Maxxi's - Second Grow - 600W - Tent

^^That because theres a plant in it! :rofl: :) ;)

I read this once.... And thought hmmm I don't get it..... Read it again and still never got it was scratching my frikkin head... Came a 3rd time this time high as a mo fo and I get it.... Hi 5 spimp I'm giggling to myself
Hello everyone, Sorry for being away for so long its been really hot here i managed to get a cold been having stomach issues etc etc. The plants have been suffering with the heat ive had to switch them to 12/12 a few days ago as will the light being on during the day the NL, HB have gotten burnt well not burnt but super dried out from the heat it was 32C in the tent even with the lights off it only got down to 30C so it was pretty fucked up lately the lights are off from 8am - 8pm. The weather fortunately got a bit cooler in the past 2 days. watered them well past 2 days gave them some nutes yest. the lemonsourde. is looking great the nebula had its leaves curl a bit due to the heat but looking perky again. as for pics ill get on it maybe later or tomorrow morning if i get around to it.

as for further news getting a new penny board (lil Plastic board) really fun to cruise on been doing it with my flatmates girls board till i get mine. anyways will try to be keeping you all updated on the plants and if they pull through but yeah the lights all the way up and theres nothing much i can really do.
Dude your plants should be able to handle the heat if you do some prep with them real quick,

1. CO2 is your friend, Get a Exhale bag, either form grow store or on line, constant co2 that lasts long time, hang that at the top of the tent next to a fan to circulate

2. Get a solution that has a high amount of Silica in it, you brand of nutrients might have a solution that has this, if not Green Planet makes a product called Plant Guard which is a Potasium, silica additive, which will help streaghten the plants cell wall and good stuff like that : P

3. Try running your lights from 10am -10pm.. sun isnt done radiating heat till at LEAST 9 so when you start thos lights up your already starting off on a bad foot. in the morning its not going to get too hot til about 11 anywho...

4. if you are able, leave door open when lights are on so you can vent more fresh air in then normal (you probly already do this tho lol)
Hey thanks for the comment. nah i was just an idiot and didnt water them in accordance to the temps and they dried out a bit the NL got hit hardest. BUT, they are looking great again. We have been hit with shit weather so the temps are way down again works in my favor as the plants love it not me though as i cant board around town and cruise :(

All the plants have recovered its their fourthish day of 12/12 and looking lovley again. will get pics for you tomorrow morning before lights go off or maybe when lights go off to not have those fucking lines in the shot.

So yeah id like to report im back. Will be more active up on this bitch letting you all know how my babies look. will try to keep up with some of my fellow growers here but with summer and today being the last day of my 4th semester ill be doing a lot more intown and trying to find a summer job :p

Whats up, Whats up everyone.
So I've got some pics for you all from the 25th and going to take some pics tonight when lights come on. enjoy. they got a feed and a haircut last night.

So guys I have been thinking about my next grow etc and where i want to take growing to.

I have come to the conclusion that i want to go LED and hydroponics, with hardcore SCROGing. Not sure if i want to do a two plant or just one boss plant. I think it will be the latter. Ive seen impresive work done with hydro/scrog and with one plant to fill a 1.2x.1.2 should be a wicked challenge. Specially with the use of LEDs as ive read that the light spectrum penetration etc is just not match able.

i typed this a while ago and forgot to post it so here is this need to find a video related to this and then youll see what i mean.

Anyways going to be posting a bunch of pics of the past few days of the plants. enjoy.
July 3rd

July 4th

Also further news ive taken away the drip line as it needs a work around for next time maybe ill do something with it but ill be able to take the plants out so will be able to get some better pics for you guys.

did some LST last night, got them to open up a bit more looking pretty good im happy with the girls right now. temps are always good now and the girls are loving it in there. Will post my friends stealth grow we build this afternoon on my pc grow box thread head over there if you wanna see it :p spoiler its in a garbage can :p
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