PB's Persistent Pot Condo: Established 2019

Well shit...I'm ready to move into the condo....I'll be your mite control. I'm not fully awake yet but do you seriously rent/own a condo just for cannabis?

+1 for meijer ice cream containers. At this point I think we eat store-brand ice cream more for the containers than the ice cream :D I stack a bunch together upside down, heat the end of one of those hollow metal acid brush handles with a torch and push the hot end down through all the containers at once...producing a duplicate hole in each. Lather, rinse, repeat until you have enough holes for drainage!
Well you know life just gets in the way sometimes. I'm like the dog that says " squirrel!" in that kids movie...

If you can get a hold of some Monster Pebbles from @George from The Vault then you should. Super weed from bean to bake. CHeers yall have a great day!
Hey there! I want to thank you for all you've taught me. I'm inches away from parlaying your knowledge into one hell of a good opportunity. PB the pot farmer, almost official! CHeers, have a great day!

Happy Father's Day! I'm busier than a one armed paper hanger, but Monster Pebbles says she's ready! Hope you all are well and I hope to have more to play on the interwebs soon. CHeers yall, have a great day! :yahoo:

Thanks for keeping up with me @DonkeyDick , I like to update but I sure don't have time to brows!

You ever feel like you grabbed the tiger by the tail? I'm locked on with the death grip. Step one...lawyering up! We got a good one, here's a bouquet of flowers for him. CHeers! :yahoo:

My head is gonna explode from balance sheet this and flow chart that!

More of this, less of that please! We are making progress though. Cheers ya'll!
Holy shit- Good thing you caught that... :oops:
Odd that the clock is still working...
Probably a good idea for us all to check for loose connections...
Hiyall! I've learned that lawyers and accountants match the pace of weed growth...not fast enough, but keep on them and eventually you get results! We have 1st draft of operating agreement, one step closer to full time farmer!

CHeers, have a great day! :yahoo:
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