Mars Hydro Grow Journal TS 3000: Now Growing Original Genetics White Widows, Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush Clones & CBD Autos

Well what a pleasant surprise. After 2 days of almost steady rainfall I go out to check on the little Bubba Kush clone. This is the one that had been ripped up by the dog and had only three roots left on it. I replanted it directly into my nutritious soil without really believing that she would take off. But lo and behold! Look what i found!

But there's a potential problem. The rhubarb that was planted two years ago and never came up last year seems to be growing like the weed it is. I wonder if they can both stay in the same plot and both thrive. Now that I've got rhubarb started I'd hate to get rid of it. And rhubarb is notoriously difficult to get rid of anyway. So i think I'll let them coexist side by side and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe rhubarb acts as a pest protector for the mj plants. Who knows, right? So that's what the big leaf overshadowing my poor little Bubba Kush plant. Not really overshadowing it, but close.

I guess i could try to dig it out and replant it in the other plot and then just let the rhubarb thrive too.

I dont really know.


See? She is coming along nicely considering everything she has been through.

So I just wanted to show you that. Now I have 5 more spots for clones. Hopefully I will get another 5 viable clones out of the ones I am trying to start.

All my best,
I'd chop that rhubarb so that only a few inches remain above the ground. I really doubt that would kill it and if you keep it pruned low it might even develop a stronger root system for next year.

I've never heard of haskap berries and you've really got me interested. We grow blueberries, raspberries, loganberries, saskatoon and a few others so we obviously need some haskaps!
I'd chop that rhubarb so that only a few inches remain above the ground. I really doubt that would kill it and if you keep it pruned low it might even develop a stronger root system for next year.

I've never heard of haskap berries and you've really got me interested. We grow blueberries, raspberries, loganberries, saskatoon and a few others so we obviously need some haskaps!
Check them out online. They are fascinating. Originally from Russia I believe.

Check out what they look like here

I cant wait for mine to be ready.

I would kill for a well grown Saskatoon tree...

All my best,
Hey Magnus just checked out your journal, love your positivity even when things go wrong. I’m growing outside in 65 and 100 gallons bags of store bought soil, I’ve always wanted to make my own super soil, maybe next year. Bubba kush is my favorite strain that’s what caught my eye while scrolling through grow journals. Just wanted to say hey and if it’s okay with you I’ll pull up a chair and see how this summer crop turns out! Stop by my journal if you get a chance, have a good one
Hey Magnus just checked out your journal, love your positivity even when things go wrong. I’m growing outside in 65 and 100 gallons bags of store bought soil, I’ve always wanted to make my own super soil, maybe next year. Bubba kush is my favorite strain that’s what caught my eye while scrolling through grow journals. Just wanted to say hey and if it’s okay with you I’ll pull up a chair and see how this summer crop turns out! Stop by my journal if you get a chance, have a good one
Hey, love to have you along! Looks like I might have a few more Bubba Kush clones to plant right away. I have 5 spots left for them and I'd like to use them all. I also have 6 planters filled with super soil waiting for me to plant 2 to a planter. I've got those seeds in wet paper towels now since early this morning. 8 just checked andnobenof them is just barely showing a taproot. I'm so excited! These 12 are all autos and should finish up around the first week of September or so.

The photos, the Bubba Kush, will all be segued into flower around the first of July to ensure they have enough time to develop before I have to cut them down. They should be ready before I move. I'm moving September 1st so maybe I should start flipping them the week before July. Meaning they barely have time to grow. So I might rethink this and grow the Bubba kush inside along with the six seeds I currently have germinating in there.

I should be able to purchase another light before they have to go into flower so I may be able to keep them all together in one tent as they grow and mature.

Can anyone tell me how to figure out how many plants I can comfortably grow in a 4.5 x 5 foot tent - in flower? I currently have one 1000w led in there. Can you also tell me how many more watts I need to fill my tent with light so I can grow the maximum number of plants?

My prescription allows for me to have up to 30 plants st a time so no need to worry about the law.

