My 2024 Grow: 4 Inside/7 Outdoor


Well-Known Member
TENT: 5x5 MarsHydro
LIGHTS: Budget LED 480W Infinity Board, MarsHydro SP250
SOIL: Happy Frog, Perlite, Ocean Forest (top dress all at flowering time) HP All-Purpose (little for outside grow)
BUCKETS: 7G Fabric Pots (inside) 18-20G Rubber Garbage Cans (with air holes drilled throughout for air/drainage)

Another year and another grow has finally started. Past few years I always say to myself that I’m gonna start early and get them big before transplanting outside. Well a few things kept me from starting early. Recently we needed some electrical done, along with a few other little things in the basement where I grow. Thankfully one of them was a working sink with running taps, and no longer need to go up and down my stairs to water my girls anymore. Was hoping to get some new seeds with my cousin that we were gonna go in on, but fell through(shipping issues to Canada) Potential grow with RQS but never got back to me on another site. Thankfully Original Sensible Seeds and just last week Weedseedexpress offered me free beans to grow for them, I accepted, and they arrived yesterday.

So yesterday I started by cleaning my tent, and getting everyone into a Solo cup with Happy Frog soil and a small handful of Perlite. Probably keep everyone inside for the following 3 weeks before I transfer the seven outside into 20G garbage cans, while inside we’ll stick to 7G fabric bags in my MarsHydro 5x5 tent. Happy Frog and perlite will be used inside and will use mostly the same outside along with some HP All-Purpose mix. I also have a few Ocean Forest soil bags ready for topping my grows once we get into flowering mode. I also replace a couple of garbage cans from last year, as my dogs decided to chew up the rims and can no longer use for training purposes. The pup from last year is now bigger than his older brother. Not much to show yet, but here is what I’m hoping to grow this year (*sponsored seed grow via other sites on venture on) Also it was hard not to start the grow when you have Death Star and it’s May The 4th.


*FAT BASTARD - WeedSeedExpress
*PENNYWISE - WeedSeedExpress
*SLEEPY JOE - WeedSeedExpress
*TROP CHERRY - Original Sensible Seeds
*SLAPZ - Original Sensible Seeds
CLOUD WALKER - Green House Seed Co
G13 x BLUEBERRY HEADBAND - Emerald Triangle Seeds


*DEATH STAR - WeedSeedExpress
COCO MELON - Canuk Seeds


Here’s hoping the dogs behave themselves too. Just look at them innocent faces. I can trust them. . . . right?!?

Quick update, as so far 8 out of 11 seeds have popped. I’m still waiting on Pennywise, G13xBH and Coco Melon to pop. First 2 days I had them in the tent, they were a little cool. Now my tent lights are on low 24hrs straight, but they’re creating the much needed heat/humidity. Did that late Monday evening and they started popping shortly afterwards. So hopefully another update tomorrow with a pic of all my lovely girls above ground.

I also setup my soil bags for inside, because i wanted to prep my outdoor garbage cans to get the soil warmed up in time. Left like an inch of Perlite on the bottom of my grow bags, and just mixed more perlite with all Happy Frog soil. Again will add Ocean Forest once I get near to flowering time and top dress everyone after the mix has sunk a bit. Gonna head back to my grow shop and grab a few more bags of Happy Frog/Ocean Forest to complete my outdoor buckets. Was gonna use more of my HP All-Purpose soil, but the colour difference is huge. So I’m gonna spend a little extra money and give them all good rich soil to grow in. So I’m probably gonna end with a mix of roughly 10% perlite, 20% Ocean Forest, 65% Happy Frog and only like 5% HP All Purpose. Again, will probably add more Ocean Forest around flowering time, or if my roots really start showing on the surface again
Ok so I was 9 for 11 in my seeds sprouting, but I had to start a new seed for both my Alaskan Thunder Fuck and for my G13 x Blueberry Headband. Also had my work schedule switched around and so I was able to get the rest of my Happy Frog and Ocean Forest soil for filling my outdoor buckets

Sorry it’s been a bit for an update. Looks like my overall plan might be changing again, but with good reason. Took 3 seeds but I finally have an Alaskan Thunder Fuck seeds above ground and growing. None of my Pennywise seeds survived after cracking their shell, and I tried helping once but nothing. I was really looking for a high CBD/THC strain, then I remembered I GOT ONE!!! So I think it might pop tomorrow after 2 days in the ground, T.H. Seeds - MK Ultra x BubbleGum. The other problem is my G13xBlueberry Headband seeds aren’t popping or are doing what my Pennywise seeds did. Although I might of saved my latest attempt but time will tell in a day or 2. Still I didn’t want to lag that far behind for another outdoor gal, and so I started another seed. Expert Seeds - White Gold was started 2 days ago and it also looks like it might pop tomorrow. I also sadly started a new Cloud Walker seed as my first one had no new inner growths growing/showing. New seed popped its shell clean off today and have a good feeling for this one. Overall everyone is sitting around 2 weeks above soil, with hopes of most of the outdoor gals going outside by the weekend. Until then, how about some sexy plant/root pictures
Transplant day. . . well, for some of them at least. So far I was able to get 4 of my plants (Trop Cherry, Fat Bastard, Sleepy Joe, and SLAPZ) outside into their final pots. Cloudwalker is coming along but think I’ll give her another week in the tent to help establish their roots a bit better. Same for my White Gold and MK Ultra x BubbleGum, which have both sprouted and shall stay in the tent again for a week or 2. My tent gals I will probably plant in their final pots tomorrow or next day. Just didn’t wanna mix my outdoor hands today with my tent soil/gals.

Oh and I did contact WeedSeedExpress about my Pennywise failures and got a response back saying that it appears to be a bad batch. They sprout but that’s as far they sadly got and seems to be the case with other potential growers.

Anyways, here are some pics to share

Well I was an extra day or so, but the tent gals have all been placed in their final 7G pots. My Alaskan Thunder Fuck could of gone an extra week in the solo cup but I didn’t want her to feel left out :winkyface: Still have my Cloud Walker, White Gold and MK Ultra x BubbleGum in their cups and staying in the tent. Weather isn’t suppose to be bad this week but some chances of rain and they are still so tiny. Outdoor gals that have out for a few days now seem to be ok. My Slapz plant looked like it got slapped and was caught leaning backwards on the cage. So I brought some soil in towards the stem to boost/straighten her up, and gave everyone a quick drink as well. So here’s hoping the weather is good next weekend and the leftovers gals can finally join everyone else outside.

Eviction day for the remaining 3 outdoor planned gals, as we end week 4. Good roots when I went to transplant today. I think the Happy Frog might be a bit warm for my indoor gals in this early state of the game. Some leaves seem to have some burning in the bottom section of my plants, but healthy newer growth. Minus my Coco Melon which is showing a bit more issues in the colouration, but hopefully that changes with more time. Outdoor gals are starting to grow, with Slapz really taking the lead. I might be able to finally top a couple of them by the end of next weekend. So enjoy the pics

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