Perpetual Grow Among Other Things!

RDWC for the win Growlow! :)

Nice update FE. That PC really does sound nice. I am very interested in your smoke report of it when the time comes. How cool will that be on Xmass? All the turkey and stuff and then for desert you get some Pinapple smoke! that will be nice. Trade you some smoke? :)
RDWC for the win Growlow! :)

Nice update FE. That PC really does sound nice. I am very interested in your smoke report of it when the time comes. How cool will that be on Xmass? All the turkey and stuff and then for desert you get some Pinapple smoke! that will be nice. Trade you some smoke? :)

Thanks! That does make it sound tasty. I do look forward to a fresh strain to play with ;)
Just some eye candy!


Uploaded pics was gonna post but wasn't feeling great.. nothing serious just was beat to shit... So at least have some plant porn ;)

Have a good day today!

You're bringing me back to my days of RDWC. A good sized and very tidy set up mate!

Thank you for posting !
Yes you nailed it.. I am glad you said it.. My first run the room was a mess.. dirty.. dusty and etc. So in between I painted and redid entire room. Wanted a calm clean .. science sort of feeling and so far it has actually been hugely beneficial.

Knock on wood no bugs.. and easy to upkeep and maintain! Other than my laziness or noviceness rather things have been easy to dial in now...

Again thanks for looking and hopefully I'll keep it worth checking on....


Hope you feel better bro. The veg tent looks really green now. Everything looks to be going well in there. The flower tent looks very exciting. Look at all those flowers! Nice one! :)

Thanks Bama. Those nugs are around the corner for you ;)

Gurgle Gurgle....


So today reading Comrade Vlads journal I was reminded of res water levels. I didn't heed them and it could be the cause of slow growth on my seedlings that grew fast until recently and the near death of the TW. Maybe when it face planted the roots didn't get internally damaged. I just tried to drown it instead. Anyway tubs running half full. I would rather let them breath as they are suppose to even if it means adding water daily. I wonder what is too low? My tubs are flatter by design so below net pots is already around only half full... I am running the flower ones higher up but they drink so much now that it will be low in a day or two anyway.

So Lets start with some stats then maybe I can get a real post in uninterrupted. Ok I won't count on it.


So things are all in line.. Still high Humidity but I can't seem to get it to stay lower. More adjusting with fans tonight. I have no issue's on heat now at all but I do worry it may start to get too cold in there soon. (basement temp 59 and colder weather on way) Still not yet but that new old HPS may yet be uncovered again.


So let's have a little talk about the nursery. Maybe I can get some feed back on some stuff...


So this gal right here is my TW. I know i know she has had it rough.

But... She is now rebounding nicely for the last 48 hours. All the nodes are growing and where I topped it has started to grow as well now. Definitely showing growth and life again. Should I chuck it in the flower tent as the original plan. If it is "cured" but needs to just grow more I want to do it. 4 1/2 weeks on the 3 in flower now and I mean they grew so much I am sure it will have the chance to pop. I probably will do it or..... put the WW in just 1 week ahead and harvest them 1 week apart later. When it nearly died it through a monkey wrench in the plan but the back up is still valid putting the PC clone in the is ready to go...

This is the WW


2 lowest sets of leaves have the issue's on it. This plant is obviously a robust strain and didn't get affected as the TW face plant. It can swim better apparently.


these two little ones are growing but as I said slower than expected. Expect good things to come!

So over in the Disco light tent look at the funny picture below! The two plants are pushing against the front of the tent!


Reminds me of my younger days when you got a corner of a big dope block. It would have the


So the light is "almost" at the top. I guess I will need all of it as they have not stopped reaching for it. Looks like some LST is in the future. Certainly not a bad problem to have I don't believe. As long as all those nodes grow big fat buds that PC will be delicious!

