Momma's Kitchen Serving: Green Gelato, Sex Wax, Alaskan Purple, Red Afro & Kalashnikov

Everything went well for my trip away since Friday. I was very apprehensive about leaving for that link which is why I held out to feed the Friday morning before I left. However they all did amazing I was so excited When I saw them. They were praying towards the light and ready to LST. I kind of snapped the one Kalashnikov But I taped your back up she'll be fine. It wasn't a major break, I'm not the most delicate little flower you can say. So I don't get very alarmed anymore.

One new thing to note that I was able to catch a whiff of her though. So I am very excited about that it wasn't very strong but she was showing. Made me happy!
Veg Room
Date: 6.10.20
Serving: 12g MC/5gal
Serving fluid amount per plant: 1 solo
Pot Size: 1 gal
Temp: 25
Stage: Late Veg
Additives/Medicine: Bug Be Gone
Pests: Spider Mites (preventive)

They are beauties. I am so excited to have these strains. Kalashnikov is aggressive! All are thriving.
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