Mars Hydro Giveaway Time: Come And Win TS-2000 High PPE LED Grow Light!

I want the new mars hydro TS-2000 because I've currently got 6 of the old model 1 600s that I'll otherwise be DIY upgrading with cob chips.
Winning a light that could change my mind about me playing with wires and cut the risk of me burning the house down could literally save lives.
Not to play the guilt card but there's a single mum next door with 2 kids that's currently on a 2 week rehab down south due to a mental breakdown.
If I burn the house down making my own LEDs trying to compete with the magnificence of the new Mars Hydro TS-2000 out of jealousy then it's now on you! :)

Only kidding... I won't blame you, the girl next door story is true though.
Mars was a bit late with the QBs but this is a game changer for them.
Oh shit! Its a qb??? I Need to get upto date with things mate. Still living in the stone age here with my 1st model blurples. Love them though. Best veg lights ever! Totally controllable regarding stretch,
really hard to burn them,
And get growth rates that will keep up with anything on the market during veg at 50w/sqf

Bloom is a different story but times have changed and mars don't even make my lights anymore they're that old lol.
As a second entry, i'd like Mars Hydro TS-200 for @SweetSue , for all the work she's done to help others.

Well that’s mighty sweet of you freed. :hug: Should I win it’ll be shipped off to another member, because I already have all the lights I’ll be needing for the foreseeable future.

I appreciate the thought. :hug: I personally don’t think I’ll ever do enough to offset what I receive from being a part of this amazing community. :circle-of-love:
Hey what's up growers! Mars Hydro Giveaway Time again! :love::love::love:
This time, we are going to sponser our newly unreleased TS-2000. This is the bigger version of our TS-1000, it has two type, one is square one, another is rectangle one. Each great for 4x4 or 3x5 area. High PPE as 2.15~2.3umol/j; Wattage adjustable, white color, full spectrum. If you think the TS-1000 is a little smaller for your grow space, then TS-2000 will be the option. :yahoo:
Okay, now get to the point:

How do I enter? :green_heart:
Answer: make a post: I want the Mars Hydro TS-2000, because I xxxx (write a sentence you want to say)
What time do I enter?:ganjamon:
Answer: from today to May 15th.
How do the winner be picked? :lot-o-toke:
Answer: We will pick a ramdom number from the post we get, and the lucky one will get the light. Plus, we will pick 5 ppl to get the anti-smell bags as well.
Now let's make the party started! :party:

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