This will be really fun squeezing another two plants in here very very soon. I can squish the tubs over to one side they are centered right now but these monsters may eat anything I put in there

I am just lucky that I am working multiple things as I am or the issue's with like the TW I would have me more stressed. I really am ok with it as harvest is (fingers crossed) 3-4 weeks away. Then WW 5 weeks behind that..(TW 6?) so the perpetual is still trying to take hold.. Slipped a little out of my hands but I think I can still hold it.

Thanks for spending your time over my place tonight.... :passitleft:


FE, How big is that tent? It seems like you may have some room in the back right corner of the pics but it will be a small space. I know you are only going to throw a little girl in there, and you will put it on top of something until it grows taller, but that is going to be tight I would think. I love how your girls are pushing up on the panel of the tent. I am hoping for that myself in a week or two. :) But I went with a big tent to allow the plants to have a square meter for each plant. However I do not do individual pots. Everyone swims in the same pool. :) I guess I am saying you might want to consider a bigger tent with a taller ceiling. Have a go with what you are currently planning, but really look at footprints if that is the size of the plants you plan on throwing into flower. If it goes vertical instead of bushing out, then great. You would have a few like Doc Bud in his current demo grow. He put a few girls into flower before they got real big and he did a pretty intense defol on them. Just recently he did a mega lollipop on them and they look funny but are producing some amazing amount of buds considering. That method may be more inline with what you are planning.
I saw what you were asking of Cronic and I was just blown away as well by his answers. 3 - 4 weeks of veg and he is getting monsters. My plants went 6 weeks in veg and I am not sure I will get as big as his do. :)
FE, How big is that tent? It seems like you may have some room in the back right corner of the pics but it will be a small space. I know you are only going to throw a little girl in there, and you will put it on top of something until it grows taller, but that is going to be tight I would think. I love how your girls are pushing up on the panel of the tent. I am hoping for that myself in a week or two. :) But I went with a big tent to allow the plants to have a square meter for each plant. However I do not do individual pots. Everyone swims in the same pool. :) I guess I am saying you might want to consider a bigger tent with a taller ceiling. Have a go with what you are currently planning, but really look at footprints if that is the size of the plants you plan on throwing into flower. If it goes vertical instead of bushing out, then great. You would have a few like Doc Bud in his current demo grow. He put a few girls into flower before they got real big and he did a pretty intense defol on them. Just recently he did a mega lollipop on them and they look funny but are producing some amazing amount of buds considering. That method may be more inline with what you are planning.
I saw what you were asking of Cronic and I was just blown away as well by his answers. 3 - 4 weeks of veg and he is getting monsters. My plants went 6 weeks in veg and I am not sure I will get as big as his do. :)

His shit is amazing to put it bluntly... Yes i am trying to copy him in any way i can. ;)

You did kinda nail it. I want to see if i can start popping plants in flower very early and let them grow as tall as they want and harvest quick. If i start them into flower young they will have plenty of space. If i do 6 weeks 7 weeks like I have then i will be tightly packed but heck i am also kinda ok with it being tight if they look like the ones in there now. Yah I can shuffle and stuff I looked again a few minutes ago. I think on a milk crate will be just about right.

I spent about 20 minutes tonight looking over a next year possible separate room for flower only. Bigger than my current grow room. It wouldn't cost much and I bet I could complete it in 1 -2 days.. hmmm not sure what the wifey would think.. lol I am sure she would just laugh at me.. Thinks my hobby is kinda humorous.

So lastly a big bolshoe spasibo to Comrade Vlad for running too much water so I would realize I was too. For some reason i never even thought of it when I changed the res's a few days ago.

The veg plants... all of them showed improvements. Leaves all popped up spirited. Even in just a few hours the seedlings showed growth. More than they had in a few days combined. Things should be back on track.

This time I am done for the night


Don't touch this! It smells!


Lets throw up dem stats...


again right at PAR with a little up on the Humid.