So how many plants can I fit in my tent?

And how many more watts of power can I use to fill that tent with enough light to use it to its maximum capacity?

Everyone, thanks for the help with these two questions.

And yes, of course, I will check out your journal!

All my best,
Magnus, I dug around the internet and found good info on haskap berries but I didn't find what I need most -- a reliable place to buy plants. Can you help? Based on what I read, our location and soil could be just what these berries love.

We live on the beautiful remains of a pioneer homestead. Thirty years ago I first heard of saskatoon berries and managed to find 3 plants for $10 each. This was painfully expensive but I felt that this historic property deserved the berries.

A year after planting the saskatoons, I was wandering around, admiring the vegetation, when I suddenly realized I was looking at a saskatoon plant -- but not one I'd planted the year before. Then I saw another. And another.

I didn't know that saskatoons get rather large. We now have one near the door of our cabin that must be pushing 30 feet.

Last year a Canadian friend dropped by and gave us several jars of saskatoon jam.

Now I need haskaps!
Magnus, I dug around the internet and found good info on haskap berries but I didn't find what I need most -- a reliable place to buy plants. Can you help? Based on what I read, our location and soil could be just what these berries love.

We live on the beautiful remains of a pioneer homestead. Thirty years ago I first heard of saskatoon berries and managed to find 3 plants for $10 each. This was painfully expensive but I felt that this historic property deserved the berries.

A year after planting the saskatoons, I was wandering around, admiring the vegetation, when I suddenly realized I was looking at a saskatoon plant -- but not one I'd planted the year before. Then I saw another. And another.

I didn't know that saskatoons get rather large. We now have one near the door of our cabin that must be pushing 30 feet.

Last year a Canadian friend dropped by and gave us several jars of saskatoon jam.

Now I need haskaps!
What a funny story. Yes the saskatoon jam is incredible, isnt it?

As for where to get haskaps from you will just have to call around to your local nurseries. I'd try calling Canadian prairie nurseries and ask if they can ship them to you. I dont know if it is legal to bring plants across the border but I highly doubt it. I'm not quite sure how you will find them otherwise. They are extremely new to the north american scene.

All my best,
Well, its midnite on the first day in paper towel... and 10 out of 12 of my Solomatic seeds are showing their taproot. This is a good sign...

Hey Magnus, don't mind me....gonna grab this chair in the back if you don't mind. Hope you are doing well and good to see you back and active on the site again. Still love your topical recipe.....getting ready to make another batch!!

We have LIFE!

Take a look
. I've been trying to show you these pics all morning but my internet has been down because of the storm. I'm on sattelitevinternet. It's always going down.

But I digress...


This is the Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush #1 (PSM X GK#1). SHES STANDING SMALL AND PROUD.


This is PSM X GK #2.


This is PSM X GK #3.


THIS little baby is Grape Krush #1. Ain't she beeyootiful?


This is my GK#2.

Somehow or other either I forgot to photograph my GK#3 or I neglected to save the pic on the camera or for whatever reason I dont have it pictured here. Suffice it to say that she looked quite like all the rest!

So there you have proof of the fact that I can germinate seeds. It is all the rest of the growing indoors that I have the problem with.

So here's another photo for you. These are my 12 Solomatic seeds that I'm starting. It is clear that at least one seed and maybe two wont germinate. One of the seeds is soooooo tiny that I'm shocked they even sold it to me.

Again, NEVER EVER buy seeds from an online Canadian shop in Vancouver called Pacific Seed Bank. I had an absolute nightmare with them and they are not at all accountable for their actions and they have the absolute worst customer service I have ever come across. Again, NEVER, EVER buy from Pacific Seed Bank.

Anyway. I'm doing everything I can to hit them where it hurts: the bank account.

So here's the pic:


Arent they doing splendidly? I think so.

