New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

test run
Re: New City Grower

about 30 yrs or so
most of it daily smoking maybe an oz a week for years
no i cant do that anymore or i wouldnt be able to to the
physical things i like to do but then again the cigs never helped
longest not smoking maybe 6 months or so weed that is
just to make sure i can get work lol

:bigblush:I don't feel as bad now. :bigblush: In the last 10 years I've upped the ante to an ounce or more a week. I did take two years off during that time to save a relationship, (now he tolerates it), but I have to admit I usually have 3 king size joints before I really want to start the day. An hour later, I want another one, and so on, and so on, LOL!!!!:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::cool::cool::tokin::tokin:

My husband and 2 older teenage boys are tolerant most of the time, but all 3 would never do it themselves. My husband did try it, but said never again. Lucky me! There are some pretty comical dinners around here when they tease me with scenes from Fast Times at Ridgemont High" Hey Spockoly (sp), did you get enough?
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

25 & 1/2
Re: New City Grower

So that's where you get it from! It's in your DNA...
Re: New City Grower

i hear ya B A R, when i tried cloning i ended up with lots of dead clones, but now ive done it a few times i sometimes only take 1 clone per plant now or ill do a reveg after harvest,
cloning ensures you keep that strain and pheno type in your grow room which is ideal when you find the strain you really like, when your ready to do cloning give me a shout and ill throw you a few tips, i followed all the info on grow sites and kept getting dead clones, then i found out that things like soil moisture play a huge roll, if the soil is to moist the roots wont grow, once i got everything right i didnt have any problems, ive even found that rooting gel dont really give much of an advantage, ive took clones and not used rooting hormones and side by side clones rooted at the same time or no more than 24 hours between them when they showed new growth.

id say the easiest clone method is the bubble cloner, i made one using an old sandwich box with black tape covering it so roots kept dark, then i had an air pump and stone in the bottom part of the tub with about 2 inches of water, in the lid i had 6 holes and 6 round pieces of foam with slits in, then when i took the clones i pushed them through the foam so the cutting was just above the water level, then the pump splashes the water on the cutting, you dont need rooting hormones for this method either,

im probably telling you stuff you already know and have read many times, the thing im trying to perfect is grafting, im trying to graft 2 or 3 different plants onto 1 plant, if i can graft a new cutting onto a small plant early enough then i can grow it to a decent size and at harvest ill have 2 strains from the 1 plant, but its only really worth doing if its grafted early, if its grafted to late it wont produce enough so a later graft would be ideal for an outdoor grow.

with the males im currently working on producing a super male and using that for breeding, i read ages ago that when a super male is used for breeding it produces a strain that has very heavy yields and up to and over double the potency, a super male is a male plant that turns female,
the pollen from a female thats turned hermie produces fem seeds, but the info on the super male didnt give to much info so i have some testing to do,
for example if i get a male and force it to turn female do i use the pollen from the male on a female, or do i let it self pollenate or do i use the pollen from another male on the female pistils on the super male,
it just didnt give details on how the process works and i cant find much on it anywhere, maybe its a trade secret, who knows, maybe it will lead to nothing but if i dont try ill never know, after the super male ill be moving on to polyploids, but again thats another story for another day,
Re: New City Grower

Yeah Dp, You were the one who walked me through My 1st clone attempt & I still haven't had one to survive yet. Not that you weren't a good teacher; I'm just not getting something right. I'm going for the Bubble Cloner next month. You also walked me through the Re-Veg of LAVERNE which worked out great. I've passed that on to Spimp who I see you've noticed is also doing well with his 1st Re-veg.
Re: New City Grower

what time does the reps are right start? im waiting for my friend to get here, we're gonna smoke one, and hopefully i'll be back in time!
Re: New City Grower

25 hrs from now B. You're in my time zone so that's 6:00 pm tomorrow.
Re: New City Grower

PPm or tds refers to parts per million or total dissolved solids. It's a reference to the amount of particles in an aqueous solution. There is some kind of relationship with ec also, but I'm not there yet...LOL. I am amazed at the ease that the two res's are to be manipulated....and kept in check, I am no longer intimidated by hydro. That is the two res's that I'm babysitting.
Re: New City Grower

PPm or tds refers to parts per million or total dissolved solids. It's a reference to the amount of particles in an aqueous solution. There is some kind of relationship with ec also, but I'm not there yet...LOL. I am amazed at the ease that the two res's are to be manipulated....and kept in check, I am no longer intimidated by hydro. That is the two res's that I'm babysitting.

the more particles the more excited the solution is so the ec or electric current jumps up they are the same thing ppm and ec
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