So one noticeable thing to note... On purpose if i rub a sugar leave on my finger on PC it does indeed smell of pineapple with a super sweet after smell (the BC?). My wife told me it did and I asked her just what it smelled hints ..hehe. My N1 plant same rub.. smells like the bud i am smoking they looked similar really up to a few days ago and now look nothing alike. The N1's seem to be done stretch. The PC seems to still be growing but maybe less today than last few days.. the PC has a lot of little nugs all over and long thick stocks. The N1 became a bush....

Take a look!


The right side is obviously the n1's two plants.
Left is the single PC.

And some others!!!


So look at this Beaut! in RL Light!


I am definitely doing a better job on this flower run for sure!

The flower run not Veg.....

Ok J/K just a few day set back but the Girls in the Nursery are loving life today! Really! I mean i was holding them back and they all showed growth, color, everything improvement today!



These two above.... The decision is made... Both into flower maybe as early as this post publishing.. The TW has seen heck but is showing such an improvement in the last 36 hours that it is going in Flower F it. The Ww took a beating fromthe extra water but just some leaves where being sucked dry. I stopped it and she grew a healthy amount today... I'll look at her roots etc later tonight. About those roots... Stay Tuned....


The seedlings look Better today than ever. No roots from the bottom of the pots yet. Slight concern but I am sure it will just be a day or two.


I am a little unsure what to do with the PC clones. Plans have changed so much on them and when i was unsure on the strain etc I almost dumped em and stuff.... Not now... This may work out as a keeper if the taste is as good as the current smell. PC typically is strong too so looking great on this strain so far. One thought was a serious topping...Like back down to 2 or 3 nodes... keep the one or two that respond the best. Send them into flower with the BK and the DCC seedlings in 4 weeks... Probably a really good plan if they take it well... stay tuned on that shit too!!! Later....


Look close at the roots coming out of the base of the plant. You really need to f up bad to kill most of them. This thing started new roots as high up as it could so it wouldn't drown. Good lesson for me.. Funny part is I knew the importance on water level. I learned a long time ago to let the roots stretch to the water early on. I guess I had spaced that stuff. Damn I am getting old what did i forget today?

Anyway things are back to a happy place and really back on track or schedule. Pretty stoked!!!

So i think I recall bama asking me about tric's and stuff somewhere here or elsewhere.. On my first grow I messed her up bad so she didn't really change. Good bud .. Well ok bud in the end... But slightly cloudy only and all pistils really totally browned after harvest. I had some early brown pistils from deficiencies and then no more changed until they where hanging and then all of em did. I wondered at the time if it was just a shitty strain but i think it was from my noobism. 3 more weeks and i'll know as long as things stay on track!

Ok enough rambling if I stop i may just get my ass up and go throw some plants against a wall then into flower...ok more careful this time...


Thanks for the interest.
Yah I am surprised myself that it has been stretching so much....SAN. but things seem odd to me anyway on it because my last one was a scrog and i picked the height basically. I hope it is done though because light is at the top now and if it keeps going I am going to have to LST her back south..heheh 5 weeks flower almost so it should be slowing down. 3 weeks of bud fattening sounds delicious! The N1 is bag seed and was kinda low qual strain but smokes nice it was from my first grow. It stayed much more bushy. The PC kept going vert and the N1 settled into a bush.. That was when you could really see strain differences (I worried they where the same for awhile) But I got the PC seed from a bag as well but it was good PC so I didnt think it was the same but appearance for awhile was almost exactly the same. So we all question stuff ..

Thanks for posting even little things it helps. I guess I like to work for an audience. 420 forum is teaching me things about myself personally.



Oh what the heck here we go!

So a post for your viewing pleasure... Ok to look at not really pleasurable.


Above was after "F in carefully" moved both flowers over. I wanted the PC in the middle.


This is the new home for the WW and TW.


And there they are... so small and all!


And a last good Pick of the PC for the night.

So i realized real quick that a tiny bit higher on the new members would have been better but they are almost directly below one of the banks of LEDs on the light. I will just need to LST that pc a lot because it already was spreading out when it got moved. The extra room it thought was for it. Nope stay back Beotch those TW and WW plants need their LIGHT!

