Please help! My first time cloning: are my clones dying? Or maybe overwatered?

I'm near 100% on my cloning. It's low-tech crazy easy if you follow the right steps. Clones need warmth, humidity, and light. You should also use a good rooting hormone; I'm using Clonex gel. I use 3" pots for the cuttings, and my medium is high-quality coir with some perlite. I add a slight amount of nutes to the medium. I take cuttings of fresh not woody stem with my trimming scissors. I sterilize the scissors with a lighter prior to using. (There's more cutting details – let me know if you need more info.) I water the medium and drain before placing cuttings in the pots. I also use a wooden pencil end or small stick, about 1/4" dia., to poke a hole in the center of the medium in each pot, 1" depth, where the cutting will go. I sterilize the pencil end with a lighter prior to use. I use a DIY humidity dome made out of a clear plastic tote bin, inverted, with some 1/4" holes drilled in the ends of the bin to allow some air flow. The bin sits on the lid of the bin, with a 1x2" wooden board at each end to provide a gap for air flow into the bin. The cuttings in 3" pots are placed in rows on the lid. I mist/spray the plants and whole interior of the bin w/ purified water, including the lid (as a reservoir), multiple times a day. Avoid letting the environment dry out. The bin is on a very flat table in my clone/veg greenhouse, protected from the sun because that would be too hot for the clones. I have a low-wattage, daylight spectrum LED light on the bin, on a timer, so the clones get plenty of light all day long (I'm off grid, so conservative w/ power). I have a 2nd low-wattage bulb that provides night-interruption on another timer, to prevent flowering. Our ambient daytime temps are consistently 75-80, a bit more in summer. I cut back some on the mist/spray as the clones get toward 2 weeks in the bin. Toward the end, I'm looking for white roots coming out the bottom of the 3" pots, then they're ready for planting into a growing medium in 1 gal. pots.
100% success with one of these Bubble Cloners. They root in 7-10 days every time.
I'm near 100% on my cloning. It's low-tech crazy easy if you follow the right steps. Clones need warmth, humidity, and light. You should also use a good rooting hormone; I'm using Clonex gel. I use 3" pots for the cuttings, and my medium is high-quality coir with some perlite. I add a slight amount of nutes to the medium. I take cuttings of fresh not woody stem with my trimming scissors. I sterilize the scissors with a lighter prior to using. (There's more cutting details – let me know if you need more info.) I water the medium and drain before placing cuttings in the pots. I also use a wooden pencil end or small stick, about 1/4" dia., to poke a hole in the center of the medium in each pot, 1" depth, where the cutting will go. I sterilize the pencil end with a lighter prior to use. I use a DIY humidity dome made out of a clear plastic tote bin, inverted, with some 1/4" holes drilled in the ends of the bin to allow some air flow. The bin sits on the lid of the bin, with a 1x2" wooden board at each end to provide a gap for air flow into the bin. The cuttings in 3" pots are placed in rows on the lid. I mist/spray the plants and whole interior of the bin w/ purified water, including the lid (as a reservoir), multiple times a day. Avoid letting the environment dry out. The bin is on a very flat table in my clone/veg greenhouse, protected from the sun because that would be too hot for the clones. I have a low-wattage, daylight spectrum LED light on the bin, on a timer, so the clones get plenty of light all day long (I'm off grid, so conservative w/ power). I have a 2nd low-wattage bulb that provides night-interruption on another timer, to prevent flowering. Our ambient daytime temps are consistently 75-80, a bit more in summer. I cut back some on the mist/spray as the clones get toward 2 weeks in the bin. Toward the end, I'm looking for white roots coming out the bottom of the 3" pots, then they're ready for planting into a growing medium in 1 gal. pots.
Thanks for thorough advice- I will be taking some tips
@JohnnyDavidson420 Fyi, my clones don't yellow like that. I leave on small leaves, and a couple larger leaves, clipping the larger ones as you have done. Everything stays green as they develop, except the original 2 bigger leaves will start to yellow a bit on the edges. Once a clone is planted and growing, I'll just clip off those original, yellowing leaves.
@JohnnyDavidson420 Fyi, my clones don't yellow like that. I leave on small leaves, and a couple larger leaves, clipping the larger ones as you have done. Everything stays green as they develop, except the original 2 bigger leaves will start to yellow a bit on the edges. Once a clone is planted and growing, I'll just clip off those original, yellowing leaves.
Yeah totally- it's not the same for everyone. I've repotted rooted clones with yellowing leaves several times. They always bounce back. I buy them from my friends cause they sell the yellowing clones cheaper- I've repotted healthier looking clones but they all looked the same in the end imo.
Woke up and checked the cuttings today. Four have successfully rooted! Each have one root sticking out. I'll take photos today when I get a chance.
I'm wondering, what are your guys views on repotting? As in, how many roots do you wait for before doing so? I normally wait for a few on each cube but have repotted clones with 20+ visible roots.
i usually wait till they are decently established. so a few roots sticking out, not to the point they need a haircut. they'll catch just fine after only a couple poke out though.

lol i built a couple of those myself. i now just hempy cup my clones. super easy.
Morning JD
Sorry for the clone dying but that's most time normal for me one out of three usually dies on me.
Hey Dude. None have died yet fortunately- they're still rooting. I checked 2 hours after my last post and six had rooted. The rest look good. I think most will have rooted by the end of the day.
Just checked- 7 have rooted now.
All of the cuttings with a yellowing fan leaf have rooted. One with a green fan leaf has rooted. I read that the stem pulls the nutrients out the leaf as it is forming roots- hence the yellowing of the leaf. I might be lucky enough to get 12/12 rooted. Let's wait and see..
P.s excuse the state of the stems- I fucked up a bit but I know for next time.
I would keep the bottom of your tray filled with water so the pods don't dry out and replace the water occasionally. The packaging of the rapid rooters brand mentions doing it that way. Not sure if you're using them specifically or some other peat pods; but my advice would probably be the same. The pods looked really dry in some of your first posts.
I would keep the bottom of your tray filled with water so the pods don't dry out and replace the water occasionally. The packaging of the rapid rooters brand mentions doing it that way. Not sure if you're using them specifically or some other peat pods; but my advice would probably be the same. The pods looked really dry in some of your first posts.
Thanks man. I think it's just the colouring of the photo. They're much darker to the naked eye and have constantly been moist. Definitely was too dry on the tray but it was re-misted etc right after the photo. Humidity 80% at the moment.
Checked them this morning- 10/12 have successfully rooted. I'm really happy with that. I was hoping for 8 at the most. Don't think I would have had the same success without help from you guys- so thanks again!

Don't know why the rooting cubes look so dry in the photo's. They're all moist all over.
Thanks man! It's good to feel confident about doing it again.
That's what she said!

EDIT: Been testing one new product for me with clones cuz it says can be used for fresh clones... I going research more one posting product, and results. I'm 4 for 4 so far with product with overall 99% success on clones rooted in past
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