Momma's Kitchen Serving: Green Gelato, Sex Wax, Alaskan Purple, Red Afro & Kalashnikov

Okay Friends....Good Morning!! Happy Monday


So I am wondering if this round is to young to bring outside in the greenhouse? I am not sure 100%. Temps outside at @12degrees today, and about 10 at night. The green house stays pretty warm and I have a fan in there. I will be buying a dehumidifier for it this week. I just want to be prepared in case it gets too moist inside, I am finding it sweats inside on the surface of the greenhouse (not on the plants) but there is moisture non the less.

Your thoughts?? I just think they grow sooo beautiful outside. I want those colors to pop! I may rearrange the greenhouse to accommodate them if you agree? I will up pot tomorrow. :cheer: Today it's all about the Sister Glue (GG#1) :love: & planting my clones of BCG, Critical Mass and GG#4. I willbe jumping around on here today.... catch me if you can :slide::love:
I can't believe it. Not gonna lie, I got tears (typical lady I guess) What an honour. I don't want to jinx anything so I'll just say, thank you Smokey. Nominated with some pretty awesome friends, sending high vibes all the way around.
:love: :hug::love:
To all
Thanks so much. Just someone thinking about means so much. They were very kind words. Forever grateful to be thought of amongst such awesome family :love: I don't want to say anything to jinx it n break a rule.
Thanks MrS:circle-of-love:

Can I ask for you to look at my drawing how I think I'm gonna black out the greenhouse. I don't know how else to do it. Do you have a second to give an opinion? I think I'm close to something..., maybe

Hope you &. Mrs S are doing well.:thanks:
Veg Room
Date: 6.17.20
Serving: 14g MC/5gal
Serving fluid amount per plant: 1L - 1 solo
Pot Size: 3 gal - 1 gal
RH: 39
Inside Temp: 24
Outside Temp: 25 Sun
Stage: Early Veg
Additives/Medicine: Bug Be Gone
Pests: Spider Mites (IPM) Bug Be Gone - Sprayed Thursday

I also have moved some into the Greenhouse.
Can I ask for you to look at my drawing how I think I'm gonna black out the greenhouse. I don't know how else to do it. Do you have a second to give an opinion? I think I'm close to something..., maybe
Sorry Momma it's been hit and miss for me here the last couple of weeks. I did see the drawing and posted on your other journal. It looks like the others had you covered. Nicely done and good idea.
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