Everything went good in the move over.. No plant face planting.. No ripped roots... PH and ppm where checked and good but PPM a little low. It needs different nutes as i used some premade stuff from lowering all the all tubs the other day. But will maybe swap all three flower tubs early this time or just add some more to F3 tub not sure yet. Depends how they respond.

3 or 4 hours after the swap the two where looking great, they had continued to have the nice green center and showing continued growth and lush where it is. TW just looks like shit so most people would be like yah sure it looks good... But I have seen it along the way and all the issues halted and when it started to begin the really healthy growth I new it could handle flower. I think. lol

All the issue's are low on the plant won't even be there later. So far I have been semi lollipoping my plants in flower.
The tops are growing again so I really will only keep from that point up. But I need those shitty leaves to still do something until the rest start to pop. A week or two and things will be looking a lot different in there on them.

This puts me on 3/5 week schedule so far. Really I will be on 4 week from here on out as I can harvest in 3 and it free's up between 2-4 flower spots. My choice. So if all works well 2 Pc clones the DCC and BK will all hit flower in 4 weeks. Well things change too much to be sure though.

Temps where cold last night outside 20's F. So I was thinking it may be time to do the HPS in veg thing again. It is starting to get to low 60's in my grow room in quiet mode. The basement is down to mid 50's but I think it doesn't get too much lower in winter. I think using that HPS to do veg is as good as a heater... I have to say i do prefer the T5 it just is a quieter feeling light. But the hps no question is substantially stronger even on 50%.

Well the day must begin Have a safe one.


I love the pics. I am sure they will be fine in flower. Just look at what chronic is doing. I am a little jealous of your 3 - 4 weeks of harvest. I would have to do a whole redesign of my system to get to that point. Not going to happen for me I am afraid. But I am excited to see what your tent and system start producing. Every 4 weeks you get to chop something and by the time you chop the next plant the first one has finished a 3 week cure. So you will be smoking some fine meds very soon! Now that is a very elegant setup. Good job! :) I am going with the brute force approach. Mass quantity to tide me and mine over while the next flowering happens. Every 2 months a harvest, but the harvest should be in KG instead of Oz's. :) LOL
Not much to update tonight.. Well there is but no pics... Late... Very medicated....

I did reinstall the MHS light running at 300w. It is in veg. Things where in the mid 60's but I know in lights out is was going to cause the flower to drop much lower. Even with the MHS in there it just slowly rises in the room and the flower tent stabilized at 70 or so... The room fan barely has to turn on and it cools fast (56 in Basement now) Fan is only even running at 50% as well so much to adjust if needed. Humidity should drop I hope with the hotter light. Well we'll just see.

I got all the stats and will post them with other pics at some point. ummm.. Everything is good and growing.....

Flower tent is crowded. So I definately think that in the future I need to for one thing defol... i don't think I will on the PC much but the N1's I really still have a good amount of. This run will be far superb but not as much of a want as that PC. Two plants per tub would be better with a heavy defol at some point each time like now..or... just a bigger tent. Next year I will have a flower room separate. (next year isnt

Second thing i need to do... Try to nail it down to 3 week cycles. Sounds crazy huh? IT IS! I was trying to calendar it out... that would be some busy ass shit... how does Cronic do that.. damn..

Maybe after a few harvests I will switch over to just 3 in flower at a time.. 1 per tub. I will be through my initial runs on all first. The plants will be strains i have already harvested so I can let them use more space to stock up. My recent seed success I have used 4 of 20 so I have back up seeds of all.. Plus for now i can just do clones as well...

oh well guess it's just a ramble post... Have a good night


Snip Snip


So I'll start with yesterdays stats....


These below are today's...


You can see i added some flower nutes to F3.. It will be changed this weekend but the PPM's are lower than The two plants had in veg so why slow it down. They both looked great so I was not worried with it. Got shit figured out on them.. look


Don't let those leaves fool you the centers and the topping are doing very well..

