Need help badly with light


Active Member
Been using 2 x400 lights in my 8 ft x5 tent.plants have been in flower for 4 week swapped to 2x600 lights been using them for 2 weeks and my plants have gone bright it to much? Can I swap the bulbs back to the 400s ,,3 week left in flower help.
professor has a point. pictures would help and how far is the light from top of the branch?
Also what type of light, as advice varies on that....and yeah pics always always help


Could be just senescence, or maybe because you've upped the photons the plant needs more nutrients to keep up.

in flower so simply pulling what it cant get elsewhere. it's a bit deep for senescence for me though. i'd like the buds further along if it's that deep. so nutrient side.
Ye looks pretty normal to be honest & if you are a new grower freaking out about the extensive yellowing in flowering !

Well that is just growing for ya.

Don't treat em all the same bit like human beings really... OMG did I suggest plants have rights ?
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