A few of them will be ready yo plant within a few hours methinks but I'll save them for tomorrow morning. It is very rainy and kind of cold here today so I don't want to jeopardize them for any reason. So I'll plant them in the morning. Besides I like to every once in a while open up that paper towel and to marvel at the speed at which seedlings grow.

Now I want to Rover these seeds with glasses for the first few days to keep the humidity and warmth trapped. Must I use clear plastic cups or can I use actual glasses from my kitchen? I'm a little worried that by using actual glass glasses that I might overheat the little buggers and kill them. That is the very last thing I want to fo. So if you could all weigh in on this question I'd be very grateful.

Also, can anyone please help me figure out how much wattage I need pulling from the wall to fill my 4.5 x 5 foot tent with life-giving light? In s few weeks/months I will be buying some new lights and really need advice on what to get. I need to know how many watts of light I would need to develop excellent grows. Unfortunately, math and anything like it confuses me to no end. I really have no capacity for it at all. This is why I need help to figure this question out. So if any of you lighting afficianado could weigh in on this one I'd be most grateful.

And I think I'm going to take the leftover clones that MIGHT be viable and plant them outside in the totes anyway, just to see if they take off. If not no harm done really. At least I will have tried. And all the clones are Bubba Kush by strain.

So have a great day ahead of you all. Peace out.

All my best,
Hey Magnus, don't mind me....gonna grab this chair in the back if you don't mind. Hope you are doing well and good to see you back and active on the site again. Still love your topical recipe.....getting ready to make another batch!!
@Van Stank! How wonderful to see "you" again. Sure! Pull up a parking space in the field out back and its then just like a drive in. Come to watch the show!

All my best,

Great to hear about the tropicals. They really do help. Unfortunately I've been out of weed so long I hardly remember how effective they are. But this summer is going to fix all that!
Here it came. The day I've been waiting for: planting day! Despite the grey skies and the almost constant spattering of rain all morning, once the sun began to peak through even slightly, I knew it was time.

I had 11 Solomatic CBD seeds that had all germinated (one hasnt yet and I doubt it will) that I needed to plant.

And a funny thing happened on the way to the forum... I suddenly realized that all my calculations had been wrong. I had worked out that my plants would all be ready around the beginning of September which could cause a real problem because I'm planning on vacating this hell hole at the end of summer. Then today I realized that 60 days from now, when these plants should be ready to harvest, finishes up at the beginning of August - not the beginning of September! I am such a dolt sometimes! How could have I missed that?

So I should have no problem finishing up my CBD autos that I planted today. Whether or not that tiny little clone will be ready in time is another story...

But we will deal with that problem when it approaches. For now, let's take a look at what I've done today.


Those square boxes made out of wood sitting amidst the grass that desperately needs cutting? Those are my planters that I grow my weed inside of. The rest of the photos were taken of my work inside these planters. If I have any viable clones by tomorrow I may yet plant these plants in the plastic totes lined up along the big whit tent frame that you can see to the right.

So this procedure I am about to show you was designed because I am growing autos who dont like to be disturbed during their growth. Since I'm using super soil to feed the roots of my plants, the soil is much too rich for very young plants. Hence the procedure which follows.


This is my bowl of fresh potting soil. Nice and light and fluffy. Just like I like my stuffed polar bears - yes, I have a thing for polar bears. Have since I was a wee child. Anyways, the bowl is sitting on the already used soil that I have made this years super soil out of.


Here you can see where I've dug a hole about 5 or 6 inches deep in the super soil.


Here you can see that I've filled the hole with that soft fluffy potting soil and made a hole in the middle by pushing my index finger about an inch down.


After dropping a germinated seed into the hole I then covered it with potting soil and when done, watered all the 11 seeds i had just planted. Here you can see just before watering.

And there you have it. 11 out of 12vseeds germinated and planted. I planted two seeds per planter except one planter has only one seed because there was an odd number of them. Sweet!

So all is not lost in Mudsville tonight. Casey is still up to bat. And it looks like i may yet have a summer crop...

All my best,
Young ones are off to a great start! Should be a great show buddy! :passitleft:
Thanks so much VS. I really appreciate it.