So I kinda jumped in the flower tent so here we go.....


The PC and the two N1's are at week 5 flip today. So a few more weeks to fatten up. They need it. Developing just as I hoped. Stretch is basically done. They need to really focus on buds now for me. I am sure they will do all they can ;)

So I did a Slight defol on the N1's only... First flaw with my set up.. yah right like I can get in there... Should done it before 2 plants went in. Or if I was on 3 week or 4 week schedule I would only have one tub to defol at a time and if it was set up in the center it would be no problem. I could even take it out,

So here is what it started as....


And after.. not too much...


So just looking to make sure the bottoms get some air. The leaves even as low as I was still had "some" LED rainbows on them. So they where still getting something but yah, I will do it different next flowers.. The TW and WW.

So The next recruits who are moving through the ranks....


Back to very simple here.. The Veg is now in the calm again. Plants are loving it again ... So things in both veg and flower are calm again.

The MHS light at 300W is working ideal. It is keeping veg at 72-4 and (where it is) and flower is 70 hot low 60's cool.. great. !!It helps temps increase in both. I am only running it 50% so I bet i could pop it up if i want or need. Still hate the humidity but until it becomes and issue I can only work to correct it and keep and eye on things. Veg is better on the Humidity but the small tent flower with all the transpiration is always running above ideal. If I recall it will slow down on that in a week or two? .. Maybe it was because my other plant was wrecked.. lol I can try fan adjustments again..

So the littlest ones are really loving the light... welll all of the veg plants are doing well.. I am going to do a severe topping on two of the PC's anytime. I want to see how they respond to a serious top and if the DCC and the BK catch up to them. I will leave one that i topped before as is so if it kills them.

So I think that is it for tonight....

Thanks for the beer... I'll buy you one next time...




So tonight's bed time story starts with....

Last nights butchering of two perfectly fine plants... Gather round kids this one will be a good story!

Here is PRE


I did some of this!!!


And they now look like this...


So that was last night....

Tonight it looked like this...


No worse for the wear.. Ok so that part was Bull sh... But the plants sealed up nice and really the rest of the growth still developed. Shoulda hacked more I guess.... J/K .. So I can't even touch the mother in the flower of these two and it is super sticky and smelly so worth doing something with them for sure. Still debating future flower options but they will have their time. or the not so topped one.. lol


These two are the next main course meal of this story but that is in a different book of the series. Sorry still learning how to take pictures in the MH light... They are going very well and finally a single root from the bottom of each pot. well one side one bottom. They are gaining vigor and small leaves etc forming well...

The Stats for the day where as follows....


I think this is the closest I have run it to perfect yet... Well what I envision perfect not that that is correct... Just really close and as close as I have seen. Like Veg is high PPM but intentional at this time for what is in the tank. Tiny high on the DCC and BK but at 775 they loved it so they went in this tank awhile ago and only hit a wall from my errors. All great now!

So the last part of the chapter in tonight's book leaves you hanging but hoping for the success of the mission!

TW and WW are on the swing up. look!


They are a little buried but the top of the plants are in direct light and they are showing it. The PPM 's went to right where I want them with the added flower stuff last night. The green from the center is showing to spread through out all the top leaves and the topping last week has healthy sprouts. Seems like these two may be the first of how I get my pattern down. Or work towards the trial and error side of it for sure.

So the rest of the tent well actually looks "BRILLIANT!!"


The stretch I guess is done and it stopped BAM right where I needed it to... The buds are definitely getting bigger. There was so much stretch on the PC I am not sure if the bud will be airy or nugs... I don't really care actually. Even the N1's look zero like last grow if you really look at the buds. White hairs are tripled easily. The other got laid though...

There are several Cola's on the PC but there are 4 dominant ones and those are littered with bud sites. There are few leaves to slow the light on them. If I don't f up these should be extremely productive in the next three weeks..



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