Nivek's Need to Know Nature - First Grow Journal - 2015

Will you be washing the buds?
i think so. i have none of the supplies but am always a last minute guy,, but i think so,, too many clever folks do it and say they would never not now,, so,, i think so. did i mention i think so??:Namaste:

the buds are smallish and i do not want to 'buy' new buckets for this,, do you think i could safely substitute with????

actually i have renamed this bud 'yoda'.....:laugh:

it does look like yoda in a way, lol.
heya tead,, thanks for chiming in,, nice to see your comments here,, cheers. yoda looking over my labooratoory,, good stuff

my backbuilding buds are still building their backs,, an improvement or not over backless buds,, i have no opinion yet


the above picture is now,, the below is when clipped


below is before clipped


not at all a good comparison with those pics,, still inconclusive for me,, buds are nice, either way,, backs or no backs,,
I love experiments and your rock ash is very interesting to me. Gonna be fun to compare it to the pots without the ash. My experiment with my local soil had results. bad results. The FFOF is clearly better soil. If the ash works well, and I would think it should, I will be on the hunt for something similar around here. When I lived in Hawaii, I had a few seeds and I just plopped em in the ground and forgot about em. I hiked back to the army bunker I planted them by and they were huge. Basically volcanic rock everywhere with rich dark soil. I never harvested them, kinda forgot about them. I just wanted to see if I could grow something illegal. I was really young at the time. Anyway, ramble over, volcanic rock sounds like fun, cant wait to see how yours turns out!
heya folks,, thanks for the comments,, very much appreciated. :Namaste:

paka,, the experiment will be rather short,, as the plants are in small pots, and their intent does not allow larger pots,, but,, hopefully in the short time some results will be evident,, only time, and time alone,, will tell,, cheers paka,,

tead,, the backbuildinged buds do seem a bit fatter than they were before the clip,, but,, to be fair,, the unbackbuilded buds are a bit fatter as well,, oh well,, still time,, a couple of more weeks,, but i did a flush on the plants today,, so the countdown begins,, straight water till harvest,, hope i timed that right this time,,, :scratchinghead::blalol:

meta,, same routine alright. is knarly good?? i have cut down on the urine content for my flowering plants,, just a bit,, i see evidence of over nitrogen,, but certainly not too much,, just borderline,, so i cut it back just a bit. thanks for asking pal,, cheers

i will be brushing up on the bud washing information in anticipation of harvest. maybe i can use smaller buckets i can find around here instead of 5gal buckets for the rinses ,, me buds be on the smaller side,, though they be plentiful ,, near thirty of them last count,, ok,, twenty nine,, i took one already,, ok, maybe twenty eight,,:bigblush:
real good my friend,, crappy weather,, yes,, we have the coolness as well, and wind,, lots of spring wind,, and the sun is shy as heck these days as well,, but i know it's coming,, and it's certainly not slowing, well, maybe a touch, the flowers,, plenty of flowers in our garden,, i must say i do love flowers
i will be brushing up on the bud washing information in anticipation of harvest. maybe i can use smaller buckets i can find around here instead of 5gal buckets for the rinses ,, me buds be on the smaller side,, though they be plentiful ,, near thirty of them last count,, ok,, twenty nine,, i took one already,, ok, maybe twenty eight,,:bigblush:

I use my 2-bowl kitchen sink and can do 3-4 ounces at a time. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I use my 2-bowl kitchen sink and can do 3-4 ounces at a time. :cheesygrinsmiley:

isn't it funny how the most obvious is sometimes so easily overlooked??? :scratchinghead::bigblush:

what a great idea graytail,, maybe one other bucket to do a three way,, maybe,, iffin i can talk the missus into it,, ha,, cheers for the fine idea,, and reps as well,, my rep button is starting to loosen up a bit,, cheers

meta, it is indeed,, one of the prettiest flowers i might have ever seen,, maybe,, cheers, and you are welcome
cheers meta,, ya know, i'm not so old i did not know how to use the word knarly,, i was just not sure if you were maybe using it a bit different,, knarly is good,, long live knarly,, cheers pal

speaking of knarly,, my official clone count is 6.4 out of seven,, for a ninety something percent success rate,, this time round anyway. i only have six survivors but i give myself the extra .4 because the 7th clone near had roots,, i killed the poor thing,, it was a delahaze,, and i know now by my other surviving delahaze clone,, which is doing very fine indeed thank you,,,, i know from this one that they were the hardest of the three strains i just cloned to take hold,, much longer,, so if i had left the seventh alone, it might have made er as well,, not a thing anywhere will ever know

this the delahaze clone today,,not even a clone anymore,, a plant now,, graduated,, there was a party and everything ..:theband:


every one of the surviving clones is healthy as can be,, hoping that remains true,,,, a major bug spray and wash,,,

i have discovered that i really detest looking for bugs,,,,,,,,:yikes:

because i find them,,,,,,:bitingnails:

never a surprise but always a disappointment,,, damn them buggers,,, i have discovered the best way to find them is in the soil,, in the water as i flood the plants during feeding,, it will be an ongoing battle,, this bug attack on white widow elephant plant,,, least that's where i found them,, i never even looked elsewhere,, just a full on assault with insect soap,, which takes it's toll on young tips,, but,, with a healthy plant to start with,, it becomes easier to withstand my torture

and the elephant plant is more worried about my assault than it is worried about the critters,, sheesh i am hard on it,,:riskybusiness:,,,,,ha,,,, still think gulliver every time i see this,,,


but, like i have quickly learned to be fact,, these plants love the abuse,, :hug:


