New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

What's the latest on your clone Reg?

Forgive me if I missed something.
You didn't miss anything Brit. Do you remember Queen singing; "Another One Bites the Dust"
I'm just waiting until next month to order my Bubble Cloner. I don't have any designer flip flops to salvage. LOL

Re: New City Grower

Hey Broke, if you want to make a bubble cloner, you can use neoprene inserts, sold at most hydro stores for a couple bucks. You can also order them from just about any indoor grow supply site, then a plastic tote, pump and airstone, and you're all set.
Re: New City Grower

or a bucket with a lid like a black bucket with a black lid
or like mine a little white bucket with black duct tape all over
Re: New City Grower

Go to Wally World, gardening section, kneeling mats made of neoprene, cut to fit, grab small tote, cut sites, grab dual outlet airpump, go to hardware/plumbing section by the duct tape, grab aluminum tape to lightproof your tote, go to petsmart and grab bendable airstone and bend to sit underneath each site, it's too easy and works like a charm, here's mine :thumb:

Re: New City Grower

cloning is pretty easy once you do it once or twice, i lost many before i found the sweet spot, the main issues i had at first was the soil i was planting the clones into was to wet, what i do now is take the soil out the bag and just give it 1 or 2 squirts with a water bottle then it gets nothing else until the clone is growing.

another issue i had was the leaves kept wilting so i take any fan leaves off now, i dont cut them in half i just leave the small fan leaves at the top of the clone where the growing tip is, this method seems to produce great results.
another issues was the humidity, i found if the humidity is to high and you dont take the dome off for 10min at least twice a day then the clone ends up rotting, so now when i clone i use a dome thats slightly bigger than the clone, clear yoghurt pots or medicine measuring cups is all i use and works every time, i take the dome off and give the clone 1 spray with a spray bottle then leave the lid off for 5min so that the air exhanges and this stops anything from rotting.

if temps are to high with the dome on then again this will cause problems, but once you get a clone to live you will find it gets easier and easier each time you do it, it took me ages to get it right.

also i notice you have the growing medium and the clone in one tub so its all sealed up, this might be one reason your having problems, the root area needs to breath to encourage the roots to grow, if the root area is kept with a high % humid then this wont encourage the roots to grow, so the dome just needs to be over the plant and roots need to be in their own space with oxygen present all the time.

a bubble cloner id say pretty much works every time, i built one and it was very basic, well i say it was easy but the first time i tried i had the end of the cutting about an inch below water level and nothing happened, when i made sure the cutting was 2cm above water level and the bubbles was splashing on the stem then his encouraged the roots to grow pretty quick, again keep temps in the res down, all i used to hold the clones was foam pads out of boxes my kids toys came in, i cut a slit in them so it gently held the clone then it worked ok.

im sure you will soon have it sorted out then you will be able to clone anything you like, another option that i told spimp about was to try cloning something that grows naturally in your garden, that would save you taking cuttings and losing them, then you can keep practicing on other plant until your happy with the results. practice with some herbs or some bush growing in your garden.

ive also read that growers have cloned direct in water, they take a cutting and place it in a glass of water, then place the glass in a dark place, each day they replace the water and within a few days roots should start growing, not something ive tried but a few growers use this method.

the best thing i found out about clones is you can store clones for quite a long time in the fridge, you can take a cutting and place the whole cuttings or cutting into a jar of water and put the lid on, the cold water then preserves the cutting and stops it from growing, again not tried it but ive read you can keep clones in suspended animation like this for a few months, ill give it a try next time i take some clones and see if it works.

but the easiest method by far is the bubble cloner, its the cheapest option after soil cloning, i only tried it to see how it works but i grow in soil so i clone direct in soil so it dont stress the clone once it is planted.
Re: New City Grower

Sorry about the clone man...:thedoubletake::thedoubletake::thedoubletake: I don't think I will chime in here on growing clones as you already know how I did it but know the only reason they all took was because I really didn't think they would and I didn't know what the hell I was going to do with all of them...hence the new cabinet.. :thumb: Morning Broke Ass :passitleft:
Re: New City Grower

Here's every failed attempt DP. What am I doing wrong?