All my best,
Just a quick update. The 3 Grape Krush and the 3 Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush are doing splendidly. They have grown since I last took pics but not enough to need to show you. One or two are already showing themselves to be strong runners in growth. I hope these strong plants are all female. Wait! What am I saying? Didn't every single one of them whisper in my ear just the other day that each was a female? See?

I have nothing to worry about because...I am the seed whisperer!

:rofl: :yahoo::adore::adore::adore:

But they are doing just fine.

I think some of these Bubba Kush clones might make it. I hesitate to plant them outside because I just dont feel I'll have time to finish them off before the snow flies and everything around me freezes.

So now it becomes really really important I get some more lighting. Say 4 out of my 6 regular started seedlings indoor end up being female. I think that is about what my Phlizon 1000 w led could handle. If some of these clones take off then what will I do with them? I certainly dont have more light than for four plants and I desperately need to find some additional lights.

The problem is that I dont know how many more watts I need to fill my tent with light without spending needlessly on more lighting than I can reasonably afford. I've asked for help here to figure out how many more watts my 4.5 x 5 foot tent can use but no one has addresses this question. Probably because there are very few people following this journal. Maybe I should ask one of the lighting sponsors to help me puzzle this question out. That sounds like a good plan. Think I might do that because, for the life of me, I have no idea how to figure out how much more light to buy.

And there'll be no way to nourish all these plants without more lighting.

So I'm probably going to try to grow the clones in the tent with the GK and the PSM x GK that I have growing there already.

Now I'm thinking of putting my clones into my closet. Besides my tent I have a closet set up for growing with mylar on the walls and two old led lights that are good for nothing but vegging plants. But they do play at that so I might put the clones in there for the summer as the seedlings grow out and are taken through flower. They'll get pretty big but they wont grow tremendously large in this closet. Then, once the seedlings are finished off I could then move the clones into the tent for flowering.

By this time I will definitely be in my new place to live and I dont have a clue what type of setup I will have. I am looking at purchasing a trailer. There is a trailer in Rocky Mountain House that is listed at $23,500. Unfortunately it is in a trailer park. But the backyard is huge for Greta and the new puppy whenever i get her.

Inside is 3 bedrooms but surely, like in all single wide 12 foot trailers the bedrooms are small. I'll have to tine or put lino down on two of the bedroom floors for sure. The floors are bare there right now.

The couple who want to sell the trailer seem very nice. He is a handyman fix everything which i am definitely not. He says he has the skills to install a dishwasher for me and that is one stipulation i must have. I DESPERATELY need a dishwasher. Now, with my shoulders so bad from the fibromyalgia I'm finding it near impossible to do my own dishes. Just rinsing a plate and cleaning my silverware is fine but doing the pots and pans is excruciating. And i do mean excruciating. No exaggeration at all. So my dishes have mostly been stacking up for the better part of about 8bmonths sitting there, waiting for me to have a good enough day to do them. I find it really hard because I'm not used to living like a filthy animal. But i cannot even mop my own floors anymore. And get this. I live on a farm and the stupid landlord pit white industrial tiles all over this trailer in which the dust seems to grind right into it making it very difficult to clean effectively. So I'm saying they are particularly difficult floors to mop and keep clean. And then my landlord's son rags on me for the place being dirty when the only problem is the floors, really, because the day he came by the dishes were all done.

I so fucking hate my landlord's son...

My oven stopped working 2 weeks ago and he told me he isnt going to fix it until the house (meaning the floors) are clean. Fucker has no right to deprive me of a fucking stove.

But i digress. Yet again.

So those are my plans for my grow. Hopefully I'll get enough money out of this estate fight to actually buy myself a trailer where I dont have a landlord hanging over my head. Yes yes. Trailer park managers are almost just as bad sometimes but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

I'll show some pics of the clones soon. As soon as they are looking a little better and I can for sure tell which have rooted and which have not.

All my best,
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