of my two afghandi clones , one is in a small pot, and one is in a big pot,, the big one for keeping long term,, i think right now,, things are changing in my labooratoory right now

this the small pot afghandi,, just beautiful leaves,, and i have already mentioned that i have confirmed female for the afghandi mama,, yay :high-five::cheer:

this the big pot afghandi ,, every bit as succulent,, and,, sveet,,


and not at all being outdone by the small pot afghandi,, as soft looking leaves as i have seen,,


just beautiful,, and the three twins,, all just growing like weed,, oh,, haha:loopy:

l3,, the first transplanted,, the one 'big pot' twin, of the three of them,, is by far the biggest of the six clones,, just a brute, a lovely supple brute,,


i guess the pics are a bit too up from above,, maybe,, not the best representation at all really,, sorry,,,:bigblush:
and of course, the other two of the three twins,, rocky and bull,, the rock dust experiment



one day ago


four days ago


nine days ago


i will not say, not yet, that the rock has caught the bull,, because that might be bull, so i will be a rock,, but i will say,, they are both doing very well,,

and that is the full veg room update,, flower room is for later,, though,, it does not change so quickly in there,, so,, no need for pics,, all is well,,,

i had some heat issues,, even with all my new ventilation and climate control equipment,, but i might have solved the problem,,


when i built this part of the charcoal filter pit,, i put a nylon stocking over the pipe, under that screen,, this is the outlet pipe,, so,, with the new fan running,, and sucking up stuff or stuff was in the pipe already,, the nylon was plugged,, thereby severely limiting the air movement through the pipe and subsequently through the charcoal pit,,

so ,, i dismantled my charcoal pit and removed the stocking,,, wow,, what a difference,, poor fan,, it had to get me,, so i have my temperatures a bit more in line these past few days,,, much better now,,


because the heat issue was only limited to the upper level in the flower room,, and,,, the plants are showing some pretty good signs of heat stress,, and ,,, the plants are very near ready,, and,,,, the plants are of unknown strain and inferior quality,, i know this,,, and,,, they were hermie plants and maybe i read that if a plant hermies it stops producing the best thc it can,, and,,,,i want to get them two plants the hell out of there to get some other plants up there,, small, er,,, some of my current plants, small though they are,,

i need to tone down production upper level flower room for the upcoming summer,, heat will be an issue,, i know it,,, i will be prepared,,

and,, that's it,, ,,,that's it,,,,,:peacetwo:
cheers meta,, ya know, i'm not so old i did not know how to use the word knarly,, i was just not sure if you were maybe using it a bit different,, knarly is good,, long live knarly,, cheers pal

speaking of knarly,, my official clone count is 6.4 out of seven,, for a ninety something percent success rate,, this time round anyway. i only have six survivors but i give myself the extra .4 because the 7th clone near had roots,, i killed the poor thing,, it was a delahaze,, and i know now by my other surviving delahaze clone,, which is doing very fine indeed thank you,,,, i know from this one that they were the hardest of the three strains i just cloned to take hold,, much longer,, so if i had left the seventh alone, it might have made er as well,, not a thing anywhere will ever know

this the delahaze clone today,,not even a clone anymore,, a plant now,, graduated,, there was a party and everything ..:theband:


every one of the surviving clones is healthy as can be,, hoping that remains true,,,, a major bug spray and wash,,,

i have discovered that i really detest looking for bugs,,,,,,,,:yikes:

because i find them,,,,,,:bitingnails:

never a surprise but always a disappointment,,, damn them buggers,,, i have discovered the best way to find them is in the soil,, in the water as i flood the plants during feeding,, it will be an ongoing battle,, this bug attack on white widow elephant plant,,, least that's where i found them,, i never even looked elsewhere,, just a full on assault with insect soap,, which takes it's toll on young tips,, but,, with a healthy plant to start with,, it becomes easier to withstand my torture

and the elephant plant is more worried about my assault than it is worried about the critters,, sheesh i am hard on it,,:riskybusiness:,,,,,ha,,,, still think gulliver every time i see this,,,


but, like i have quickly learned to be fact,, these plants love the abuse,, :hug:


of my two afghandi clones , one is in a small pot, and one is in a big pot,, the big one for keeping long term,, i think right now,, things are changing in my labooratoory right now

this the small pot afghandi,, just beautiful leaves,, and i have already mentioned that i have confirmed female for the afghandi mama,, yay :high-five::cheer:

this the big pot afghandi ,, every bit as succulent,, and,, sveet,,


and not at all being outdone by the small pot afghandi,, as soft looking leaves as i have seen,,


just beautiful,, and the three twins,, all just growing like weed,, oh,, haha:loopy:

l3,, the first transplanted,, the one 'big pot' twin, of the three of them,, is by far the biggest of the six clones,, just a brute, a lovely supple brute,,


i guess the pics are a bit too up from above,, maybe,, not the best representation at all really,, sorry,,,:bigblush:

No need to apologize nivek. I'm scrolling through, gasping at their beauty. Before I even read your narrative I was struck by the small pot afghani's beautiful, healthy leaves. I think you did rather well.
No need to apologize nivek. I'm scrolling through, gasping at their beauty. Before I even read your narrative I was struck by the small pot afghani's beautiful, healthy leaves. I think you did rather well.

thanks ever so much sue,,, cheers to you and dale,,, i have impressed myself, must say,, i like it when i do that. your lovely garden has it's own greenfest going on as well,, soon a splitting skin,, then no stopping it,, anxious for you sue,, going to be fun watching your ride,, :Namaste:
everything looks as green as it gets :Namaste:

very well done mate, cheers to you, your hard work is about to pay out ;)
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