Moonshine's Backyard Blueberry Auto Bash

Thanks shed. Hny to you too bro. Im wishing i would have given ber more care & a less crowded environment for veg, but i was all about the blueberries and not even sure if i was going to keep her. I hope she develops more tops. Do you think that light color is just new growth, or some deficiency?
Hard to tell...looks pretty damn healthy. Could just be the strain and you're used to the excess N on Dos and Luna. Either way, the nice thing about photos is there's time to fix mistakes without much harm. Way more forgiving than autos!

You want more tops? Have you already flipped? If not, keep topping what you have and keep going with the LST to get light to the lower growth. Tip spreading will keep it short as it grows so you won't end up too tall before you flip.
Hard to tell...looks pretty damn healthy. Could just be the strain and you're used to the excess N on Dos and Luna. Either way, the nice thing about photos is there's time to fix mistakes without much harm. Way more forgiving than autos!

You want more tops? Have you already flipped? If not, keep topping what you have and keep going with the LST to get light to the lower growth. Tip spreading will keep it short as it grows so you won't end up too tall before you flip.

Yeah, she has only had very light lst & i tried to keep her short as possible so as not to steal the bb's light. I flipped her 2 days ago, im wanting her to be done asap. Give my wife a break, or maybe 1 last auto run of 2 plants before it gets too hot. Im with you joe. Too many bugs to fight outside for me. Unless i just throw one in the yard in march and see iff i can keep her alive to harvest next fall. Mostly tent for me from now on. So sept - end of april is my time. 8 months.
Thanks shed. Hny to you too bro. Im wishing i would have given ber more care & a less crowded environment for veg, but i was all about the blueberries and not even sure if i was going to keep her. I hope she develops more tops. Do you think that light color is just new growth, or some deficiency?

Happy newyear to all and everyone ... ;) the lighter colour on the younger leaves look perfectly normal to me ... dont worry ... she looks in tiptop shape ;)

Its freaking 40* f on the porch where juju & clone attempts are snuggled in their tent. But they look so warm & happy. Clones have actually gotten greener. Honestly thought they would have shriveled up the first day. Havent cut leaf tips though. Ive seen it on lots of folks pics but never asked why its done. If it aint broke dont fix it i say. For now, leafs will stay in tact.

Question though. Are my black appliances (fans /heater etc..) absorbing /stealing light from my plants?
Its freaking 40* f on the porch where juju & clone attempts are snuggled in their tent. But they look so warm & happy. Clones have actually gotten greener. Honestly thought they would have shriveled up the first day. Havent cut leaf tips though. Ive seen it on lots of folks pics but never asked why its done. If it aint broke dont fix it i say. For now, leafs will stay in tact.

Question though. Are my black appliances (fans /heater etc..) absorbing /stealing light from my plants?

I never clip my leaves like so many others do. Makes no freakin' sense to me to wound the cutting and ask it to grow roots, but that's just quirky me. :laughtwo:

Happy New Year Moonshine. I thought it'd be right neighborly to stop in your yard at the beginning of a new year and wish you 365 days filled with canna wonder.

Here.... this'll help. :passitleft:
Plants can't take in light from the underside anyways so unless the reflective angle had any possibility of refracting light back to tent walls and then back to plant(which even then, the photon energy would have been so reduced), I'd say it's a non issue.

Everything looks amazing Moonshine. Hope you're staying warm and dry today.
Oh forgot to mention. Black is good for heat retention!

Happy New Year Moonshine!
I never clip my leaves like so many others do. Makes no freakin' sense to me to wound the cutting and ask it to grow roots, but that's just quirky me. :laughtwo:

Happy New Year Moonshine. I thought it'd be right neighborly to stop in your yard at the beginning of a new year and wish you 365 days filled with canna wonder.

Here.... this'll help. :passitleft:

Thanks Sue. I feel the same way from personal success with my other plants and herbs around the yard. I have some geraniums, hibiscus, cranberry hibiscus, basil and some other cool plants around the yard that i cant identify that rooted and awaiting to be potted. They made it without cutting leafs, so surely a "weed" can. Hehe. Happy New Year Sue! Im semi trying the 6 day ecs reset, if only i could stop smoking for at least 1 day. Lol. Ill get there. Great day Sue!:thumb:
Oh forgot to mention. Black is good for heat retention!

Happy New Year Moonshine!

Sweet! Thanks for the info & kind words. You too Shed. Freezing cold here today. 20's with wind chill. I can barely go look at her out on the porch. Too dang cold. Almost too cold to smoke out there. Almost. Lol. You stay warm n dry too!' later yall!
Ok yall. Might be showing first pistils where stalk & leaf stem meet. Not 100 yet maybe tomm or day after will be more enlightening. Exciting stuff for me. My first photo. Also excited to see if my current set up will work with photos ( light leaks, temps humidity etc) i didnt check for light leaks & during dark period. I just checked near top of plant. Definitely white hairs at stem base of nodes. So this just means shez showing sex right? It doesnt mean flower is starting correct? Dont they show sex during veg if it had a long veg time? Seems like i read this somewhere. Well at least i know shes a gal!!!
Just peeked in again. Shes got hairs on som tops. Especially on the main. Stoked! I guess the flip worked. Pics to come. Maybe in the morning when house is sleeping. Bring her in the warm house for a poke around. Woooo hooo. Im really excited. Its my first photo. For whatever reason, it feels like a major win.

Now for the bad. Had to sell my dehumidifier last year. Didnt need it really with tent vented. Growing autos thats no problem. But when i have to have the tent zipped for 12 + hours, humidity gets into 70s at times and in am theres condensation on walls. Will more fans keep buds from molding in that humidity. Its not all day. I try and point fans at walls since they dont oscilate. I have a floor fan, desk & a clip fan.
I read earlier from an old thread that on :rollit: , that it generally takes around 2 weeks after flip to show pre flowers. I guess i was wrong about juju. Its only been 4 days. I did however, read about a guy claiming he put his in total dark for 24 hours before flip, & said it showed pistils 3 days later. Cant wait to get better look in the morning.
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