Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Tuck the fans out of the way and let it stretch. I wouldn't cut branches with that nice flat and even canopy.

I agree that's all I do every time I feed them I tuck for like ten mins each girl . Remove the odd one that pisses me off or is bunches up but I always try to take from lower areas if possible .
May not be huge but cooler temps should help with more frost.

Thanks pw. Just saw this. I read where terarium lights can increase trichs. True? Uv light? Worth it? Figured id try since cant get a new light any time soon. Saw some of the terrarium lights fairly cheap. Thanks alot bro.
Furci posted a panel discussion with GrowMaus5, Photon Phantom and Dirty Dan. It was extremely interesting discussion on leds. I'll see if I can find it again this afternoon and I'll repost it.
That runoff is high Moon. Runoff that's much higher than input means the medium has stored nutes the plant isn't using. Runoff that's lower means the plant can use more. I'd dilute your nutes for a while to get a much lower PPM to try to get that number down. I wouldn't flush quite yet if you can get lower and lower PPM runoff with each watering until you're in the 900 range.

There should be enough runoff to make sure that the entire pot has been soaked. Gets to all the roots and also makes your PPM reading more accurate.
That runoff is high Moon. Runoff that's much higher than input means the medium has stored nutes the plant isn't using. Runoff that's lower means the plant can use more. I'd dilute your nutes for a while to get a much lower PPM to try to get that number down. I wouldn't flush quite yet if you can get lower and lower PPM runoff with each watering until you're in the 900 range.

There should be enough runoff to make sure that the entire pot has been soaked. Gets to all the roots and also makes your PPM reading more accurate.

Thanks for breaking that down so i can eat and digezt it. You answered the question i had right on. Exactly what i needed bro. I think i actually understand it COMPLETELY now. :high-five: thanks again bro daddy
I'm glad to see things are going smooth as can be for you bro.
Have a talk with your kids man..explain to them the medical aspects and your desire to get into the industry. That is why you grow.
Make sure they understand the legal repercussions of your under the radar learning and needs for the medicine.
Look at Trulieve or one of the other 7 companies that have a State licence to operate dispensaries.
Contact your local health department and see if you can find out how many people have a condition that is on the MM list. That live in the area.

Each company is authorized to operate 25 sites.
Are any of them open for franchise?
All you need is a place and some interested parties for backing.

Anyway....Girls look good
So really reading ppm put 830 in 1550 comes out.....your soil was at about 630ppm before feed. Just subtract the ppm going in from runoff. This will give you soil level before feed.
This is just a way to keep the soil nutrients at a consistent level.

AN Base nutes... designed to use together with proportionate amounts each.
Mammoth p. Is an expensive version of z7. Good shit
Elite root tonic?????
Do you have any plans on a potassium product for bloom enhancement? Potash is a good candidate.
Thanks shed & furc. I really appreciate everything you guys take the time out of your busy days to explain what is routine to yall, & break it down real southern like for me to grasp. I live a southern life & like to keep things southern. Great day filled with elation & prosperity to both of you. :high-five:
Juju looking happy at lights on this am. It is sooooooo humid in that tent at night for 12 hour dark period. Walls & top of inside of tent are sweating and dripping on lights & plants kinda. In the 70's rh at times. No ventilation during dark. Had to sell dehumidifier after first grow. Is that the only way to fix this problem. More fans? But wouldnt that only circulate heavy humid air too? The autos made it cause tent was vented. Never got wet in tent. Now this dark period is causing me problems. Its why i havent tried photos in tent. Would those damp rid humidity bags work? Im thinking no, & if so it would take a fortune of them.
I'm glad to see things are going smooth as can be for you bro.
Have a talk with your kids man..explain to them the medical aspects and your desire to get into the industry. That is why you grow.
Make sure they understand the legal repercussions of your under the radar learning and needs for the medicine.
Look at Trulieve or one of the other 7 companies that have a State licence to operate dispensaries.
Contact your local health department and see if you can find out how many people have a condition that is on the MM list. That live in the area.

Each company is authorized to operate 25 sites.
Are any of them open for franchise?
All you need is a place and some interested parties for backing.

Anyway....Girls look good
So really reading ppm put 830 in 1550 comes out.....your soil was at about 630ppm before feed. Just subtract the ppm going in from runoff. This will give you soil level before feed.
This is just a way to keep the soil nutrients at a consistent level.

