier. It has the smell and taste of wet leaves >.< disgusting. Gives headaches, burns badly etc
It's all about patience. They have no patience and obviously no quality control hahahaha
And it gets sprayed in Brix+ after harvest....
It is when it's all about the name and the buds you get aren't what you'd expect it to be if it was grown properly. Not just Chinese people that can't grow for shit :rofl: I got some OG kush once, thought it was going to be the bomb and what I got was scraggly foxtail buds. I've grown OG kush before and mine was what I expected to get but nope, nothing but white bogan weed for way too much. Maybe I just deal with shit people idk lol.

Either way I'm growing my own stuff now so I won't care about such things in a couple months :D

Never had any of that China white covered with brix+, I've had some shit weed but nothing that bad so far.
Brix is a solution that people holding no moral compass use to increase the weight of their flowers.
A spray bottle is filled with water, then a large amount of brix is mixed in.
They then spray their plants with it, so that when it dries the brix remains but the water doesnt.
It can turn 3/4 of a pound into 1 pound very easily
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