MassMedMan's First Indoor - SCROG - 2 Lemon Kush In Smartpots

Nice drop, thank you. Yeah, right down my alley. I love getting dirty, too. I wish we were neighbors, paddy! :)
peter , i always do something really fecked up and i think out of the box .

heres a plant i fed my sons baby milk PMSL !!!

Nice ride, I had a benz when I lived in Crete, old beater that was pea green......

That video is hilarious, I hit my bong and watched it and almost pissed myself, those guys are great. I don't know if I can find ten lbs of cow shit but I think i could if I try. I'm going to go make a tea right now, last one I rushed.

Do you use teas every time, or every other??

I don't want 2 use much nutes and i like the idea of teas

Those buds make you look skinny.

Cause they r phatttt :) whoa mate!

Thanks for sharing, nice job. :goodjob:
Dem sum bitches were dry again 2nite, gave them more water, they are on water only until this stretching is over... silly girls
Watered the SCROG last night, both plants were dry. Now that i have the temps under control I've been maintaining a good range and the girls are thirsty about every three days.

Starting the third week of flower, think they should be getting some nutes soon? Bloom nutes? I know i said last night water only till the stretch was over, but today i did some journal surfing.

I don't want use the fox farms, but I have early on, and if it's best then maybe i should. But I have some neptune harvest, 2_4_1 that I want use in conjunction with teas for remainder of the grow.

Anyone have any input?

I think my buds are smallish right now, compared to a couple journals I've seen with similar setups.

Am I being a pussy about nutes, or am I doing it right?

Thanks folks.
All good, all good. No fox farms for my girls..... Bob Marley wouldn't use it

Lights on, group shot. Yellowing of lower fan leaves on autos,, first one goes on the dark soon:

Thanks folks!! Very happy how things are going.

All good. Gave the SCROG girls a gallon of earthworm/compost tea this morning before bed. Had been bubbling for almost 48hrs. Added some neptune fish fertilizer, molasses, and h2o. Plants are looking great. Noticed some burn on the tips off some new leaves. Been there for a few days now but it's not getting worse. I think it's from the Neem sprays I've done before the lights go on. I hope it's from that. No other problems noted.

Have a great green day, 420

ive got my nutrient brew A plus B wrote down working with 60 liter tubs ao they foment that little bit quicker ... , ordering the stuff this week , these plants in the summer are gona love me :) :)

10 ingredients in part A lol
12 ingredients in part B

when i grow monster plants ill send you some samples lol :) :)

I want air tight samples.:thanks:


Thanks buddy, you're my inspiration this spring for my thc bombs.

Not bad for two weeks of flowering,,,, eight more to go:Namaste:
I really like the tea thing. Girls look awesome tonight. I feel much more in control going organic. I'm sure I've got a lot to learn, but, sledge hammer flush isn't something I want to do to my plants. I want to smoke the Shit out of them, but, I'll leave the sledgehammer for the construction site,,,I see plenty of trics already on my baby buds...

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