AN Base nutes... designed to use together with proportionate amounts each.
Mammoth p. Is an expensive version of z7. Good shit
Elite root tonic?????
Do you have any plans on a potassium product for bloom enhancement? Potash is a good candidate.

Ive run out of all additives i had last grow. Have bottom of bottles of bud candy , big bud, bud factor x, bud ignitor etc. But i have pk 13/14 by canna, & a sample of moab.
Morning Moon,
Welcome to the world of outdoors growing huh!
Your just going to have to have a good air flow going. And keep an eye on the buds for PM.
If your tent has to stay buttoned up during the dark period. Anything that can absorb moisture will help a little. Hang sheets of newspaper, bags of dry make it really effective they should be replaced or dried every few hours.
And more rain on the way this week.

Go for the meeting with the light guy!
It's tough with an outside tent, especially with the cold weather you're getting. Can you change your schedule so lights are off during the day and you can vent the tent with warmer daytime air? I'm with Furci on the rice. Get a few 5 pound bags in there in burlap and rotate them into the oven to dry them out. They do absorb a lot of moisture.
If you have any paint strainer bags they'll work in place of burlap. I wouldn't have thought of the rice until it was too late guys. Brilliant! :high-five: I've developed great respect for the drying ability of rice.

Moonshine, the fun and challenge never ends, does it? :laughtwo: I was just strolling by and thought I'd stop to say hello. Good luck with humidity control. :hug:
If you have any paint strainer bags they'll work in place of burlap. I wouldn't have thought of the rice until it was too late guys. Brilliant! :high-five: I've developed great respect for the drying ability of rice.

Moonshine, the fun and challenge never ends, does it? :laughtwo: I was just strolling by and thought I'd stop to say hello. Good luck with humidity control. :hug:

Thanks so much Sue for advice and for everything really. I love it when you drop by! Ill leave the light on for ya! Wishing you all a tremendous new year. :thumb:
Hope you're doing well Moonshine!
Good morning everyone. Hope this day brings many blessings to your lives and peace in your mind & hearts. Last night i fed juju 3 liters again. 20oz runoff.
Soil ppm was at 600-630ish after last feed.

Nutes + tap water ppm was 1040
Ph 6.4 @ 70*
Runoff 1550

So that put my starting soil ppm at what 500-510 ish. Does this mean my plant only used 100 or so ppm? Ill water with plain ph'd tap next time and a bit of cal mag plus mammoth & bloom base nutes next time or two as required. What would you recommend doing guys (furc) ? I know furc mentioned an nutes are meant to be used in equal parts. Thanks guys.

Other than that. Going well. Plant LOOKS healthy to me. I stood this dual fan window fan unit thing i found in trash for additional circulation in tent. It freaking fell on plant, super super cropped a branch. Peeked in this am and all seems good. Bout to check more thoroughly now. Ill b back. Great day all!
Juju flipped on 12/ tucking , but she looks outa control. What would you guys do if she was yours. Im up for some suggestions. I ve read one should be able to see down to the soil when looking down on plant. Removing leaves to do so as needed. Or tips of leaves. Whatever is necessary to get best light penetration possible. Understanding that doing so reduces plants transpiration, im wondering which would be worse. Or rather, would the increased light penetration provide enough additional growth (could the growth rate be fast enough ) to offset the amount of transpiration the plant produces. Also this heat has my tent at 86, before i noticed it and high humidity. Errrrr. Oh snap....and another thing i forgot waz......the other night ....last night? Whatever, that fall bumped my timer on for 3 hours last night. Am i screwed? Thanks.
Juju flipped on 12/ tucking , but she looks outa control. What would you guys do if she was yours. Im up for some suggestions. I ve read one should be able to see down to the soil when looking down on plant. Removing leaves to do so as needed. Or tips of leaves. Whatever is necessary to get best light penetration possible. Understanding that doing so reduces plants transpiration, im wondering which would be worse. Or rather, would the increased light penetration provide enough additional growth (could the growth rate be fast enough ) to offset the amount of transpiration the plant produces. Also this heat has my tent at 86, before i noticed it and high humidity. Errrrr. Oh snap....and another thing i forgot waz......the other night ....last night? Whatever, that fall bumped my timer on for 3 hours last night. Am i screwed? Thanks.
86 is ok with high humidity I think . Here is the chart. One time should not be a problem but just look out for nanner at the base of branches . Happened once when my wife forgot the porch light on for an evening . Caught it before it opened.
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