In a germination station with a heat pad under it










The original Clone Domes








Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg

In your last attempt I thought you were gonna make it.

However I did note you had got a touch of the grey death on the leaves (rot).

So your main problem seems to be a humidity issue, and not a serious mess up on your part.

I see you are going for the bubble cloner next and as most don't use domes, maybe you can get into my prestigious club sooner rather than later. There is also my simple method which will cost you next to nothing.

Good luck next time round Reg, I really want it to work out for you.

I'm doing a batch this evening. Pics up later
Re: New City Grower

I noticed in the 2 clone pic that the one on the left has very little foliage and the one on right may have a tad too much surface area. Also, most of my studies suggest that incidental lighting is the best, so low wattage and as far away as can reasonably done may work a little better.
Re: New City Grower

The Show WILL Start AT 6:00 pm EST
Re: New City Grower

Life is always crazy around the holidays, it seems to be that way across the board for every house hold.
Re: New City Grower


My Co-Host Dresney just ran into a family EMERGENCY


It's impossible for me to run it without her. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Bad news indeed, Reg :straightface:

pm me if I can help.
Re: New City Grower

Here's every failed attempt DP. What am I doing wrong?



In a germination station with a heat pad under it










The original Clone Domes









Check out this vid it may save you money an time
my heart really goes out to you mate I havent actually watched the vid im gonna post you but I did whatch a lady clone
I think orchids????Any how i did take a mo to look at the comments an they were all in awe of the method well a lot said it was
a great vid so I hope it helps

Re: New City Grower

You know reg my first attempt at cloning, I took a cut and placed it in a cup of water in the window, styrofoam insert to keep it floating, didn't think it would work without O2 but sure enough within 5 days it had roots!
You need to throw you a bubble cloner together dood!
Re: New City Grower

Hi mate,
i see a couple of problems with the clones,
1, the growing medium is way to wet, it just needs to be barely damp, if its to wet the roots just wont grow as they dont need to go looking for the water they need to survive, this is the main problem i had from day 1, now i use compost strait out the bag, i spray it once or twice with a fine spray from a water bottle then i leave it till the clone is growing.
2, the leaf on the clones is way to much, the bottom pic you posted looks about the right amount of leaf needed on the clone, anymore and it wilts and dies.
3, the soil you was cloning in was not very deep so chances are the cutting was pretty much touching the bottom of the pots, when you plant the cutting i always make sure ive go about 0.5 inch to 1inch of stem below soil level with another inch or 2 of soil below that, then just keep the soil slightly damp and take the dome off 2 or 3 times a day for 5min at a time and let the clone breath, then give 1 spray with a fine mist of water.

if you leave the dome on with no air exchange then it just causes the clone to rot and wilt, this can happen very quick within 24 to 48 hours if you dont let the clone have some fresh air.

the bubble cloner is a good option and usually works everytime, you dont need much leaf at all on the cutting, just enough so it can take in light and moisture when you spray it, i dont always leave any fan leaves on apart from the tiny ones at the growing tip.

so id say if you try in soil again then use a small pot 3 or 4 inches deep, fill with soil/compost and spray some water over it so its not soaking wet but not totally dry, make sure the pot has got air holes or drain holes so the roots can get oxygen and the soil can breath, not having holes means the soil will rot and this will kill the clone.

when you take the cutting i cut it at 45 degree and then scrape with a sharp knife the bottom 1 or 2cm of the stem or the part that goes below soil level, i find these encourages the roots to grow a bit quicker, another option is to use a sharp knife and cut an x into the bottom tip of the clone so you sort of like have cutting split into 4 at the very bottom. but id say the main problem your having is with the growing medium being to wet and having to much leaf on the cuttings, if it has big fan leaves then cut the fingers in half or even 1/4 so you just have 2cm of leaf,

once you get your first clone sorted you will have no problems doing it again, i had the same problems your having and it was all down to the growing medium being to wet, i thought they needed to be watered like regular plants but doing this dont encourage the roots to grow, the roots need to search for water so just keep the medium only very slightly damp,

im sure you will get it sorted and you will then find it very easy
Re: New City Grower

The Show WILL Start AT 6:00 pm EST
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